SDN-135 Arjuna (Dreadnought)

    SDN-135 Arjuna (Dreadnought) Rev C

    A new ship, straight from lord Zeno9141's Spearhead Yachtworks, the SDN-135 Arjuna! Crafted with sweat, blood, and a few corruption scares by yours truly, please enjoy.

    Designed to be as flexible as possible on the battlefield, she comes armed with 19 Trans-Orbital Ballistic Missile tubes distributed across three independent missile control systems. Augmenting this primary loadout is a twin ion beam cannon, a twin railgun and two twin railgun turrets. To deal with smaller combatants, the point defense grid consists of 4 continuous beam laser turrets, 8 pulse beam laser turrets, 12 rolling-airframe missile launchers and 16 Anti-Missile System turrets. To aid in attack missions, it carries 14 Cyclops light strike drones, and has a thruster disruption countermeasure system to hinder hostile mobility in battle.

    It comes with a complete interior. Have fun exploring the shuttle docks, the drone deck, rec room, medical bay, cargo deck, conference room, drop pod bays, reactor core and combat information center.

    For your enjoyment, all primary weapons are equipped with weapon ports controllable from the CIC. Both a 'red alert' and 'abandon ship' button have been included. Upon activation, the interior lighting will change to represent each condition. There are two evacuation tunnels leading from the CIC and medical deck to the drop bays for rapid evacuation. With training, it is possible to disembark and put 5 km between yourself and a dying Arjuna inside of 20 seconds.

    EDIT: Image Walkthrough!

    Please download, comment, rate, have fun and blow up LOTS OF THINGS.

    Technical Specifications:
    Mass: 59476.7
    Dimensions: 256 x 63 x 107
    Power: 99,993,759.9 storage, 2,036,122 e/s supply
    Thrust: 29284.2
    Shields: 11,039,815 capacity, 301,405 regeneration
    Fixed Weapons:
    1. 1x 5-cell Long Range Missile launcher (472,500 damage/missile, 100% explosive)
    2. 2x 7-cell Multi-Mission Missile Launcher (Beam and Pulse slaves, 337,500 damage/missile, 100% explosive)
    3. Twin ion beam cannon (347,850 base damage, double against shields)
    4. 2x heavy railgun (56,900 damage/shell, 100% punch-through)
    5. 2x twin railgun turret
    6. 8x pulse beam turret
    7. 4x continuous beam turret
    8. 12x Rolling Airframe Missile launcher
    9. 16x Quad Anti-Missile System turret
    1. 50% Ion Shield Hardening
    2. 11% Piercing Hardening
    3. Jump Drive (40 second recharge)
    Drones and Docking:
    • Dorsal 7x7x7 shuttle dock
    • Ventral 7x7x7 shuttle dock
    • 14-bay prow-mounted light drone hangar
    • 10-slot 3x3x3 decoy rack (aft ventral mounting)
    First release
    Last update
    4.55 star(s) 11 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    Original Post:
    It's a beautiful ship, The thing is the .sment file dose not have a "LOAD" folder: thus meaning it can not load. Can you fix this? I will re-rate to 5 stars once this problem is solved.

    Edit: The problem has been fixed.
    I had the same problem as Lukea and when I went to spawn this in a multiplayer it just spilled all the blocks and I lost half of it since I could/t grab it. Otherwise this looks like an amazing ship and I wish I could spawn it. If you fix this I ill give it absolutely 5/5 stars.
    The latest revision should have fixed this issue. Be sure to load the blueprint using the catalog manager's import function.
    It's a beautiful ship, The thing is the .sment file dose not have a "LOAD" folder: thus meaning it can not load. Can you fix this? I will re-rate to 5 stars once this problem is solved.
    I'mma admit I'm a little confused by this as these files come straight from the catalog manager exporter, and should probably be loaded using the manager's import function. If this isn't working... I'm totally at a loss for what's up.
    I like the ship but for some resion I cant spawn it in single player mode. It still up loads it but it just wont spawn it and im near a shop and have the money by a long shot. Do you know what i can do to fix this?

    This is one of the best ships I've ever seen oh my god. I mean I don't like the color scheme, but holy crap it's so shapey and triangle-y and color-y I don't even care! and that DETAILS. HHHNNNGGG. with the guns and the missiles and the intakes that are instead missiles and the lasers and the HNNNGGG-

    In short, I think you did really awesome on the shape, the weaponry's details, and while I don't like the color scheme (whiteyness with greeniness, with some reds), due to personal preference, I do think that it's so well executed anyway that I don't even give a f*** about that. in a good way, I mean.

    so yes 5/5 would DL again.
    This thing is both stunning visually and in functionality. And dem escape pods....

    10/5 would download again
    I have enjoyed launching myself multiple times out of the escape pod deck, the interior is amazing, better than I could ever have done, the guns are great too 10/10
    Amazing interior.
    nice looking but weres the faction module either i cant find it cause its buried in the walls or im just plain over looking it
    It's in the big computer core hanging over the commander's tactical map that the core is buried in. It's 2 blocks above the core.
    Amazing interior and details. No match for other ships its size but it does look great. Cant wait to see more.
    Thank you! I did forget to mention it has full ion and punch-through hardening effects as well, and in nuke mode its missiles deal a ~10,000,000 damage alpha.

    I have yet to perform a rigorous combat evaluation... gotta run through the ships catalog and find candidates for a decent gauntlet.

    I'm currently working on a refit version focusing on enhanced combat capability. The story for the new version is that it's supposed to be flown by an AI or digitalized consciousness, allowing it to forego all crew amenities in favor of more subsystems and enhanced weapons.