LDY Eclipse

    LDY Eclipse Nightshine Hull

    Hello, everyone! LunaIsBestPony here, presenting to you today the Lunar Drive Yards Eclipse!

    The Eclipse is a scout frigate with 1 incredibly power missile system with a maximum(tested) range of 50 kilometers! In addition to that, it has docking bays for 2 scout fighters.

    It's the first very large(IMO) ship I've ever worked on, and I hope you all enjoy the Eclipse!

    Mass: 5691.9 (Blocks: 56919)
    Length: 263m, Height: 16m, Width: 109m
    Power Max: 6462668
    Power Regeneration: 342901.4 e/sec
    Thrust: 8598.6
    Engine Power Usage: 6053 e/sec
    Turning Speed: X-axis: 1, Y-axis: 1.4, Z-axis: 1
    Shield Max: 699392
    Shield Regeneration: 8580 s/sec

    1 Firelance-class guided torpedo launcher, for when snipers aren't enough. Or, for if you want to re-enact the Battle of the Coral Sea. That's your decision entirely.
    Damage: 631652
    Radius(how big the explosion is): 12 blocks
    Missile Speed: 1354.3(on default server settings)
    Maximum(tested) Range: 50 kilometers
    Shots: 1
    Reload: ~26 seconds
    Power Usage: 6316519.5
    Effects: It has the effect of wrecking other people's ships. That's it, though. Boooooring.

    Here, have some pictures.

    Thanks to Jake_Lancia for doing the interior hallway!

    As you can see, I emphasized design over detail, and I think it turned out well; however, if any of you guys who click on this see something that can be improved(design wise), please don't refrain from telling me. All input will be considered as long as it's just not plain rude.

    Luna out!
    First release
    Last update
    4.75 star(s) 4 ratings

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    1. LDY Nightshine


    Latest reviews

    This is the ONI Sloop from Halo.
    This ship... I can't stop looking at it. The shape is simple and it lacks all but basic greeble yet it looks amazing. I'm gonna have to spend a long time looking at this one to figure out how the aesthetics works. Can I steel this general hull design and use it for one of my own ships?
    Sure. Just so long as you don't steal the hull outright, change it a bit and call it your own, I'm fine.
    I loved the design at first sight, very spacesubmarine-ish, but its a little underpowerd. 9/10 Wold sinpe again.
    As of the moment, I'm refitting the Eclipse to be much cheaper and have actually usable weapons- power balances and weapon updates have made it so that the ship's power storage has rendered it's main missile incapable of firing.

    In addition to that, I'm updating the aesthetics so it looks more baws.

    So expect an update soon(TM)!
    Like the sword shaped design of the ship. Judging by this ship, your skills have improved since the last ship I saw you flying on the Red-Shift server :P
    Come to think of it, this might actually be a modified version of the one I saw.. in any case, nice ship!
    I redesigned it, I made the nose smoother and gutted the ship to have better and different weapons. The refit was a total success.