aka The Clown Car.
A stylish Police Ship for Admins who not only like to exert their authority, but like to visually represent it.
Features functioning police lights, roof mounted dash cam, and no weapons or shields just like a real cop car.
Who needs them when you're a god_mode using admin?
Pull over players going about their business in style while shouting "I AM THE LAW"
Purely cosmetic, but a quick little runabout.
Mass 59.9
Height: 6m
Width: 17m
Power: 56k (dial up power!) 1404 e/sec
Thrust: 43.8
Shields: 0 (designed for god_mode users or cosmetic runabout use.)
Stylish Advanced B&W Armour.
Functioning Police Lights. Should be working on spawn!
Working Windshield (Or windscreen depending on where you hail from.)
Blastdoor for easy rear end access.
Tail Lights
Nice car like metal grill.
Donut scented air freshener with every model.
A stylish Police Ship for Admins who not only like to exert their authority, but like to visually represent it.
Features functioning police lights, roof mounted dash cam, and no weapons or shields just like a real cop car.
Who needs them when you're a god_mode using admin?
Pull over players going about their business in style while shouting "I AM THE LAW"
Purely cosmetic, but a quick little runabout.
Mass 59.9
Height: 6m
Width: 17m
Power: 56k (dial up power!) 1404 e/sec
Thrust: 43.8
Shields: 0 (designed for god_mode users or cosmetic runabout use.)
Stylish Advanced B&W Armour.
Functioning Police Lights. Should be working on spawn!
Working Windshield (Or windscreen depending on where you hail from.)
Blastdoor for easy rear end access.
Tail Lights
Nice car like metal grill.
Donut scented air freshener with every model.