Search results

    1. Byamarro

      Using RegEx to improve Starmade CPUs

      Technically we could use display blocks' capability to perform RegEx operations to minimize and simplify logic operations in SM. Did anybody thought about it or was doing any research regarding this idea?
    2. Byamarro

      Glass display block

      Just a display block that have glass' texture. We need to use trick to achieve it currently and it costs a lot of text characters.
    3. Byamarro

      Dev stuff

      Anyone knows anything about new stuff that is comming?
    4. Byamarro

      Logic signals

      Logic signal block would be something that can be slaved as ternary effect to weapon, it would cause 2 things at once: - if your projectile hits something, then your weapon block outputs logic "true" signal. - activates logic blocks which are being hit by projectile The purpose of that effect...
    5. Byamarro

      Read by Council Make use of laser colors etc

      We have ability to change lasers colors as we like, but we could make use of the fact, that it's easy for SM engine to change beams' colors and add more depth to the game. Instead of using it as pure decoration, we could make multiple tiers of lasers, like: red, blue, UV, gamma etc. More...
    6. Byamarro

      Longer chunk loading after new update

      Am I the only person who noticed that new chunk update actually made chunk loading way slower? It takes me few minutes to enter server now (chunk around spawn position are being loaded).
    7. Byamarro

      Best setups for close-star travel

      Did anybody made tests for close-star travel? What might be best setups?
    8. Byamarro

      Fleet minning not working?

      Anyone have issues with fleet minning in latest Starmade version (0.198.48), or is it just me? My ship is floating and doing nothing when ordered to mine.
    9. Byamarro

      What's new in dev build

      Hey guys, I'm temporary unable to try out dev builds. Anyone knows what's comming?
    10. Byamarro

      What do u think about SM direction

      All this stuff with fleets that will be able to mine and fight for you. Possible food for crew. Will Starmade be first person RTS?
    11. Byamarro

      Please someone build it

      I don't care how, but please someone build TARDIS. Of course He needs to be bigger inside than outside! Thank You
    12. Byamarro

      Suggestion News comments via SM account

      It should be possible to use Starmade account in comment section under news :/
    13. Byamarro

      Adding new factory blocks

      Hi! Is it possible to add new factory blocks, or blocks that work like capsule refinery?
    14. Byamarro

      Survival expansion mod, questions to community

      Hello! As some of you may know I'm creating survival expansion mod for starmade. I'm currently changing current sm ores to real life ones, currently I implemented: gold, iron, lead, uranium, titanium, tin, aluminium. I would ask...
    15. Byamarro

      Sell hotkey

      Right now selling big amount of items is a real pain. Could there be just a hotkey? Like B+LeftMouseClick on the item = sell? Dragging items to the small button is really painfull.
    16. Byamarro

      More wireless receivers and emitters

      I would like to propose 4 new logic blocks. 1. Field receiver and emitter. Field emitter would spread invisible logic signal at frequency defined by an user. It will not be computional resource drainign as You only need to calculate distance between receiver and sender and if it's close enough...
    17. Byamarro

      Thinner logic pipes

      Could logic pipes be a little bit thinner? Sometimes they cover all logic blocks if there is too many of them...
    18. Byamarro

      Logic Module as teriery effect

      This is an idea to add logic module as teriary effect for weapons. It will convert damage to logic signal that will send TRUE/FALSE signal to damaged block. Thanks to it we will be able to use logic beams, pulses, cannons etc. to spread informations. Just imagine broadcasting station that will...
    19. Byamarro

      Starmade roadmap dead

      Are devs still care about SM roadmap? I fell it's a little bit not up to date.
    20. Byamarro

      Improve block rotation in advanced buildbode

      Idea is to replace current system of block rotation with this: I don't think that it needs a lot of explaination. Current system is terribly nonintuitive.