Overall a really good look with pretty good turret coverage. It initially caught my eye because it looks so much like many of my own designs, I had to download it for a comparison.
The interior has everything I expected, and considering the space you had to work with, was laid out fairly well. My only suggestion is moar lights in the hallways! It was a little hard to see inn there sometimes. Of course, I'm using a toaster of a laptop for playing so maybe it's because of my settings.
Keep this type of build style going. I'm liking what I see.
I think the lights are just a matter of personal preferences. I don't really like really brightly-lit interiors, myself! I think it gives it a little bit of a "sleazy, dirty, dark" look to my ships. Part of their corroded, worn look!
And sorry it took me so long to reply!! I haven't played in a while!