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    First Ever Ship Upload! 2016-07-21

    I built something and am releasing it into the wild, so that's happening.
    Accidentally an armor tank-y harassment thing that I really went for form over function with- I haven't run any real tests with it, other than making sure the turrets move and the ship can fire her missiles.
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    She's a Light Multi-Purpose Cruiser, aka too slow to be a heavy fighter and too weak to be anything of substance.
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    Terrible thrust power drain, can't get very far on it. Does have a jump drive, though.
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    I'm pretty proud of these engines, I think they're pretty good.
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    Overall, pretty abysmal stats. Leaves a lot to be desired.
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    Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 6.38.47 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 6.38.12 PM.png

    A few pictures of the interior and the details therein.

    Anyway, let me know what you guys think!
    First release
    Last update
    4.00 star(s) 2 ratings

    Latest reviews

    3 stars.
    Not bad for a first ship though your excessive use of advanced armor made it so heavy that you had to really compensate with thrusters leaving not much room for anything else system wise. There is nothing wrong building even bigger ships entirely with hull to keep them lightweight and depend on shields as defense instead.

    Great detailing inside this depths of vision you should definitly keep, but there is no rooms, no cockpit nothing to command this vessel from, go to the toilet, sleep, cook ... Your crew might have needs, usually you find rooms for those needs also in military craft.

    Your turrets will have a hard time aiming at stuff with just one pivot point you set them to aim at your target so this can work but only when you are facing the enemy. most time of a dogfight your are going to maneouver around eachother to get out of your enemys sight. So some 360° on both axis turrets might make it a lot easier except you only fight ai they stay pretty put normally so ...
    You have turrets so that's a start.

    you might want to spent some more thought on your hatches half a second opening time is not exactly much to slip through. consider building nice airlocks maybe? or just one and have something else on the other side of the ship go assymetrical?

    in general i really liked lots of the detailing work the arrangement of textures at your back antennas, the stuff below the floor when you enter cool stuff.
    Really GJ for a first ship.
    for the first Ship upload he have a nice exterior and nice interior ,good job ^^