Every single one of your favorite servers sucks: here's why


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Repairing Lag = A) just restarting the server or B) finding & fixing the dumbest of shit

    Even on GenX I average 300-400 ping as an aussie (though some days have absolutely been like comr4des video for hours and at one point even days at a time), which is about as good as I've come to accept on most populated servers, yes they have an actual admin team but they also have a ton of dumb players with a large numbers of blocks to do dumb things with, so I actually find this kinda impressive.


    Apr 10, 2013
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    Your story homewer, seems too fantasied, I don't know why, but I just can't trust such story.
    As the person who attempted to deal with Sephirothis' admin abuse, I'll drop my two cents. Comr4de's recollection of the events are 100% what happened. I spent many hours combing through logs tracking NASS' admins and their command use. I never dealt with one as bad as Seph. I had to entirely overhaul the way the server was run simply to curb his use of admin commands. I added strict rules for admins to the point where admins were hardly able to do anything, because it was the only way I could bring admin abuse to a minimum.
    I deplore the idea of admins running factions, or even being in them. It allows for nepotism and leads only to problems.
    Dec 2, 2015
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    This is why Odium loved EI:

    • Arkazan refused to participate in factions or even play the game, he dedicated his full time to administration.
    • It did not say the server had "great preformance" I do not even think they advertised their specs, that was up to players.
    • No admin abuse, Arkazan was never aligned with any faction, thus he had no reason to abuse
    • While they did have boosted mining, the faction config forced factions to control additional territory and you could only mine in your own territory, so even more reason to expand
    • It was stable, at least until made those changed to the configs that the server did not agree with
    • RIP EI, best server in StarMade history thus far, never forget...
    Jul 17, 2013
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    There's also the fact that some players on alleged PvP servers will cry GRIEF to the admins as soon as you visit and scratch their paint a little (socialization on a server? *gasp*). The admins will then cater to those little bitches antisocial fucks wtfAreYouEvenOnAServerFor players and apply Nazi SS level surveillance on larger PvP factions, making it completely unfun for said PvP factions that are doing PvP on a f*cking "PvP" server.

    Morale of the story; if your server is meant for carebear wannabe multi-singleplayer newbs, don't label it as PvP.
    If someone wants to avoid PvP on a PvP server... then why don't they station their homebase several galaxies away from spawn, so only the most determined come looking for them? :rolleyes:
    May 5, 2014
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    RIP EI, best server in StarMade history thus far, never forget...
    I'd contest that the original EE beats EI due to a better community and larger playerbase in general. But otherwise +1 it was a good run but sadly* Ark wasn't in for the long haul.

    EDIT: added one word.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    This is why Odium loved EI:

    • Arkazan refused to participate in factions or even play the game, he dedicated his full time to administration.
    • It did not say the server had "great preformance" I do not even think they advertised their specs, that was up to players.
    • No admin abuse, Arkazan was never aligned with any faction, thus he had no reason to abuse
    • While they did have boosted mining, the faction config forced factions to control additional territory and you could only mine in your own territory, so even more reason to expand
    • It was stable, at least until made those changed to the configs that the server did not agree with
    • RIP EI, best server in StarMade history thus far, never forget...
    *Almost best
    if it ended up actually happening i think it would have been quite somethin' yeah


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    If someone wants to avoid PvP on a PvP server... then why don't they station their homebase several galaxies away from spawn, so only the most determined come looking for them? :rolleyes:
    But why would they play on a PvP server, or a server at all, if that's the case? If they're just going to sit in their homebase all day 10,000km away from spawn, then they might as well just play single player and not take up server ressources for people that actually want to play.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    If they're just going to sit in their homebase all day 10,000km away from spawn, then they might as well just play single player and not take up server ressources for people that actually want to play.
    What if they do leave their homebase, just never when you are around?


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    What if they do leave their homebase, just never when you are around?
    In an other galaxy there won't be anyone around, ever. And don't pull the "oh but there's a 0.0000000000001% chance of" argument, the point is that they're still voluntarily avoiding interactions with other players, on a MULTIPLAYER PVP SERVER. Therefore, they are wasting server ressources to play pseudo-singleplayer.
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    bottom text
    Sep 6, 2013
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    It's good to remember that massive exploration, and the opening of other galaxies are bad to the server's database - makes things more heavy, to simplify it. So yes, if someone is going to be 10 zillion km away from the spawn galaxy in order to not be touched, I'd rather have them on single player instead of a server.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    One of our local multiplayer pushovers, whose name rhymes with Medymnion, argued he fucks himself off at his base because he liks to talk to people while he builds.

