Port Vandermier - progressive shipyard build


    Simply complicated.
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    The images and links in this first post will be updated periodically to show new readers to this thread the current stage and provide a quick index of links to videos and downloadable content, etc.

    Current Status of the Shipyard's build:

    Click on any of the below images to link to any of my currently released game content:

    SCOUT - Flit Class Twin Pulsar

    GUNSHIP - Ferox Class Twin Pulsar

    PROP - Inspection Drone 01a

    PROP - Work Utility 01a with welder

    PROP - Work Utility 01a with docking claw

    ....with plenty more to come. Watch this space!

    For a series of images which show some of the sources of concept art inspiration for this shipyard and related vessels, please refer to the second post in this thread, as I've capped out my 20 image limit for this post.


    Howdie awl!

    Some of you may remember me from a while back where I wrote a role-play survival journal called "Starmade Dry Empire".

    Well I'm back at it, only this time I'm a bit more experienced, and the game has a lot of really great new features.
    This project is called "Port Vandermier". It is a large shipyard (fully functional) inspired by a few concept artworks that I found with my own flavour.

    I'm going to YouTube the build this time, rather than blog it... although I might support the YouTube series with a written publication of some kind also... we'll see how keen I get.

    I'm building to a very specific plan... in fact for the next week or three I'm REBUILDING due to a hard-drive failure that caused the loss of my already really advanced shipyard. But that's ok, I learned from the first build and I'm going to make it even more awesome the second time around.

    The YouTube series will strive to show it as a role-play build (so there's going to be construction drones and ships, welded panels, modules moving into position, that kind of thing).

    I've uploaded the first episode, and I'm well into making the second. It'll take probably about 25 to get back to where I was prior to my HDD dying. I'm building the videos to sound tracks, but I can't upload copyrighted sound-tracks to YouTube of course, so if you want the best experience watching these flicks, have a look at the sound track name under each video and find it in Spotify and play it at the sime time as the video... seriously it makes ALL the difference.

    I'm looking for feedback, your comments are very welcome and will help make the series and the build better.

    Episode 01 - "And so it begins..."
    Soundtrack on Spotify - "Breath and Life" by Audiomachine

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    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Below are some images of concept art that has been used to motivate and guide some of my builds... the similarities in some are plain to see, and in others are a bit more vague.

    I enjoy sourcing ideas from concept art - I find it really inspirational. I try where-ever possible to improve on or blend ideas, rather than outright copying them. Sometimes (for some features) it is very hard to improve on an already awesome concept art, so the end result ends up extremely similar.

    The creativity then comes from figuring out how to populate the skin with realistic, functional, and interesting systems and other RP stuff.

    Port Vandermier's general arrangement, side modules and deep space scanner are inspired by this Star Trek shipyard. You'll notice however that the Spine Modules are completely different, and later in the build you will notice that the actual shipyard arms (which will sit within this structure) are also radically different to this design. Later still, you will see that the civilian mooring docks are also not relevant to the above concept artwork.

    CCV Messis's inspiration is pretty clear from this image. I found creative outlet in figuring out what to put into areas not visible, and how the cargo racking system functioned. I also greatly enjoyed creating the custom-fitting cargo containers and the ship's interior.

    The Flit Class scout drone drew a lot of inspiration from this awesome ship design. Many features couldn't be fit within Starmade's 1x1x1m block system, but that's half the challenge, right?

    I get a lot from seeing other people's concepts for greeble, a taste I developed a long time ago with my own 3d artwork creations. This particular piece helped to inspire some of the recessed greeble on the top of the Spine Modules (very vaguely). I have some other much more interesting greeble concepts which will be getting applied to the sides of the shipyard's hangar module tower.


    Excerp from CEO's report to Board Of Directors
    cPho Corporation
    January 03, 2382, 8:39am



    Construction of Port Vandermier has progressed well over the last four months, as documented below.

    Step 1) Install basic scaffold and framework for Worker's Habitation Module (WHM).

