Liberty Dreadnought

    Liberty Dreadnought 2016-04-17

    Built by the Liberty Navy, the Dreadnought class is the most sophisticated and devastating ship of its type. While the exterior hull has seen little change over several decades, the internal systems feature some of Liberty's most sophisticated technology. The familiar silhouette has become an icon of the Liberty Navy.

    A one half scale build of a Liberty Dreadnought from the game Freelancer.

    Mass: 27,200 W/ Rails: 28,408
    Length: 315m Width: 57m Height: 69m
    Power: 16,015,770.1 (1,225,659.2 e/sec)
    Thrust: 21,990.1 Max Speed: 95.6 TWR: 0.8
    Shields: 7,951,802 97,014/sec
    Structure: 15,415,730
    Armor: 5,953,250
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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    1. Removed Fighters

      Removed Fighters from the docking bay.

    Latest reviews

    You just made my day, I'm a huge fan of Freelancer and this, for me, is a masterpiece ! Very nice job man !
    This ship looks awesome on the outside, the inside is really cool as well. I haven't found any conventional doors yet. There was no jump drive which was a bit of a bummer. The fighters on board also require pickup and shootout rails. I hope to see work on this ship.
    5/5 Simply because its a great recreation of my favorite capital ship from one of my favorite games. Well done! If it were fully 1:1 I would be dumbstruck.

    We need more freelancer recreations!
    Great Build!
    Really amazing ship!