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    GoDeeper 2014-12-11

    Based on BearishMushroom's original DeepierDepths mod, updated to work with current version as of, well, today, who knows how long that'll stay working. Anyway despite the lack of height information in the alpha of the normal maps, I've attempted to reconstruct at least the derivative of height and use that. Keep the uv clamped in the atlas box. It does distort a bit in the correct direction along edges where the normal direction changes, which is enough to give the illusion of depth if you don't look too closely. Unfortunately the sampling technique from the normal data introduces a bit of noise. Consider it an... experiment, in how the game *could* look better if the developer added parallax mapping for real. I developed it with linear mag filter for blocks option turned on, and think it looks better that way. It's doing more texture sampling so will slow the game down a teeny bit.
    First release
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