Light Vs Dark News

    Oct 12, 2015
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    FCM Loots, Scuttles Rouge Shadow's Homebase


    Last night, forces of The Mandate briefly occupied Rogue Shadow's home base, cleared it of any valuables, then quickly left after destroying the abandoned station. Significant resources were taken as well as the filled blueprint of a 700+k titan of extremely poor design, which was promptly scrapped for components.



    Galactic Authority monitoring ships were dispatched to investigate high levels of temporally disruptive Lambda-AG radiation.
    Weapons fire had knocked loose poorly designed Rogue Shadows turrets during the initial assault,causing the dangerous leak. After the FCM vessels left, a turret was removed from the wreckage, bound for an undisclosed facility for further study.
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    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
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    looks better this way
    Oct 12, 2015
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    IL Loses Titan, Ft Eversore Falls

    Roughly an hour ago a massive Formiden Colonial Mandate Fleet assaulted Ft Eversore, Infinite Legion's main defensive garrison protecting the Orrirula Colony. The Fort quickly crumpled under the enormous firepower brought down upon it. Infinite Legion Overlord Az14el responded in a Nemesis class titan but lost control of the vessel on arriving due to heavy temporal distortion from Lambda-AG radiation. Galactic Authority Monitoring vessels were similarly disrupted upon reaching the scene. By the time the anomalies cleared the IL titan had been torn to shreds by the massive FCM fleet. starmade-screenshot-0070.png

    This latest battle represents yet another major evolution in what has been a steady escalation of hostilities since the GA Homelands Development initiative was launched. In efforts to secure both their own and each others territories, hundreds of vessels and tens of thousands of lives have been lost in what has become the largest Light Vs Dark conflict since the close of the 3rd Era. The current conflict sees Light being lead by a coalition consisting primarily of Formiden Colonial Mandate, Sanctum Solaris, Mechanical Wings and Resonance fighting against Dark factions Infinite Legion, Event Horizon and Omnium Aeterna. starmade-screenshot-0084.png starmade-screenshot-0085.png starmade-screenshot-0087.png


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    Additional Pics from the fighting that's been going on the past two weeks.


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    Oct 12, 2015
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    Even more Pics.


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    Apr 21, 2013
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    At 03:10 Zulu Time Formidan forces commenced a theater-wide assault, hereafter known as "Operation Zitadelle".

    Elements of the 3rd, 4th, and 9th attack squadrons as well as the 21st, 23rd, and 25th bombardment groups participated in the operation. The total number of participating combat vessels is 115 ships. The battlecruisers Capriphinon and Tsushima II were present as Combat observers from Mechanical wings were also present in a lend-lease Riedel class destroyer. The first target of the operation was a Infinite Legion forward base present in Formidan territory. The base was destroyed by the 1st Composite Bombardment unit without taking any casualties. The next target of the operation was the liberation of the Ebi colony from Legion occupiers. This mission was completed with the loss of three dachsc
    hund class corvettes and one Augsburg class frigate.

    After the homefront was secured, the fleet gathered to engage the primary target: Legion Fort Eversor. The ships assembled and engaged the defense fleet surrounding the station, losing four additional Daschunds. The fleet then moved to engage the station directly, forcing the station to overheat within two minutes of sustained fire. Legion reinforcements in the form of the Nemesis titan entered the combat area, heavily damaging Tsushima and forcing the Mechanical Wings observers to withdraw. However, the main fleet held their ground and delivered a devastating barrage of weapons fire upon the titan, forcing it to withdraw. The fleet pursued, and destroyed the only known Infinite Legion titan. The final kill of the night was a Legion Moloch-class cruiser.

    The total number of Legion losses includes one soultaker class battlestation, Fort Eversor, their Nemesis titan, and a number of sentry ships and frigates. The total mass of these losses exceeds 3.5 million mass.

    Total number of FCM losses includes 20 ships. 15 of these ships were dachschund class corvettes, with five being Augsburg class frigates. Additionally, the Tsushima II suffered catastrophic damage and was stricken from the naval registry. Capriphinon suffered damage but was repaired in short order. Total mass of FCM losses amounted to 150k.

