Safety Shelter Station

    Safety Shelter Station 2015-11-25

    This station has no turrets, but you can add some. It has an hangar bay modification for a small hangar bay, and this station has near no shields. What it does not lack, however, is thick advanced armor. Everywhere except places with system block and no people has 2 layers of advanced armor. Systems arent as important as people, so they get 1, or maybe 2 layers. There is an ugly from the outside panic room where if the base is under attack, it is a room completely covered in 3-5 layers of armor. This is not meant as a combat base, it is meant to be civillian or troops storage, it has 10 crew quarter rooms, they are very small, and 2 of those 10 are captain quarters which are the same size but have double layer armor. They captain quarters are closest to the panic room. This is a small station meant for storing crew or civillains from attack and have a fleet defend it while it holds out against small and medium arms fire.
    First release
    Last update
    3.33 star(s) 3 ratings

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    This is LIGHT-YEARS better looking than my Frankenstein of a first station.
    Base: Commander! Where is our backup!? The Notorious General Zane is attacking with his fleet!

    Commander: We are unable to send help *Connection lost*

    Base: Hello? Hello?? *Explodes*
    Lol xD
    major manufacturers always have small beginnings, congratulations on your first station content :)
    Thanks, could be a better station, but I don't know where to start. Any tips you can message me? I get confused on where to start everything.