scrapper class light frigate

    scrapper class light frigate 2025-02-20

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    this ship is built from its predecessor the "persecution class corvette" and it's like its predecessor in many ways like on how the ship is completely helpless without its shield but unlike its predecessor it has a cloak and a large unsaved damage beam built to be used to stop the enemy's shield from recharging to much after bombarding it with missiles the ship also has a cloak so for ships without a scanner it becomes alot more threatening because it can go in and out of cloak while attacking the enemy however with that being said the ships shield while stronger then its predecessor its just a tiny bit smaller then the average shield for a ship of its size mostly because of the cloak and the new damage beams but other then that its still a solid ship for operating in decently sized fleets or for PVE or perhaps if your up for it, commerce raiding
    Screenshot 2025-02-20 104426.png
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    Reactions: docpenguindoc
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