
    AFJ-Astraeus 1.0

    Introducing my newest ship, a corvette, the AFJ-Astraeus!
    It is primarily a patrol and missile corvette, having sniper missiles and rapid-fire missiles, along with some machine guns to accompany them. It also features an AMS turret of the bottom, a radar jammer, and a jump drive. Fortunately I coulod fit enough power rechargers in, but the capacity is lacking, so the sniper missiles fire two at a time and drain the power. However, with the way missiles work, as soon as its power fully regens, it can shoot another two sniper missiles. It has around 10,000 shields with about a 10:1 capacity to recharge (so, 1000 recharge). I tried to put in as many detailing bits and tricks that I can think of. I discovered that if you put crystals behind every other wedge, and don't fill the paces between, the glow will illuminate the wedges, even if you can't see the crystal. I don't know if people already knew this, but I sure didn't, and I think it makes vents look much cooler.

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    This thing is lethal. Very powerful and long range weapons! In a good looking ship. Finding the doors is a challenge. It's between the main body en the engine cells.
    I don't know why I do this, but I usually hide the doors as much as possible, so that was intentional