My first Titan. Took me almost a year due to limited time because of my studies. But I am very proud of it.
Mass: 108'000
Length: 311m
Width: 119m
Height: 88m
Thrust: 48'000
Shields: 3 '300'000 (281'000/s)
Power: 176'000'000 (7'500'000/s)
Have fun!
Mass: 108'000
Length: 311m
Width: 119m
Height: 88m
Thrust: 48'000
Shields: 3 '300'000 (281'000/s)
Power: 176'000'000 (7'500'000/s)
- elevators with automated doors
- rotating turbines, laser doors and more logic stuff
- two hangars with four landing pads
- two jump drives (one for emergency jumps e.g. when too close to a sun)
- heat seeking missile systems (35'000 and 4'400 total size)
- tractor beam
- nukes (13'600 total size) with 41% damage pulse slave and 48% explosive effect support
- 40 anti-missile turrets
- 6 bigger turrets (cannon, missile, beams)
Have fun!