Inquisitor class escort frigate

    Inquisitor class escort frigate v1a

    Hi guys !

    After the Dvorah class star destroyer, this is his escort frigate : Inquisitor class escort frigate !
    This frigate is effictive with small and fast ships that annoying the Dvorah class star destroyer.
    It can ben helpful adjunct against shields too.

    Dimensions: 367x138x229 (Lxhxl)
    Mass: 106K (with rails: 115K)
    Primary power: 86M et regen :3.6M/s
    Secondary power : 4 power drones giving 700K powersupply.
    Armor: 26M
    Structure: 52M
    Shields: 10M et recharge: 588K/s
    Thrust : 71K
    Turn speed : 1.0 all axes

    Internal weapons:

    - 2 Power-drain 563K of drain each
    - 12 LockOn+Ion(80%) (6 by side) of 1M each missile.
    - 32 AMC/AMC/PUNCH-THROUGH inflicting 34040 DPS.
    - 21 Lockon + Explosive (front) 280K each missile.

    External weapons (turrets): 50 turrets are mounted.

    - 23 Anti-missiles turrets
    - 1 heavy turret AMC/Missile (2xAMC/AMC+explosive 27K DPS and 1x DumbMissile+Ion 60K each missile)
    - 12 light turrets (LockON+Explosive 10K each missile x2)
    - 14 beam turrets (Beam+Beam+Punch 1 x 3K of damage)


    - 2 Jumpdrives
    - 1 Scanner
    - 1 Jumpdrive Inhibitor (-260K shield/s)
    - 1 auto storage system (unconfigured)
    -1 AI Bobby

    Ship Hangar:

    An only ship hangar with 8 TIE/F by Oratmah boxes and one stealth scout (


    You can dock the Inquisitor class escort frigate on one of the docking tubes of the Dvorah class Star Destroyer !

    And you can find all of my ships here: .I will not post them cause you can find them into the Dvorah or Inquisitor (except the Prophet and the MRAF).


    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    A must have ship for ALL starmade players it's too sexy not to have!