    Framework is produced progressively, working outwards with the assistance of remote construction drones. Materials are shipped in directly from Hekta Gate, and escort. A small privateer escort fleet is hired to assist in protecting the site and drones from raiders, but are no match for any coordinated assault. Fortunately Port Vandermier currently does not represent a strategic or financial target at the moment, so investment in security can remain minimal.

    Step 2) Install temporary basic shield and power facilities to protect and power infrastructure.

    These modules allow the construction to begin work without being at risk from light raiders. Power, armour and shielding is project managed to ratchet up as the investment in infrastructure grows. For now only a very slight amount of protection is needed.

    Step 3) Begin compartmentalization of WHM, ready for outfitting.
    Floors, hallways, conduits, and bunkers are installed, ready to have electrical and habitation features installed.

    Step 4) Install Armour Plating modules around WHM.

    WHM are now online for self-contained atmosphere per cabin. Each cabin requires space suit confirmation prior to the cabin allowing decompression and exit into the hallway. This is temporary until the WHM is made air-tight at a later stage of the build. For now space-suited workers are able to habitate on the facility while it is under construction, rather than being shipped in daily from Hekta Gate.

    Step 5) Complete Armour Plating and life support for Worker's Habitation Module, and begin dock for escape module.
    Worker's Habitation Module is equipped with individually mounted Heavy Armour plate modules that can be removed and replaced as required by maintenance crews. This heavy armour gives the WHM a stronger survivability than the other parts of the base, giving priority to crews over operational systems as the station is designed with an escort fleet and separate stationary defenses in mind.

    Step 6) Begin hulling Control and Recreational Module.

    Outer hull of CRM will be standard light armour.

    Step 7) Install Generator Tower.
    The Generator Tower provides enough power for the AMAS turrets, the shields, all life support and control systems, and future docking systems, all within a light armoured shell. Each Station Node will have its own Generator Tower, decentralising power generation and increasing survivability.

    Step 8) Install basic defenses - 3x dorsal AMAS, 1x ventral AMAS.
    While these turrets are useful for anti-missile defense, they are limited in their combat usefulness. They currently serve only to bolster construction site's Escorts.

    Step 9) Install Docking Rings at either end of the CRM, ready to be docked with duplicate Station Nodes.
    Each Station Node will link to other Station Nodes by docking at these points, and opening an Iris. Within each docking ring will be a facility that can be converted into a Quarantine and Border Control facility if the docking is new or temporary, and can then be converted over to other commercial ventures if the docking between Station Nodes is permanent.

    Step 10) Shield Tower armour installed, ready to house Shield Generators between CRM and Generator Tower.
    Shield Generators will consist of three Tectonic Phase projection arrays, which need to be well armoured in case of direct assault. As with power generation, the station will consist of individual shield generators on each Station Node, decentralising the risk of damage.

    Step 11) Begin work on docking and control tower modules.

    Small run-abouts that double as escape pods will face inwards towards the main Shipyard once the station is completed. These are docked on small laterally projected towers on either end of the CRM, which are now underway.


    Security data suggests no factional interest or threat at this time. Two small random raiding parties were successfully defended with minimal damage.

    Construction schedule is acceptable.

    Expenditure is acceptable.

    Equipment roll-out and delivery is acceptable.

    Materials supply acceptable.

    Safety - One minor decompression incident in a single Personnel quarter has been identified and rectified. No significant injury reported.
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    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Slight detour while I build a prop.

    This is CCV (cPho Corp Vessel) "Messis", an engineering and R&D vessel contracted by cPho Corporation as part of the Port Vandermier build.
    I will detail it more in a video once it has been completed..

    All externals are done except for the aft central portion.
    Most internals are done. Systems are installed. Some adjustments and installations still need to be made.

    I will release model once it is completed in a few days' time.

    I am considering having hangar bays doors, cargo racks and cargo cranes as docked entities that can be controlled from the bridge.

    Comments welcome.

    CCV Messis - engineering vessel assisting local production capacity for Port Vandermier construction process.

    Cargo bays will ultimately have cargo pods designed to fit the bays, most likely an array that encapsulates several cargo containers as larger entities that can be docked into this vessel, and others.

    Considering spending additonal time making the hanger bay doors docked entities that can be opened and closed from the bridge.

