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    Duck Yard Storage Ship/Platform 2

    This is a very simple platform.

    Based on the work by Cheshire Shipyards (

    I admired this system, but noticed that it was a station, which limited my ability to integrate it into my station or even move it to a more convenient area.

    Utilising cutting edge rail dockers and Engine systems we present the Duck Yard Storage Sorting Platform (SSP) The SSP is capable of docking onto any rail and thus enables integration into existing stations and ships.

    With minimal alteration the adding of a docker on the edge of the SSP will enable it to be used as an elevator platform, rising and lowering as needed.

    This is the first construction by the Duck Yard, and it is hoped it will not be the last.
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    Reactions: Wolflaynce
    First release
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    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    You, my good person, are a genius for making this work!! I'm kicking myself for not thinking the same thing.

    It's worth it to retrofit stations/ships to hold this storage ship. Since copy/paste or saving a template (hint hint developers!!!) does not keep display text or storage filters, it's a blast of pure insight!

    I like to try out new ships/stations whenever possible. But I loath to reset storage filters. It's just a pain to do.

    Oh, one other thing. I tried to create it in the new shipyard system, but it broke all the filters & text. It keeps them only when I used a blueprint.

    Once again, you are awesome for making this. Thank you.
    My pleasure, Like you I have built ooh 3 maybe 4 stations and more ships than I care admit and hate rejiging storage, this I felt made life easier, my only real grip is not being able to get two of these interfacing so I could have one in the station and another on my ship that would "unload" the ship when I docked, but I can live with the current system lol