Space:1999 Eagle System Canonical Set (updated docking + new content)

    Space:1999 Eagle System Canonical Set (updated docking + new content) 2.0

    This is a re-release of version 1.0 with redesigned docking that takes advantage of the new rail system plus some other improvements.

    This set consists of a single Eagle transporter craft and 8 dockable pods:
    • Type “A” Passenger Pod
    • Type “B” Rescue Pod
    • Type “C” Laboratory Pod
    • Type “D” Cargo Pod
    • Type “E” Winch Pod
    • Type “H” Habitat Pod
    • Type “M” Mission Pod
    • Pod Mechanical Template

    FAQs not yet asked:

    For crying out loud you just pushed version 1.0 a few weeks ago and you’re already updating it?

    Yes I ignored the warnings about the old docking system being replaced “soon” and that patch came sooner than I was expecting. On the bright side I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to make some other notable improvements, which include:​
    • Eagle thrust/power ratio has been adjusted so it can now hover in atmosphere without anti-grav assist.
    • All components are now painted “Lunar White” to match the TV models. Version 1.0 components were painted gray because I found it easier to look at and work with, but it never really seemed right.
    • There was a discontinuity with the Type A pod and the TV series. The pod most often seen was the Type A but it could have two different interiors, one for passengers and another more utilitarian often used in so-called Reconnaissance Eagle configurations. To represent both I’ve added the Type M mission pod to complement the original Type A. Externally the Type M looks more like the most commonly used pod of the series.
    • The pod docking collars are now extendable/retractable using an internal activation module. They should be retracted during docking maneuvers to prevent collision problems and enabled when docked and gravity is turned on. [I tried to automate them using area triggers per SkaireKrough’s suggestion but wasn’t able to get it to work. Although the area trigger boxes are non-collidable they appear to still count as blocking mass in the docking fit computation. Bug?].
    • The mechanicals of the pod design are fairly complex so to help make new designs easier I’ve added a bare bones template pod.
    • Thanks to the new rail system the pods are no longer upside-down.
    I’ve watched every episode and movie and own every model and this sir looks nothing like the Eagle!

    Yes I know. The soul of the Eagle design is its distinctive pilot module and no model will ever look right if that can’t be accurately reproduced. In StarMade I’m more interested in having a functional reproduction than an artistic one. I once spent a lot of time making a very accurate reproduction in Second Life with its much more sophisticated primitives. I was satisfied with the result but in the end it was no fun because I couldn’t use it to fly around space and visit other planets! In StarMade I just think of the models as the Eagle toy collection I always wanted when I was 8 years old.​

    I’ve read every script, novel and fan club publication and you sir make up a lot of crap!

    Yes I won’t deny it. Part of the fun for me is making up missing backstory for the models. Where I deviate horribly from canon I’ll point it out. But in fact there was a lot of missing history in the Space:1999 universe which its creators never bothered to explore. I promise I’ll not introduce anything that violates the original spirit of Space:1999 any more than the entirety of Season 2 did.​

    Eagle Transporter

    The Eagle is the workhorse of the Moonbase Alpha lunar fleet. In fact, it is now the only kind of ship in the Alphan fleet thanks to an unfortunate mishap involving thousands of tons of exploding nuclear waste which propelled them and their moon away from their homeworld and into deep space. The Eagle performs many different roles in their daily struggle for survival and it generally performs very well. It is however a working vehicle not a fighting one and as such combating hostile aliens and what-not is best left to other designs.

    The craft is simple and modular in design. The fore section consists of a cockpit/command module attached to a crew/service module. The cockpit is adequately sized for a pilot and co-pilot crew with room for a few spares for unusually risky missions. The fore section is connected to the aft engine section by a dorsal tubular-truss spine. Despite appearances and due to clever design the spine has proven to be impossibly strong and there are no known limits to the amount of weight it can support.

    The mid-section below the spine is designed to dock with a number of standardized service pods that give the craft multi-mission capabilities.

    The engine section contains all of the technological hooey to support the four nuclear fusion rockets, extended use of which provides the engine room with a nice purplish afterglow. While popular with the kids the Eagle crews prefer to keep as much mass between this section and themselves as possible. Lacking a pod made of solid lead a fully laden passenger transport pod is considered to do just fine.

    Handling-wise the Eagle is as quick and nimble as one can expect from a utility vehicle. It has the power to lift off from ordinary planetary bodies pod-loaded without the need for expensive anti-gravitics.

