Light Vs Dark News

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Trinova Besieges Darksider Colony


    As of this piece being published, Trinova warships continue to besiege the dark affiliated faction Fighting Shells. Fighting Shells is a relatively new and underdeveloped faction that recently settled in the galaxy. Dominion Prime, a senior Dark faction did send several fighter squadrons in an attempt to temporarily get a supply run though according to the faction's leadership.

    The balance of power after several months continues to be in favor of Light in terms of military tech and manpower. Led by Merc Dragon and Trinova, Lightside forces have achieved almost complete space superiority this past few months. While Dark are managing to hold on to control of key facilities in both light and dark territories, they have failed to match their foes in space. Darkside marine forces, assisted by the remaining space assets continue to dig in at both of the major colonies and their supporting facilities.



    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
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    our ships literally have not even reached allied space yet and you already have a news post up
    Jun 12, 2016
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    With the help of resistance movements and local partisans, MercDragon Spectres were able to take seize control of colonies deep into Dark and Light territories, destroying local garrison forces deployed by Dominion Prime.

    In the battle the MDS-Shogun, a Heimdall-Class Carrier was able to deploy the full force of the 11th Diamond Back Squadron to deal with enemy forces, in particular destroying a Dominion Prime Astaroth-Class Destroyer, local fleet Flagship.

    "This is only one of many planned operations to relieve Lightside citizens from the suffering imposed by Darkside factions" - Commander Lightspeed of the MercDragons
    starmade-screenshot-0580.png starmade-screenshot-0583.png



    Part of the Most Nefarious Faction in Starmade
    Aug 1, 2014
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    The Largest Engagement since Vaygr vs The Aegis Ascendancy

    Just when everyone thought things were calming down, 7 Light side players were reported in the galaxy during a dark side retrieval of the light freighter. The light freighter was secured by the Vaygr Death Wing. After sending the freighter to an undisclosed area in the void, The Vaygr homebase scanners picked up multiple hostile signatures. After transferring the freighter contents to the Deathstalker Class Destroyer(1), Trinova forces ambushed the vessel. IKindaCrashAlot boarded the vessel and fired back in order to flee the trap. After 30 minutes of hit and run attacks from both sides, Dark side reinforcements entered the galaxy. Big-dude and IKindaCrashAlot entered the Trinova/Merc Dragon occupied system to rid them of the Vaygr homebase. Big-dude drew fire as the Deathstalker attacked from behind. Shield damage was hitting both sides, but the coordination of targets on the dark side enabled Big-dude and IKindaCrashAlot to severely damage FlyingDebris's ~220k ship. Because of the concentrated mass as well as swarms of pirates entering the battle field, lag began to occur making the battle increasingly difficult to win for either side. Both dark side combatants attacked The_Judge's Alaska/Hidasta, it was completely overheated(2). DestroyerofWorld's fleet of 5 Moloch class cruisers(3) arrived causing the lag to become extreme. Light side combatant, Lightspeed12 abandoned his ship due to lag which was destroyed (4)by the deathstalker then salvaged by big-dude. Destroyerofworlds recalled his fleet of molochs, then the cleanup efforts began to destroy the pirate stations and salvage the remains of the Alaska and Merc Dragon ship.

    Edit(new info):
    DestroyerofWorlds also engaged and severely damaged the Alaska and Merc Dragon ship in his 92k shredder. As well as calling upon his 1.7 mil mass fleet of moloch class cruisers


    2. starmade-screenshot-0078.png
    3. moloch.PNG

    4. starmade-screenshot-0074.png
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    A note, every lightside pilot crashed or froze due to lag.


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    The Largest Engagement since Vaygr vs The Aegis Ascendancy

    Just when everyone thought things were calming down, 7 Light side players were reported in the galaxy during a dark side retrieval of the light freighter. The light freighter was secured by the Vaygr Death Wing. After sending the freighter to an undisclosed area in the void, The Vaygr homebase scanners picked up multiple hostile signatures. After transferring the freighter contents to the Deathstalker Class Destroyer(1), Trinova forces ambushed the vessel. IKindaCrashAlot boarded the vessel and fired back in order to flee the trap. After 30 minutes of hit and run attacks from both sides, Dark side reinforcements entered the galaxy. Big-dude and IKindaCrashAlot entered the Trinova/Merc Dragon occupied system to rid them of the Vaygr homebase. Big-dude drew fire as the Deathstalker attacked from behind. Shield damage was hitting both sides, but the coordination of targets on the dark side enabled Big-dude and IKindaCrashAlot to severely damage FlyingDebris's ~220k ship. Because of the concentrated mass as well as swarms of pirates entering the battle field, lag began to occur making the battle increasingly difficult to win for either side. Both dark side combatants attacked The_Judge's Alaska/Hidasta, it was completely overheated(2). DestroyerofWorld's fleet of 5 Moloch class cruisers(3) arrived causing the lag to become extreme. Light side combatant, Lightspeed12 abandoned his ship due to lag which was destroyed (4)by the deathstalker then salvaged by big-dude. Destroyerofworlds recalled his fleet of molochs, then the cleanup efforts began to destroy the pirate stations and salvage the remains of the Alaska and Merc Dragon ship.

