Pilot Flight Suit

    Pilot Flight Suit - TIER 3 -

    Hello and welcome to Ephla Industries, today we have for you, our Tier 3 space suit. This is an advanced suit for your experienced pilots, it comes with, respirator, armored chest rig, elbow and shoulder pads, jumpsuit, and a padded armored vest for extra protection, this is an advanced suit, and is the first in the high tiered suits range.



    This suit comes with an armored chest rig, shoulder, and elbow pads, and is made from a strong Kevlar hybrid material, giving the wearer both protection, and movement. The suits fabric materials include a variety of different synthetic polymers. The innermost layer is made up of a Nylon tricot material. Another layer is composed of spandex, an elastic wearable polymer. There is also a layer of urethane-coated nylon, which is involved in pressurization. Dacron—a type of polyester—is used for a pressure-restraining layer. Other synthetic fabrics used include Neoprene that is a type of sponge rubber, aluminized Mylar, Gortex, Kevlar, and Nomex.

    The primary life support system is a self-contained backpack fitted with an oxygen supply, carbon-dioxide removal filters, electrical power, ventilating fan and communication equipment. It provides the astronaut with most of the things needed to survive such as seven hours worth of oxygen, air purification, temperature control and communication.

    The respirator, ideal for planetary excursions to planet surfaces that aren't the most hospitable. The respirator should be worn over the mouth and nose, its main function, to prevent the inhalation of dust, smoke, or other noxious substances. There is also a basic life support system self-contained within the wrist housing that is fitted with an oxygen supply, and carbon-dioxide removal filters. This small unit can provide the astronaut with 30 minutes of emergency oxygen in the event the helmet is damaged or removed whilst in space.

    The helmet is a large plastic, pressurized bubble that has a neck ring and a ventilation distribution pad. It also has a purge valve, which is used with a secondary oxygen pack. In the helmet, there is a straw to a drink bag in case the astronaut gets thirsty, a visor which shields rays from the bright sun, headphones and a microphone for two way communication, and a camera.

    Thank you for visiting , if you do decide to add this product to your collection, Ephla Industries asks if you could rate the resource, and, if you wish, leave some feedback.

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    This skin is epic cant wait for crews just need a engineer, medic, and a marine :)
    Thanks Tango9 Yes the medic is the next on the list! Hopefully will have them ready for crews :D
    Can't wait to have an NPC crew to slap your skin series on! Now we just need an engineer and a medic! Great job on these man!
    Medic and engineers are next then ;)
    Very professional and high quality. It looks like something that would be put in the game by default (or better). It makes me want to make a USS flight suit myself!
    Thank you kindly Wilavid7 ;) You are too kind.