    Today was a great day for the Mandate, and therefore, the galaxy. Sieg Formidas!

    [[---END PRESS RELEASE---]]


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Infinite Legion Overlord Az14el responded in a Nemesis class titan but lost control of the vessel on arriving due to heavy temporal distortion from Lambda-AG radiation.
    Lambda-AG radiation spiked on re-entering the combat area after drifting away from any big targets, we did get a good though short & low fps battle out of it first, always the risk in bringing out the big boats.
    Also attempted to intervene when they first approached Fort Eversor in an Elucidator Frigate, but quickly noticed her firepower was a drop in the pond for the scale of the fight and went for something bigger.
    Apr 19, 2013
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    Also attempted to intervene when they first approached Fort Eversor in an Elucidator Frigate, but quickly noticed her firepower was a drop in the pond for the scale of the fight and went for something bigger.
    you were killed by a lil drone frigate lmao


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
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    Yeah, when i fell outta my ship while fighting you guys, not before i came back in Nemesis


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
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    Your ships are rugged and handsome as I'm sure you are <3

    yee i was mad
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    You seem awful sure of yourself for someone who wasn't there, you guys got one kill on me, after destroying the station & before destroying Nemesis. How about you discuss it on LvD discord where people who were there have half a clue to school you with, "cuck boy".
    You're so adorable when you're mad.
    Apr 16, 2016
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    --{{Mechanical Wings Press Release}}--

    Due to mechanical issues experienced by intense levels of Lambda-AG radiation and poor shielding, the pride of the Mechanical Wings Fleet, The ECF StarFlare, was forced to withdraw from the engagement and head home. However, the damage caused by the radiation was more extensive then it first appeared and after The ECF StarFlare withdrew from battle all crew members were forced to abandon ship and send it on an automatic heading back to Allied space. Once the radiation levels had dropped to acceptable levels, the crew attempted to return to the ship only to find wreckage with her designation. Extremely disheartened, the crew limped back to allied space, carrying what few personal belongings they could find. Although no evidence has yet been found, it is believed that explosion of the StarFlare was caused by Dark Forces that had determined her to be an attack of opportunity.

    In other news, with the help of the Formiden Colonial Mandate (FCM), the new ship ECF Uproar has been commission for Mechanical Wings Fleet. May she chart new space and her voyage be fruitful!

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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    boroski shut the fuck up before we kick out from FCM, holy fug
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Idiot Removed from Event Horizon's Lawn, Permanently

    Roughly two hours ago 500+k vessel began attacking random player settlements, demanding money and hurling insults and undecipherable garbage over witch-space radio. Judging by the language being issued forth,the poor piloting and it's predilection with "hos and money" the subhuman creature most certainly had assistance from another unknown player or faction as it couldn't possibly have built up the resources for the vessel on it's own. During it's bumbling rampage there was an exchange of words between the douchebag and Event Horizon's Atheu which resulted in the vessel, a stock NDS Salamis, entering Event Horizon's space. The Salami's pilot, a RawrFace666 began to redouble his insults in an attempt to coax Atheu into attacking him in a cartoonishly bad "come at me bro" moment. Moments later Doughnut logged on and launched the Hammer along with Atheu in a Barsuk. Darksider,EnterpirseE was also in the area providing scouting assistance. possibly inebriated as well as stupid RawrFace, in a show of bravado that could only be brought on by the finest cocaine, charged at the Hammer directly, weapons at full blaze. After roughly 10 minutes of fighting, the Salami, after it's shields buckled was violently torn apart and it's pilot summarily shot. When asked for comment, Atheu replied "This is why you don't interrupt Dr Who and Doughunt's Sandwich".The douche-bearing creature, promptly thew a hilariously grand fit and vanished, hopefully permanently.

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    Nuclear Doughnut

    A Radioactive Pastry
    Jul 2, 2013
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    I will attest to how delicious the sandwich was and how much the intruder made me wait for food...

    Most of my logs were voice logs of me bitching about how much I wanted to eat and then go find some alcohol vs shooting at dumbshits...