Texture Pack,

    Aug 14, 2013
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    You want pipes, I want my computer monitors to stay computer monitors even if I switch texture packs. When it was his personal pack he had some creative freedom to change things like that, as the official texture pack creator it isn\'t good practice to change the general theme of blocks. I\'m not opposed to pipe blocks I just think the decorative blocks should look good where they are placed regardless of what pack you use. Who knows, now that Kupu is now part of the team he can push for as many decorative blocks added to the game as he wants including ones specifically for pipes.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Aparently I\'m not the only one, Ithirahad just commented about the issue

    I really hate the way those textures are all washed-out-looking by default... besides that, it all looks good.
    Jan 11, 2014
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    I don\'t have any issues displaying Kupu\'s realististic textures on the public release. I can\'t get the cartoon textures to work though. And incidently, I can\'t get any of the textures above 64 working on the dev release. I wonder if the problems are related? However, I think the dev issue may be the pathing in the code not being compatible with unix - at least seems to be the issue in the shadows plugin. In any case, if anyone has any idea what my problem is here I\'d love some insight.

    Display the 256 textures is no problem for me. Heck I can display Walzou\'s 2024 just as smoothly as I can Kupu\'s realistic set. You can click on the image for a link to a larger version.

    Kupu\'s 256 Realistic on the public release: 20140114_182618 on OSX 10.9.1 (Mavericks)

    Kupu\'s 256 Cartoon Texture on the public release: 20140114_182618 on OSX 10.9.1 (Mavericks)

    Kupu\'s 256 Cartoon Texture on the dev release: 20140120_043147 on OSX 10.9.1 (Mavericks)


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    When i had complete creative control on personal projects, you liked to complain about the changing of blocks which you never needed to download or play with. Why was that?

    But more importantly now, you really need to stop prohibiting change on a game that is in it\'s alpha stages.

    There a number of reasons why the defaults were changed. Here are some important ones;

    1 - Diversity. You are playing a building game. Diversity of blocks availible is key. The default decoration blocks allowed 4 variations of the same block. Some illegible sqaures of light you could imagine to be a computer screen. I sought to change the decoration blocks so each of the 4 could offer something new to the player. Each with a visible purpose. A pipe, a server, a rack of switchs or some small computer screens. Variety is the spice of life don\'t you know?

    2 - Legibility. The first point brings us round neatly to this. The default textures were in some cases, terrible at describing form. Form being the shape and structure. Yet alone what it was suppose to do or how it was suppose to work... Astrotech computer and decorative blocks were some of the big culprits here. They were obsucre, vauge. I wanted to start putting real, recogniseable objects into the game.

    3- Laziness? Dare i say it... There still is a similar \"computer screen\" block. If your unwilling to swap out a few decorative blocks....

    You know what i did when i didn\'t like the way something looked? I created a new skin for every block in the game. Twice.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Thanks for the bug report.

    I quickly checked the cartoon 256 textures on my machine (also MacOSX) and didn\'t experience those bugs. I\'ll have a look at the other resolution settings too.

    Could you please report this in the Bug Report section of the forum? I don\'t think all the right people will be checking this thread for reports.



    Jul 9, 2013
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    hey bro,

    I just wanted to say congrats on being the official texture maker for Starmade! That\'s awesome and well deserved for all your work that you have done here. You will always have my support. Keep rockin, this is delta four zero, out.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Hey pal.

    Thanks for the support throughout my entire time making textures for this community.

    Always appreciated.
    Jan 11, 2014
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    Since you\'re not having issues displaying the texture on your Mac, do you mind telling me what video card you have and what resolution you\'re using? And have you upgraded to Mavericks yet?

    I\'ll be posting this in the bug section, so you could answer there if you have time. Thanks!
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Releasing anything to the public you open yourself to criticism. I merely stated that changing one texture to that of something completely different will significantly alter the look of builds. For a game that thrives on creating and sharing this seems like a bad idea to me. The four decorative blocks only have one purpose, to decorate a ship and they already have a texture that defines how they are used. Changing that texture will change the definition for how they are used. Like I stated, lining walls with pipes and then somebody with the default texture downloads the ship and there are just computer monitors everywhere. The textures should have some congruency regardless of the texture pack, especially when the textures ship with the game.

