Hi Anna, I can confirm the girl engineer skin does have some sort of bug but then a LOT of skins apparently do on our multi-player server so i don't think it's yours only. Something in the last update was changed to prevent customized 'invisible' skins by Star-Made is what my server's owner/admin told us as there were several of us (all w/ diff skins) who were getting corrupted errors when logging on.
Hopefully you can get it sorted out with Star-Made and other great skin creators here will know about it so going forward skins can be re-uploaded to work again.
Thanks for your cool girl skins!
I've been trying a few different multiplayer servers with that Engineer girl skin and others, without problems. The only thing I can think "invisible skins" might refer to are skins that use any transparency. But, even the default skin uses transparency, which is why I feel that idea is too odd to be likely. From what I can tell, this is a multiplayer-only bug that doesn't effect all servers. So far I've only tested the Official test server, Mushroom Fleet, and RedShift and had no problems. So next I'd like to find out if the problem lies in specific servers or computers, or settings on either of those. (tested in v0.1867 on all servers except Test server which was v0.1869)Hi Anna, I can confirm the girl engineer skin does have some sort of bug but then a LOT of skins apparently do on our multi-player server so i don't think it's yours only. Something in the last update was changed to prevent customized 'invisible' skins by Star-Made is what my server's owner/admin told us as there were several of us (all w/ diff skins) who were getting corrupted errors when logging on.
Hopefully you can get it sorted out with Star-Made and other great skin creators here will know about it so going forward skins can be re-uploaded to work again.
Thanks for your cool girl skins!
[2014-12-28 17:44:20] Extracting file: tmpUpload/Master1398.smskin exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\tmpMaster1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_helmet_diff.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_helmet_em.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_main_diff.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_main_em.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of PlS[Master1398 ; id(9)(1)f(0)] took 392
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 10 objects took 394
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SEND][SERVERMESSAGE] [SERVERMSG (type 3): ADMIN WARNING
Player Master1398
tried to upload corrupted
skin file] to RegisteredClient: Master1398 (1) connected: true
[2014-12-28 17:44:21] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: [SERVER]: ADMIN WARNING
Player Master1398
tried to upload corrupted
skin file
>".png is not a valid PNG file!"I tried to look for closer details within the log files.
What i found is that the game fails to recognize PNG files.
Code:[2014-12-28 17:44:20] Extracting file: tmpUpload/Master1398.smskin exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\tmpMaster1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_helmet_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_helmet_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_main_diff.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] Extracting file: skin_main_em.png exists: true, is Dir: true. (...)\StarMade\StarMade\.\server-skins\Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_helmet_diff.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_helmet_em.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_main_diff.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][SKIN] file skin_main_em.png is not a valid PNG file! Uploaded by Master1398 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of PlS[Master1398 ; id(9)(1)f(0)] took 392 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 10 objects took 394 [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [SEND][SERVERMESSAGE] [SERVERMSG (type 3): ADMIN WARNING Player Master1398 tried to upload corrupted skin file] to RegisteredClient: Master1398 (1) connected: true [2014-12-28 17:44:21] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: [SERVER]: ADMIN WARNING Player Master1398 tried to upload corrupted skin file
Thanks for your effort on this. Our server is a white-list private server but if you'd still like to join I can direct you to it, send me a private message. They do have a lot of custom settings so perhaps that's something causing it.I've been trying a few different multiplayer servers with that Engineer girl skin and others, without problems. The only thing I can think "invisible skins" might refer to are skins that use any transparency. But, even the default skin uses transparency, which is why I feel that idea is too odd to be likely. From what I can tell, this is a multiplayer-only bug that doesn't effect all servers. So far I've only tested the Official test server, Mushroom Fleet, and RedShift and had no problems. So next I'd like to find out if the problem lies in specific servers or computers, or settings on either of those. (tested in v0.1867 on all servers except Test server which was v0.1869)
To th problem with you skin:No idea if this will help, but I was trying to test a skin I've been working on in my single-player world. It gave me the corrupted skin message, but it still rendered the skin... well, mostly. It also started doing weird things with the colors in a few spots. It still happened when I took off the transparency on the visor, which a few friends said might be causing it.
After looking online for a fix, I came across this site: http://starmadedock.net/threads/tried-to-upload-corrupted-skin-file.4793/
No idea if this would help anyone trying to fix it, but I also added some pictures of the blurred spots on my incomplete skin.
I started my skin by copying the default png files and then editing them with Gimp 2.8, so I'm pretty sure it's not from an improper format.
View attachment 8885
View attachment 8886
These were supposed to look like colored grenades, which they did in the picture, but they didn't when I loaded them into the game.
Just did that. Still getting a color bleed in one spot and the corrupted skin message, but otherwise fixed. Thanks.To th problem with you skin:
In the launcher(the connection setup and stuff) 'Settings' > 'Show Advanced Settings'
Now you scroll down and set the options to the following:
Yes, its my server, and yes i had my own skin till i used another (male shepard) for me it works fine since i did not say yes to the set as default when it asked, however my friend used the same skin but said yes and his comes up invalid.are you sure you have been admin on the server when you did test that ?
did you actualy used a different skin than before the test?