    I think that says a lot about the player base this game attracts.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Isn't that in one of the few snippets that actually made it to youtube?
    Seeing as how they only put up some glitched, all-cut-to-6:15 clips from day one, Hey guys, that was 4 months ago? Where are the rest?, I'm going to say no.

    Dodge what point, i'm not here to play silly video game politics. i'm here to make sure the server runs for people to use and to build things creatively ... that's it. i don't place any stock in this cancerous bull shit of server expirences. I have nothing to gain from it.
    If your max mining bonus is above 15 you need to not. Just don't. This is really the crux of my message here so please pay attention. The first major problem with this is that it removes any need to actually fight, expand, maintain territory, or do anything that would require interacting with other players and NPCs. It has transformed the multiplayer experience of starmade into an online creative mode. While some people may be fine with this it betrays the purpose of online play; to interact with other players through both combat, diplomacy, and trade.
    This point. The primary point of the thread, which I have attempted to get you, the SS guys, to respond to. However, despite this, you keep bringing up the "forum politics" you claim to hate.
    Apr 24, 2013
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    Holy shit guys for real now? Like really?

    Server over-inflation is bad, there are not many well argued points against this. I would like this thread to maintain its original course and provide a discussion about server practices and health effects caused by those practices.

    I am of the opinion that high multipliers do more harm than good, give me a reason this thought is bad.
    Apr 1, 2014
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    This has been a very interesting read*

    *I glossed over many of the less constructive posts, thus not letting them mar my interest

    I've been a server admin, head admin, and now Retiree admin (still busting my balls for the server) over at Ragnarok for many years now, While we've always advertised ourselves increasingly as an RP server rather than PVP/PVE there's no escaping the latter elements and reading the original post and some of the following discourse has made me nod my head emphatically in understanding.

    I will reveal that we're on the cusp of a reset ourselves, though not due to database bloat or the usual issues but just because we're launching a kick-ass new lore that everyone will love and everyone who has ever played starmade will come and be a happy family and everything will be good and great and... where was I? Right.. Even in our comparatively strict RP environment these problems spoken of presented themselves - Obviously we had some people for whom the RP was entirely secondary to destroying fools (this is a problem that would be unique to RP servers) so we tried to make rules about not camping out and abusing those who just wanted to live in relative peace, and rules about not dropping capital ships on tiny factions and the like.

    In the end, it comes down to the people who inhabit your server, any rules we made to try and make things pleasant for the whole were abused by the few into their favor, in the end it was these people who had this "MUST WIN" attitude who were at issue, not our rules.

    We've also run into the problem of conflict, we used to have people constantly accusing us of being dull and boring whilst they sat in their proverbial fortified compounds refusing to come out.

    Most recently, the problem was one of imbalance, where we had two "Good" Factions with dozens of members each who were closest of allies, if ever any "evil" or otherwise opposing faction appeared the response was overwhelming and immediate. RP that did take place with them was almost exclusively internal, shutting out everyone not in those factions.

    For administrative staff it comes down to professionalism. I personally never held issue with staff playing as normal, provided they could differentiate between normal play and their duties. I always advocate a switching between two modes as a member of the community and a member of the administrative team, I even came down on language and general behavior -in the community but mostly within the staff- so they could set the correct example both as staff and as players. I'd like to think the team succeeded in that. I myself stepped down because my job at Lightweave threatens to demand all my time at any moment and I was not comfortable holding the title of admin when I might not be able to give it the attention it deserved.

    In the end it comes down to the players on your server. If you want a great server with a lovely player base (which Ragnarok has in my opinion) then you've got to set it up so the kinds of people you would wish to play are attracted to your server. If you are lazy in the setup and you have casual or abusive admins, then the players you retain (if any) will be of a quality that reflects that.

    In the words of a great man: Keep on being excellent to eachother.


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    Woah woah WOAH there everyone.

    Ok, someone had asked me to take a look at this thread and the drama within it. I didn't expect all this junk...

    Normally I would just clear out the bad posts and ask all the good boys and girls to behave, but this train is so far off its rails that there is no saving it. Closing thread...

    Comr4de: If you want to repost the OP (maybe with a less inflammatory title, please?), you're welcome to.
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    May 26, 2013
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    I've gone through and removed posts I've deemed off-topic, or those that took the thread as a personal attack.

    This thread is to show the current state of the game, focusing on servers. SS was selected in the OP because it is well known, and while for the most part, it is a great server, like everything in life it has it's issues.

    For those entering this thread, please keep personal issues out of it. Please only reply with constructive information and refrain from derailing the thread.

    For those watching and contributing to this thread, if an off topic post is made, contact me directly to evaluate and resolve it.

    Thanks fire219 for locking and making it easier to vacuum.