    View attachment 46535

    2.View attachment 46536
    3.View attachment 46537

    4.View attachment 46538
    *Note: This is an unofficial response, from my player persona, the one and only, DestroyerOfWorlds

    To be fair, I did bring a giant fleet army, and did lay into 2 enemy ships while in a 92k shredder.. but thanks for taking ALL of the credit. :P

    To the light siders that are exclaiming, "The lag, the lag." It's no excuse, because WE were also in the same sector, yes? Did we give up after experiencing crashes and lag? NOPE. We did not. BOTH IKindaCrashAlot and I had our clients go down and when we returned we were outside of our ships and had to actually fly back in cores! But at the end of the day, there is simply no way the light could have won that battle, regardless. So y'all got STOMPED! :D

    And, in addition to this, I didn't even join the battle till like 5 minutes into it! So it was light team (801k) vs IKindaCrashAlot and Big (322k). Despite a clear mass disadvantage AND player disadvantage (5v2!), the dark team was doing well in the battle. Then pirates arrived and shit started getting laggy. And then I rolled in with my whole fleet army and Shredder and that was just the lag icing on the cake. :D BUT, the Molochs were brought OUT of the area almost as quickly as they were brought in! So aside from the loading lag, what effect they had on the outcome is hard to tell. But, even after I said I was moving the molochs out, the light siders decided "it's too hard! we cannot win! the dark is so powerful and awesome! We must run and lose!" Red and Gantry LEFT the area, even AFTER the molochs were gone! And so the light side lost. Suck it!

    So, here's the breakdown of all ships used in combat, with totals for each phase of the battle:

    Light Team (5 people):

    Lightspeed - 71k
    FlyingDebris - ~230k
    TheJudge - 220k
    Gantry - ~230k
    RedAlert007 - 50k
    Total Initial Mass: 801k
    Total Mass (without Red and Gantry): 531k

    Dark Team (3 people):
    IKindaCrashAlot - 93k
    Big - 229k Moloch
    DestroyerOfWorlds - 92k + Drone Fleet (~86.4k) + Moloch Army (1.27m)
    Total Initial Mass (Without Me): 322k
    Total Mass: 1770.4k
    Total Mass (without Molochs): 500.4k

    And as for my my part in things, I did about 20% systems HP damage to a 200k ship (by my very rough estimates while in lag), shot up a 70k ship, and killed at LEAST 5 of the 93k skullface pirates that kept spawning. :D

    Here's what I was flying in. Shredder V2.

    I took some damage.. lost 2 turrets.. but that was from a damn skullface spawning right on top of my head and I couldn't jump away from it.. damn inner-ship remotes!
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    Oct 12, 2015
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    Arstotzkan Task Force Ends Light Mutineer's Reign of Terror


    Roughly hour ago, an itinerant adult entertainment worker stumbled upon the hiding spot of a Lightside captain and his crew who recently went rouge and fled Light territory after stealing 2 silver bars from a military payroll facility. A Promethean Crusade deep patrol was diverted from it's normal duties to bring the criminals in but were wiped out. Full salvage rights to the pirate vessel and it's cargo were offered by Lightside authorities as the civilian government forbade further operations that far outside Light territory.

    Within moments of picking up the public witch-space transmission, Arstotzkan Republic Navy forces launched a task force of their own to secure the prize. Upon arriving, the rouge vessel was quickly overwhelmed by the far more numerous ARN fleet in a few minutes. Unfortunately, the violence of the encounter destroyed the cargo hold in the pirates's citadel, spilling its contents into the void. A significant amount of wreckage from both the pirate and the decimated Lightside task force was secured by the ARN forces as per interstellar salvage rights.

    UPDATE: ARN's public relations department sent this hastily drafted message to LvDN's spawn offices.

    "The beleaguered light forces were forcefully conscripted willingly integrated into the ARN, whereas the rogue crew of the cruiser were sentenced to hard labor in poor conditions a comfortable prison sentence."

    starmade-screenshot-0004.png starmade-screenshot-0009.png

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    Oct 12, 2015
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    Dark Savagery On The Rise

    A string of brutal attacks against various Lightsiders over the course of the week has culminated in a multi vector assault on Light affiliated Starfleet's territory, resulting in numerous deaths and ships lost. The attack appeared to be spearheaded by Darksider Big-dude, leader of Dominion Prime. Lithological Union, Vaygr Deathwing, We Have Cookies, and Nine Lives Syndicate formations were also spotted in the area supporting the Dominion operation. One Seraphim class cruiser with Merc Dragon transponders was dispatched to attempt to render aid to the besieged Starfleet. A Lithological Union Astaroth was intercepted and destroyed by the Merc Dragon ship. The Seraph's crew due to spatial anomalies lost control of the craft soon after, allowing Big's task force to surround and destroy the vessel. Later a second attempt by Merc Dragon to lift the blockade of Starfleet territory initiated by Lightspeed12 in an Ananiel class guided missile cruiser resulted in the destruction of a Dominion Moloch class warship. Due to the density of Dark forces and spatial anomalies, Lightspeed was forced to withdraw soon after. An Aeron Emperyean warship was spotted engaging Dark forces as well before being shot down. Partisan activity by Other_Starmadian of the Light faction Despotically Benign went on well after the main responding forces against the incursion were driven from the area. DB sabotage teams continually harassed Big as he attempted to move his broken vessel out of the combat zone.

