
    Corsair Version 1.0

    My server admin asked me to create a pirate for the server that was even more challenging than my previous Marauder. This is my response. This has both a cannon that hits harder than that of the Marauder, and it has a long range seeker missile spread that hits for 300,000 damage (360,000 versus shields, 240,000 versus blocks). It fires nine missiles, one that does the damage and eight decoys. The cannon's block damage is 2475, ten times a second. It has a shield of 100,000. It is equipped with four point defense guns so missile swarms may be somewhat less effective versus this pirate.

    Small enough that the game will spawn them in with regularity. It was originally 10,000 blocks, but with cosmetic changes that increased to 14,000, despite zero increase in combat power.

    The ship does not have an RP interior, and has the barest minimum of accessible control room, just enough for a few storage modules and access to the bobby AI. The engines are visibly oversized for the ship, but it also has extremely high thrust.

    I do like the Cylon cockpit. Yes, the 'eye' swings back and forth.

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    Reactions: Digitalwrangler
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    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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