Ratchet Industries -Ictum- MKI Salvager

    Ratchet Industries -Ictum- MKI Salvager Dropbox link in desc.

    Ictum MKI Salvager and Transporter craft from Ratchet Industries.

    For convenience sake i include the plain .sment file download link Ictum MKI

    Mass: 4,196.5 (w/o cargo)
    Blocks: 40,863

    Length: 139m Height: 35m Width: 35m

    Power: 543,304 (269,284.4e/sec)
    Thrust: 7,594 (243,466.7e/sec) R/M: 1.8
    Shields: 28,376 (693 s/sec)

    Structural Hitpoints: 1,712,390
    Armor Hitpoints: 1,449,525

    Offensive: 12,847
    Defensive: 41,565
    Mobility: 18,088

    Ratchet Hundreda
    First release
    Last update
    3.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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    This ship has no storage or cargo blocks... at all.
    Great detail throughout, liking especially the engine layout, the work around the 'Jump-Drive Core' was excellent :D The depth of it, and the way it's detached from the main body suited the design. Favourite part of the ship.

    The core room itself as well as the computers just behind it were also striking, although the core room itself feels a bit different from the ship's main look - but probs just me though but maybe - put the ice crystal behind grill or mesh blocks to make it feel more industrial? But looks good nonetheless, everyone has their own style.

    The asymmetry of the ship's details were a great addition, making it look more precisely built, as opposed to one side from being a copy of the other. A such the camera was very cool - jutting out of the side of the ship, letting you see what you're salvaging without you having to look through a bunch of beams had you placed it closer to the body.

    Although, maybe some things you might be able to add in the future are signs for the buttons, even if they're simple to operate, just to make sure people know what the logic is gonna do. Finally, although I accept it fits the shape of the ship as it is, maybe extend the docking entrances just a bit to be more flush with the edge of the ship, so then large ships with flat docking faces can dock or vice-versa. It's not a real issue, but it might be good as well if two of these ships can dock to each other, but you can take it with a grain of salt: its your ship and its great.
    Ratchet Hundreda
    Ratchet Hundreda
    Thanks for the great review! You made me think about that dock problem and what i've come up with would be a docking ring adapter which could be docked to the ship's cargo hold area and could elongate the dock. Maybe i will put a link to a version with this docking adapter and the cargo modules included. Thanks again for pointing out this and many other things. Glad you liked the overall design ^^