My first Titan. Took me almost a year due to limited time because of my studies. But I am very proud of it.

    Mass: 108'000
    Length: 311m
    Width: 119m
    Height: 88m
    Thrust: 48'000
    Shields: 3 '300'000 (281'000/s)
    Power: 176'000'000 (7'500'000/s)
    • elevators with automated doors
    • rotating turbines, laser doors and more logic stuff
    • two hangars with four landing pads
    • two jump drives (one for emergency jumps e.g. when too close to a sun)
    • heat seeking missile systems (35'000 and 4'400 total size)
    • tractor beam
    • nukes (13'600 total size) with 41% damage pulse slave and 48% explosive effect support
    • 40 anti-missile turrets
    • 6 bigger turrets (cannon, missile, beams)
    Please note that I've made the Cygon-X not for fighting but for roleplaying purposes. This explains the command bridge with the core at the front and the missing focus on turret weapon systems which would be a disadvantage in real battles. Despite this fact i'm sure you can blow up some planets or pirate stations with it ;)
    Have fun!

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    Reactions: darknassius
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    Neat ship! I do like the general design, very interesting indeed.
    Little small/under powered to be called a "Titan" though.

    Good job, fun ship.