    Reports of Dominion and Vaygr brigandry have been on the rise as of late, with at least seven confirmed instances of light and neutral affiliated factions being forced to pay heavy fees for "Protection". So far the prevalent powers opposing them, Merc Dragon and Trinova have been unable to effectively contain the increasing power and boldness of the Dark. The continued fall in Lightside fortunes has led to a growing refugee crisis as inhabitants of the affected areas continue to flee the violence.

    Merc Dragon Seraph pulling close to check for survivors after destroying a Lithological Union Astaroth.

    Merc Dragon Ananiel pulling into dry dock after the battle.
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    Part-time God
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    someone should probably tell them they have a bit of a hole there
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Calhoun's Opens It's Doors to the Public


    Calhoun's Pub, attached to the home base of the League Of Australian Shitposters' 9th Strike Force has officially opened for business. Located at -9 -4 -72 and serving a solid assortment of refreshments and food for any appetite, this cozy establishment is open to all alignments.
    Jul 2, 2018
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    *Note: This is an unofficial response, from my player persona, the one and only, DestroyerOfWorlds

    To be fair, I did bring a giant fleet army, and did lay into 2 enemy ships while in a 92k shredder.. but thanks for taking ALL of the credit. :P

    To the light siders that are exclaiming, "The lag, the lag." It's no excuse, because WE were also in the same sector, yes? Did we give up after experiencing crashes and lag? NOPE. We did not. BOTH IKindaCrashAlot and I had our clients go down and when we returned we were outside of our ships and had to actually fly back in cores! But at the end of the day, there is simply no way the light could have won that battle, regardless. So y'all got STOMPED! :D

    And, in addition to this, I didn't even join the battle till like 5 minutes into it! So it was light team (801k) vs IKindaCrashAlot and Big (322k). Despite a clear mass disadvantage AND player disadvantage (5v2!), the dark team was doing well in the battle. Then pirates arrived and shit started getting laggy. And then I rolled in with my whole fleet army and Shredder and that was just the lag icing on the cake. :D BUT, the Molochs were brought OUT of the area almost as quickly as they were brought in! So aside from the loading lag, what effect they had on the outcome is hard to tell. But, even after I said I was moving the molochs out, the light siders decided "it's too hard! we cannot win! the dark is so powerful and awesome! We must run and lose!" Red and Gantry LEFT the area, even AFTER the molochs were gone! And so the light side lost. Suck it!

    So, here's the breakdown of all ships used in combat, with totals for each phase of the battle:

    Light Team (5 people):

    Lightspeed - 71k
    FlyingDebris - ~230k
    TheJudge - 220k
    Gantry - ~230k
    RedAlert007 - 50k
    Total Initial Mass: 801k
    Total Mass (without Red and Gantry): 531k

    Dark Team (3 people):
    IKindaCrashAlot - 93k
    Big - 229k Moloch
    DestroyerOfWorlds - 92k + Drone Fleet (~86.4k) + Moloch Army (1.27m)
    Total Initial Mass (Without Me): 322k
    Total Mass: 1770.4k
    Total Mass (without Molochs): 500.4k

    And as for my my part in things, I did about 20% systems HP damage to a 200k ship (by my very rough estimates while in lag), shot up a 70k ship, and killed at LEAST 5 of the 93k skullface pirates that kept spawning. :D

    Here's what I was flying in. Shredder V2.

    I took some damage.. lost 2 turrets.. but that was from a damn skullface spawning right on top of my head and I couldn't jump away from it.. damn inner-ship remotes!
    Did ANYONE get news covers e of the war that almost broke out with WingofJustice, and the dual monarchy?
    [doublepost=1542282178,1542281741][/doublepost]Well, I'm I loner now, but I'm in tanis city if anyone would like to hire me for mining, or need an extra pilot. I'll be heading to the cross roads. I am look I g for a faction if anyone would like me to join.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Did ANYONE get news covers e of the war that almost broke out with WingofJustice, and the dual monarchy?
    [doublepost=1542282178,1542281741][/doublepost]Well, I'm I loner now, but I'm in tanis city if anyone would like to hire me for mining, or need an extra pilot. I'll be heading to the cross roads. I am look I g for a faction if anyone would like me to join.
    nice necro