    Still needs a little work on the rear internal central area, then the exterior is completed except for detailing.

    Simple engines, but they are aesthetic and functional. Slabs ftw. Srsly thanks Schine slabs are a very nice addition.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Hi! :)

    I checked this shipyard thread after seeing that you liked a fighter of mine that i posted in another thread.

    I must say, i really like this idea of building a station in a way that tries to reflect a real-life progress of construction. Like starting out by making an actual framework from the scaffold blocks, that's a really nice thing to see. And also, having those little construction vehicles around, and going by a building plan that reflects the order in which things would be added in real life, those also add a lot to the role-play feeling of this project. I find it all very creative.

    I will still have to read through the details of the steps you described, but i really appreciate the pictures included in the second post. Especially the little sequence that shows 5 different stages of the development of the armor cover. - Very nice!

    The Messis ship looks quite good too already. Keep up the good work! :)
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    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Thanks very much DSM. I always enjoy role playing a game, it adds another layer to it that makes it much more fun.

    I've been spending the last couple of afternoons after work working on Messis... in particular the aft docking area... I've made the rear blast doors open and close (my first ever doors I'm pretty happy with the new rail system - so much potential!) and adding heaps of details.

    I'll make those racks on the front cargo bays open and close also, and most likely make some cargo containers that go within the bays (big ones).

    I also need to learn how to make a jump system... it's probably easy but I want to release this ship so I might as well do it right rather than just a paper prop for the Port Vandermier build...

    I've also made a couple of other little build drones, and I'll make a few other props as it goes on.

    Pics soon - I tried my hand at making a video just now but my computer is very low end and struggling heaps... I'll bring home the work computer and try it on that.

    These new LOD blocks are so nice to use.
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    Yes, roleplay does indeed add a whole new layer to things - one can either make something that just works in the realm of the game, or one can choose to create something that makes us forget that it's just a game, and that adds some kind of magic to it all.

    About the jump system... a standard setup consisting of a jumpdrive computer with any amount of modules connected to it should do, because i heard that these so-called "chain-drives" (a type of jump system that charges automatically) are not functional anymore due to a subtle change in the blocks needed for it. By the way, when building a big ship, it's hopeless to decrease the jumpdrive charging time by adding more block, it'll remain 40 seconds, just a little thing to know.

    And yes, the new LOD blocks are very nice :) have fun continuing the project!


    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    That's a great tip about the jump system thank you. I'll look into that pretty soon.

    I brought home the work computer and made a video just now - worked well. It's 1.5Gb so I will upload it about 20 hours from the time of this post... shows a bit about CCV Messis... I'm particularly proud of the blast doors... got those little buggers to work! How awesome are rails?! I love how far Starmade has come while I've been away.

    Very nice work, Schine!

    I may have to upgrade my personal laptop - my work laptop illustrated just how crap my personal one is... sigh... muneemuneemuneee.
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    Simply complicated.
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    Flick of where it's at currently.

    I'm nearing completion of Messis, and will release the model and a final video once it's done.

    Comments welcome of course!
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    The ship looks very much like it should if you intend it to have an engineering/ industrial role. Maybe i still misunderstand the plan, but i originally thought that the ship's front will all be covered up, but if not, that will still make a lot of sense if you want it to carry very large exposed cargo pods. And it will be a very original overall design if you leave it like this. It absolutely looks sturdy enough to work, thanks to the frame elements at its underside.

    Also, the yellow structures at the front that kinda remind of insect antennas, and the wings at the rear look awesome. The doors came out great too, good job!

    I'll definitely check it out once it's uploaded :)
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    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Hi all,

    Progress report on Port Vandermier build.

    CCV Messis has successfully docked and delivered two self contained engineering support modules (which are essentially giant shipping containers) containing both materials and equipment needed to continue to build.

    Corporate Intelligence suggests that the Outcasts and also the Clemency Guild have taken an interest in the new station and are considering hostile action. We will need to step up defenses as our current mercenary security force will be no match for a coordinated attack from either of these groups and the build is now far enough along that it represents a significant investment.

