AC C-01 Phalanx Class Cruiser ( Support MK III)

    AC C-01 Phalanx Class Cruiser ( Support MK III) 2015-08-24

    Wow!!! All I can say is Well Done!!! I have to say is that She is beautiful and I love how you Stand by your word Support not a Assault not a Siege but a Support, and I got to say I love the inside with the Battle stations and red alert and low lights. I also would like to ask will you do Shipyards or Stations? Freighters? Because all I can say is I cant wait to see what you come out with next and you got one more follower.
    While I haven't tried this out yet, speaking from a visual perspective, this ship is very good looking, especially for a first build. It takes a good eye to build such a design. I like the sleek lines and attention to detail. It's not overly "Hey look at me," but just looks powerful. Keep up the awesome work, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your builds!
    Thanks very much for the kind review Genjator ...I'd like to say it was my first build but it's not it's just my first post haha..iv had a little bit of practice off and on.
    Is this ship a Mc Donald's meal 'cause im lovin' it
    Thinks that make you go mmmmm .

    ...thanks man
    Overall I quite liked the ship design, I had a few issues with power draining when I had all the turrets active while fighting a pirate station. I also found that it was quite slow to turn and a suggestion might be to increase the thrust:mass ratio so that it turns more smoothly.

    I also found that with the HP system this ship has trouble incapacitating enemies and could benefit from a large damage radius weapon like explosive missiles.
    Thank you for your review Darthowned..unfortunately with all systems on it the jammer and shield hardening and repeated use of the beam weapon it does eventually run out of power..I design the ships with intended rolls in mind..this ship has a jammer by reason of invisibly defending larger and smaller ships from fighters in a fleet situation ..if you are using it as a Frontline cruiser with beam weapon as primary I don't suggest using the jammer let the ship take the hits it's got pretty decent shields and if you find your self in trouble use the shield hardening..I have left plenty of space inside for personal customization is a big ship with many turrets findings is that if you move too fast with the new turret system it confuses the heck out of them so I deliberately under powered it for that reason..but feel free to customize it how you like..also the reason I didn't use missiles is that the point defence usually shoots them down before they go anywhere lol...hence the support roll of this ship..sorry for the wall of hope it explains a few things ...forlorn
    this ship is great your a good starship builder you should post your other ships here
    Thanks jappar ..I will post more when I get around to it..I'm building a battleship atm so may take a we while ..
    This is one fine ship. Nothing's overdone, looks like an actual warship. Clean design, good overall performance, great interior and maximum efficiency in its intended role. I always wondered why everyone makes so fancy warships using rocks and systems blocks and decorational stuff on its outer surface, and a LOT of it. They build tubes and fans and whatnot... when on a real warship, like in this case, the most you'd see is thick armor plating, angled to better deflect or absorb incoming fire, and as few exposed structural weak points as possible. Well done.
    Thanks for the kind review Matt I appreciate it very much...I also don't agree with too many potential weak points and over fancy components on warships..but each to their own.. realism is what I love above all.. thanks again