SSV Normandy SR1

    SSV Normandy SR1 v1.1

    Great ship
    again mass effect fan. next can you whip up a normandy SR-2 alliance version?
    I'm currently working on a big project that will likely take a lot of time to finish. If I get bored somewhere in the middle, I might take a break to start work on one. Now that I've made a good-looking SR1, I fully plan on making my own version of the SR2 sometime in the future. Stay tuned!
    Ah, good! It finally got approved and posted! I love! I have two Normandy's now which is an excellent addition to my SA fleet. Great interior and detailing as usual, no surprise there! Another great build I'm happy to add to my active fleet. You and Anubis ought to collaborate and maybe plan on making projects together or splitting the ME universe by deciding who's going to build what. I would love to see you both putting out all of the major races from the council.

    I'm already creating a massive ME universe where BJ's Sovereign will will attack SA/Council forces. With the shipyard update, repairing and modifying will be much easier now. I can afford to get a ship shot to pieces and then repair all the missing blocks. I'm relying on you two to keep pumping out the best ME content. I'm considering on making a ME Universe Server. I'll discuss it with you both first of course.

    Again, I'm glad to see the SR-1 has been updated!
    Nicely done! And a well executed upgrade from your previous iteration of the Normandy!
    Thanks! I like your versions of the SR2 as well!