    1) I\'m all for diversity, changing existing textures doesn\'t expand diversity just how things look when you change the textures. I stated I am all for adding more decorative blocks, we shouldn\'t be limited. If a new pipe block was added it could even have different textures on every side allowing for full control and I would love that, I have made \"pipes\" before but they are just red hull right now.

    2) I have never even brought up the other textures, I\'ve only every talked specifically the decorative blocks. The point of decorative blocks is, \"This looks good here\". Having things be legible is also good, but I am now being criticized because I found these objects to be legible and not feeling like they should be randomly replaced with dissimilar objects.

    3) I actually use every possible decorative panel and computer in the game for decorative purposes. Yes I am aware that some computers share off side textures but this screams \"placeholder\" and will be subject to change.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I understand it\'s odd having blocks that were once screens be replace with something wildly different.

    I totally understand the frustration behind that.

    But the previous artist (who designed the old defaults) is longer working on the team. Subsequently anything that might of been a place holder has been rendered permanent. Or until a new artist was found.

    Now the old default textures will slowly be phased out, it removes the case for continuity across community made textures. These will be the standard deco blocks over time.

    A inconvinece right now in a time of change... but long term we hope it pays off.


    Jul 9, 2013
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    yeah, I have been working on some 3d models for x-plane 10 and trackmania 2 canyon, along with some textures for various other things...lol. I took your realistic texture pack and made it 1024x1024, plus I added some things that I felt it needed. :) and it turned out great for the resolution that its at, let me know what ya think.


    and yes, I dont care for the 4 block hardened hull, i like a nice single block with some outline or distinction. :) ,But I do thank you for an extremely awesome base to start with. :)


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Glad you enjoyed playing with them.

    I like the additions to the cloaker and astrotech. I had something similar planned for computer blocks in my ever building list of ammendments! Haha.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    So seeing as these are being implemented into the game officially, will we be able to modify and release modded versions, so for example, textures for custom blocks?
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Just had a look at your site kupu and I really hope the skullbottle appears as an enemy npc!


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I love modding. It\'s how i found my role in the community here. As such will still actively encourage people to mod any game they can. Obviously including Starmade.

    If you want to mod my textures, feel free to do so for your own personal use. If you would like to add custom blocks for a server? Sure! If you want to create a whole new pack for starmade and create your own universe?!! Go for it! It\'s incredibly fun! Just be sure to share it with the community.

    I\'ve already supported Titansmasher and Crusades USE mod with realistic textures, which adds in over 50 new blocks. If the mod is popular / professional, i would be happy (time permitting) to help support community mods.

    I would only have one wish, do not redistribute others works without their consent. I\'ve seen some texture packs use images from a working professional\'s portfolio and put their name on it. It\'s not cool. Be cool stay in school.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I\'m sorry, you\'ll find no spoilers on my blog. That\'s just personal work i do for fun.

    But *sssshhh* i do plan to flood the other devs with art concepts as soon as i finish my textures. :D


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    What I am saying is it okay that as these will be official, for us to make the textures using elements from it, say the hull texture, and distribute them ourselfs. If not, you should seriously think about it. If custom blocks are forced to stand out because the texture artist said so, no one will want custom blocks, stunting the growth of these mods


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    It\'s like you didn\'t read the reply :P (or i am very tired and my writing sucks...)

    I am in favour of community mods, custom blocks and custom textures. Go nuts.

    I am even willing to help modders with official textures for their projects should they want them.

    What i was referring to when i mentioned using the work of others improperly, was not about people using the current game textures, but the work from professional designers portfolios and dropping them into a \"texture pack\".

    Example; http://imgur.com/RtrQvHn


    Mod whatever you want and show whoever you want. Just be honest about what you create and share.


    Jul 9, 2013
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    yeah, i had to put something on the back of the computers, cause in game I didnt know what comp was what comp. so I put something from your other texture pack on the back of it and/or from your realistic one but just down-sized it so I could tell what that was. I also had to add a line to the engine block, since from the side I had no idea what block that was, on previously made craft of mine. And a few other things here n there, but I know what ya mean... :) I mainly do this for my kids/family and close friends that have to run it at low settings but want something more than the standard.