    Below is a video update of where we're at.


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    About the jump system... a standard setup consisting of a jumpdrive computer with any amount of modules connected to it should do, because i heard that these so-called "chain-drives" (a type of jump system that charges automatically) are not functional anymore due to a subtle change in the blocks needed for it. By the way, when building a big ship, it's hopeless to decrease the jumpdrive charging time by adding more block, it'll remain 40 seconds, just a little thing to know.
    I know I'm late to the party on this one, but this is wrong. Chain-drives are still entirely functional, to the best of my knowledge. A while ago now, an exploit allowing correctly built logic-drives to charge and jump instantaneously was removed, but the mechanic remains functional otherwise.

    As for large ships, it is certainly not hopeless to try and decrease the charge time: it will take a larger numerical investment in jump drive modules, but will, in fact, take up a smaller percentage of mass than it would to achieve an identical charge time on a smaller vessel. Charge times can be decreased as much as necessary, as long as you have the blocks for it. The main issue, of course, is the power consumption of this significant number of jump drive modules.

    Technical corrections aside, I've gotta say that I really like the look of all this so far; the Messis makes a great companion to the station, and I'm always a fan of industrial-style builds such as this. Looking forward to future developments! o7


    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Thanks Heillos.

    Messis has a good jump system installed now - the power hits about 2% when the drive charges... Jump drives are new to me so I'm not sure how it rates but it takes 32 seconds to charge. I am far from wizard enough to do the systems you folks are talking about but I'm learning fast.

    I'm very impressed with all the new stuff that Schine has added over the last year or two...

    CCV "Messis" specs:
    Class: Frigate
    Purpose: Engineering Support and Specialised Cargo
    Length: 272m
    Width: 134m
    Height: 76m
    Mass: 7,376.7 tons
    Thrust: 921.8
    Maneuverability: 0.2, 0.2, 0.3
    Power: 951,000Mw @ 125,253 e/sec
    Shield: 229,000Mw @ 990 Mw/sec
    Weapons: N/A
    Specialised Systems: Single reactor hyperdrive @ 32 sec/jump

    3x Engineering Support Containers (total cargo capacity of 424,000 tons [per container] across 6 internal levels, plus several internal docking locations)
    1x red opalescent "Ninja" Speedsta (no weapons or shields)
    1x green opalescent "Pisces" Speedsta (1x power cell, 1x shield cluster, no weapons)
    2x Tutus class life boats, rear mounted
    1x large internal hangar bay protected by both shields and blast doors independently controlled at either end

    I will upload the blueprints and provide a link at a later date once I've fully polished it off... I don't like releasing things that aren't totally finished. I still have some logic to finish.
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    Power: 951,000Mw @ 125 e/sec
    Shield: 229,000Mw @ 990 Mw/sec
    You have an original way of giving the stats up there, i do that myself sometimes on displays within my ships and stations, trying to increase realism by sharing relevant quantities in real-life units, but i'd like to ask, how to interpret the "125" part at power generation and the "990" at shielding? :)

    BTW, those cargo pods look amazing! :^D

    cargo pod.png


    Simply complicated.
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    Thank you DSM
    I made a typo (fixed now) for energy rating.
    Actually 125,253 e/sec (recharge rate for power) and 990 recharge rate for shields. Slow shield regeneration I know, but it is a civilian ship with zero combat capacity... shields are there mostly to protect ship from collisions and hyperspace fold strain on structure.

    You took that screenshot from the YouTube flik? Nice... makes producing and uploading full res video worthwhile to see that!
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    You took that screenshot from the YouTube flik? Nice... makes producing and uploading full res video worthwhile to see that!
    Yes, the screenshot is form the video, but i had to scale it down (from 1080p to 720p) due to the 1MB image file limit of the forum.

    I think that cargo pod turned out so well, that i will probably ask your permission once the ship will be uploaded to make a slightly modified version of this for a work-in-progress "resource fortress" station of mine, that only needs a few nice docked containers to be finished :^D
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    Simply complicated.
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    That's no problem at all, but you might be under the impression this is a container sized container.
    It is 7 levels tall.... you could fit about 75 normal shipping containers in it.... twice that for cubic ones.

