KDY KSV-1300

    KDY KSV-1300 1.0

    KDY KSV-1300.png
    Krougals Driveyards initial ship offering, the 1300 series is a small but powerful salvage corvette meant for raiding pirate stations.

    Notable features:
    Highly efficient power system consisting of 3 XYZ-2 reactor cores, capable of powering all ship systems, even while shields are recharging.

    2:1 thrust to mass ratio and small size provide exceptional maneuverability.

    Solid shielding (26k) with military-grade (26 seconds to full recharge) shield-recharger.

    2 Dual-mode (yes, it's dual not duel ffs!) missile pods capable of firing swarm or guided missiles.

    Quad-barrel rapid-fire cannon system.

    27x10 Salvage array provides for robust mining capability and can have the cannon system slaved to it to provide quicker recharge.

    Roomy (10 module) cascaded linked storage system. Requiring only regular interaction with 2 storage units.

    Jammer, scanner and jumpdrive all as standard features (where allowed by local Galactic law)

    "I would like to dedicate this ship to Sven the Slayer, without whose shared knowledge (tutorials and ships) I wouldn't have had the know-how to make a decent ship" - Krougal
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