Republic Commando Delta Squad Clone Trooper Pack

    Republic Commando Delta Squad Clone Trooper Pack 1.0

    All I can say is THANK YOU!!! Ps would you be willing to make all of the Clone Commanders? Just wondering.
    Would love to see some 501st skins
    This is AWESOME! My friend and I both love SWRC and this is an excellent way of combining the two! Thank you so much!
    Why it's excellent ?
    1 - Star Wars Universe with clone commando
    2 - details and global visual
    3 - Sev come back
    "Time to squash some bugs!"
    This is just great.
    Thanks! It was a blast to make :)
    err awesome goes great with my new pimped acclamator(thanks aceface) these are really cool are there any other clones or battalions you are thinking of making
    Quite possibly, I do have a few in mind if it seems that people would be interested in even more variety... :)