    Mass: 70.1

    Type “A” Passenger Pod

    The passenger pod is commonly used to transport Alphans, light cargo and the occasional xenomorph between lunar facilities and for short-term extralunar activities. Features for passenger comfort include:
    • Floor to ceiling windows
    • Adjustable gravity
    • Forward entertainment center with lots of stuff to look at
    • Two species-neutral refreshers aft
    Type “B” Rescue Pod

    When the rescue pod appears you can be sure someone is having a bad day. Within its ruggedized exterior it is packed to the brim with all sorts of high tech extrication, intrication, resuscitation and communication gear used to respond to any manner of emergencies in space or on a planetary surface. It features:
    • Reinforced structure and sidewalls for maximum survivability in alien environments
    • Integrated airlock/decontamination chamber
    • Incident command and communication center forward
    • Complete infirmary with field surgery capability aft
    • Surround lighting with twin high visibility beacons on the roof
    Type “C” Laboratory Pod (Redesigned)

    The transportable laboratory was the brainchild of the Alphan Science Branch. After a few mishaps studying violent and insane xenomorphs at moonbase facilities it was decided it would be more prudent to instead take the science to the alien worlds. Only a few of these pods were made, converted from decommissioned Type “O” EVA operations pods (see Eagle System Expansion Set 2). It features:
    • Twin isolation chambers/large capacity airlocks
    • Tons of computing power with high-bandwidth moonbase uplink capability
    • Window-free design for formulating new theories with minimal distractions
    Type “D” Cargo Pod

    There was a time when Alphan homeworld politicians concluded it would be safer to launch thousands of tons of nuclear waste through the atmosphere on top of rockets toward the moon to be buried under its surface than it would be to simply shoot it toward their sun or bury it in the middle a big desert somewhere. The cargo transport pod was thus devised to assist with that logistical nightmare. It essentially turns the Eagle into a flatbed truck allowing hazardous cargo to be moved about with a minimum of fuss. It features:
    • Powerful electromagnetic floor clamps
    • Nifty overhead work lights
    • Frame made of the same unlimited tensile strength material that the Eagle spine is made of
    Type “E” Magnetic Winch Pod

    When the Alphan Science Branch finally concluded that burying highly concentrated masses of radioactive material in their back yard was a questionable practice they needed a system to extract the containers from the underground bunkers for relocation. Once again necessity was the mother of invention and the Engineering Branch improvised the winch pod. When not otherwise committed to futile assignments the winch pods can also be used to ferry heavy freight. It features:
    • Allows the Eagle to carry loads larger than the standard service pod form factor
    • Jumbo superconducting cryoplasmic positromagnetic grapple
    • Great for retrieving lost keys
    Type “H” Habitat Pod

    Habitat pods are among the oldest of the pod designs. They served as standard living units during the initial phases of Moonbase Alpha construction and were painted orange to stand out in the ever-present haze of stirred up lunar dust. When construction was completed the unneeded habitat pods were eventually auctioned off to private explorers, yacht builders, museum curators and space parade float builders. But a few were preserved and upgraded by the Lunar Authority to be used as mobile office suites by visiting dignitaries and high ranking bureaucrats. The orange coloring was retained in honor of the noble early pioneers. It features:
    • Integrated airlock/sauna
    • Remote office suite forward
    • Plush comfort suite aft
    • Free unlimited movies, games and gourmet coffee
    NOTE: For purists, this is semi-canon. An orange pod carrying the Commissioner of the Earth Space Authority made a cameo in the series premiere and it was later described as “his” transporter. That orange pods were exceptional was thus established. The rest I made up.

    Type “M” Mission Pod (New)

    Mission pods are commonly seen throughout the Eagle fleet. Whereas other pods are designed for specific purposes, mission pods are designed for maximum configurability where their loadouts are determined by the requirements of a specific task or mission specialists on hand. When in doubt Eagle loadmasters will strap on a mission pod and hope for the best. It features:
    • Basic independent life support systems (approximately 30 human-days)
    • Auxiliary electrical power generation facilities
    • Communication and compute power sufficient to serve localized mission requirements
    • Generous storage capacity with highly reconfigurable interior
    Operator’s Manual

    All pods share the same docking alignment system. To dock a pod to an Eagle, enter the pod’s ship core, ensure the rail docker is selected and then maneuver and align the pod to target the docking rail at the center of the Eagle’s spine and click. (The Eagle can activate a light adjacent to the docking rail to assist when necessary.) When docked correctly you should see a single green hazard block in the middle of the screen.

    If gravity is enabled you’ll want to extend the docking collars to prevent unplanned EVAs. Simply enable the activation module which is located under the ship core. Don’t forget to retract the docking collars before undocking the pod to prevent unplanned aerobatics.

    To undock, enter the ship core, ensure the rail docker is selected and click. There may or may not be visible movement. Thrust downwards until the Eagle is clear.

    NOTE: When unstacking the Canonical Set it’s best to start from the bottom pod and work towards the Eagle. If you start from the top you’ll likely have collision problems because of the heavier unbalanced mass underneath.


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    Last update
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