    You're welcome to use it of course - I'd be honoured, but it's probably too large for what you're thinking.
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    Simply complicated.
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    Hi awl,

    Another build update.
    I included a few pics this time as well as the video.

    The Board is pleased with the progress of the build to date, and has recruited a beefed up security force which are due to arrive in a week to help round out Port Vandermier's currently rather pathetic defenses. Her shields are currently pretty reasonable at just under 3 million capacity, however the 4 rapid fire cannons are fitted as AMS and are close to useless as a stand-alone defense.

    Larger turrets are fitted as part of the final design, but that's for later.

    Currently the build is focusing on the Deep Space Scanner Array, as once that's up it will serve as early warning for the escorting defense fleet. The build is also beginning to reach up into space along the first Radial Upward Arm and fit the spotlight arrays to that.

    A sense of the scale of this shipyard can start to be seen now.

    Hope you like it. Love your comments! And leave a like on the video so I can justify the internet usage to my bean counting horrible nasty wife who I hope like hell never reads this. Thanks guys!

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    Mar 10, 2016
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    That's no problem at all, but you might be under the impression this is a container sized container.
    It is 7 levels tall.... you could fit about 75 normal shipping containers in it.... twice that for cubic ones.

    You're welcome to use it of course - I'd be honoured, but it's probably too large for what you're thinking.
    I heard about a container standard among starmadians with a size suitable for ships meant to carry cargo pods, but i actually am specifically looking for larger and well-decorated containers, which i intend to put inside a roleplay-oriented resource storage station.

    Its a simple but good-looking station with only two oversized levels of factory-like interior, with many cargo pods on a rail system, but the containers themselves haven't been made yet. So I would appreciate having a chance to look at your container patent from up-close, perhaps just to get a few design ideas, because it really looks like it would be the perfect choice in regard of dimensions and style. (I thought i share a picture of the station in the spoiler below)

    Good progress on your station! - It's nice how you staged an active construction site scene with the drones and those yet unfitted light arrays. As for the offensive turrets you mentioned, i have something you might like for that purpose, although it might end up looking wrong due to having the size of a smaller corvette ship (its gun part is 51 meters long). I included a packaged blueprint in this post, it's a self-powered rapid fire cannon turret, with a heavy base that needs armor covering once it's docked. Hope it will prove useful :)


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    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Well that's a very nice turret and thank you very much but it's WAAAY too big for what I need thanks.

    Here are some more detailed pics of the container for you:

    There's a few things I need to fix with it before it's ready to release publicly, or I'd just attach the blueprint like you did with yer turret.

    The rail docker connects to one of the four containers on level 1, which connects to the next, then the next, then the next on that level, then down to level 2, and so on all the way down to level 7's fourth container.

    And then connects back to the rail docker.

    So if you set the first to pull and the station to not pull, the container fills up pulling all the cargo down the levels until it begins to fill up from the bottom towards the top.

    And of course just turn the top container's pulls off, and the station's pull on and it'll drain out from the bottom first, trickling down and packing into the bottom if you turn the pulls off halfway through, so that the empty spaces are always at the top of the container.

    If it's suitable let me know I'll provide a link to the file privately. Else feel free to build your own using any bits you see you like, all good by me.

    EDIT > I forgot to say: I like your station I'd like to see more.
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    If it's suitable let me know I'll provide a link to the file privately. Else feel free to build your own using any bits you see you like, all good by me.

    EDIT > I forgot to say: I like your station I'd like to see more.
    Thank you for sharing those pictures, they will be a great resource in gathering design ideas. I think it would be best if i tried to make my own version of that awesome cargo container, because on second thought, it might not fit the 26 meter tall interior compartments within my station. By the way, the storage system setup you described sounds pretty clever, although i'll probably make mine fully packed with cargo blocks.

    As for my station, i made 3 screenshots, included in the following spoiler - you can see four structures surrounding the station; those are part of it and support 2 offensive turrets each, one of which is the same i shared in the previous post; there is a shot of the still empty interior as well: