The Odium Pact "acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Dear Community,

    Faction Leaders, Alliance Leaders and Community Members.

    I Ridik Ulass, CEO of The Euro-Corp Syndicate would like to formally announce the collaborative creation of a new alliance between my faction and the Vaygr Empire.

    "The Odium Pact"

    Zorozeenee and I will be heading up this new alliance, and collaborating on some internal agreements and operations as well as a very high standard for joining members.

    Including but not exclusive to:

    All factions must have their own forums.

    Mandatory all members use the alliance forums.

    Mandatory all new members have a working mic

    Mandatory all new members of factions must be above the age of 14

    Mandatory all factions must have a standard for recruitment, Including opening voice based interviews.

    Alliance officers must attend weekly voice meetings.

    Alliance members must try to attend bi-weekly voice meetings.

    Alliance factions must moderate inactive members.

    We will strive to be not just an alliance, not a good alliance but a great one. Existing in more than just name like so many others.

    We will run internal events, pvp tournaments, mech tournaments and ship to ship events trials of combat designed to teach experience and prefect the art of combat in starmade, as and when our alliance grows we will maintain leagues and statistics of the events.

    We do not want or need dead weight, unsuitable factions will be refused admission and/or removed from the alliance.

    Our Goals are simple, We wish to build a better community, a better universe out of conflict, Trial by fire.

    Thank you for your time,

    Ridik Ulass CEO,

    The Euro-Corp Syndicate "building a better universe"

    In collusion with

    Zorozeenee Emperor,

    The Vaygr Empire

    -OZYMANDIAS- Imperium,

    Event Horizon. "Liberate Te Ex Inferis"

    Nuclear Doughnut CEO,

    Omega Incorporated

    The Odium Pact "acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"

    The war is over, with victory to the pact ~

    "I admit to defeat. Ridik has won. Don't harm me anymore." ~ObiShawnKenobi .
    Dec 2, 2013
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    ...until us \'halfassed\' people get our hands on some firepower. Also, your title should read \"Nihil praeter deos stultitia.\"
    Jan 27, 2013
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    homines ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus dando.
    Jan 27, 2013
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    I highly doubt there is a DFN war, but there might be something i missed.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    We have to wait until that\'s over first...

    Oh, and please don\'t say it was a pathetic war. Honestly, it was more devastating than you all assume.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    by halfassed i mean people that just dont give a shit and ignore everything thry are told
    Aug 19, 2013
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    There was never a war. Bradley didn\'t even need to to do anything to make your factions or alliances collapse. He was getting manipulated by EVERYONE. Stop trying to make it look like more of a bigger deal than it really was.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Who needs to learn it anyway, just say some random shit (Title) and you are all good to go :D

    Dec 5, 2013
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    If I\'m reading this correctly, then it seems that you require factions within the pact to kick out inactive players. You can\'t just force factions to do that; sometimes people have reasons for being inactive. I myself have been inactive because I\'ve been spending time with family and slaughtering deer. Also, does this also mean that if a faction joins, they must kick out all members under the age of 14? I don\'t think very many factions will comply with these requirements you have set up
    Sep 29, 2013
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    why does everyone read it wrong when it is very specifically worded right.

    \"all new members must be over the age of 14\" members currently in a faction get granfathered in.

    as for the other rule \"factions must moderate inactive members\" this means get in touch with them, figure out whats going on, even make sure they are ok, some members have families, I have a daughter myself, some members have tests it is christmas, some members don\'t have internet behing home with a family for christmas, some might just be sick everyone has reasons to be away IRL is more important, but then again some people have no interest in the game. removing an inactive member doesn\'t prevent their return should they come back either.

    this is mainly to stop a 8-10man faction saying they are a 78-80man faction when they just lack the activity.
    Sep 14, 2013
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    Personally IMHO forums and TS3 make a good faction indeed. Sure you can be a good faction without them but it\'s rare. A faction that is organized on a forum where everyone is on the same page and uses TS3 or some other voice option will trounce factions who don\'t have and use these 9 times outta 10.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    Alright children, I\'m cleaning this thread up on Ridik\'s request. Sorry that you have to deal with stuff like this, Ridik, but I\'m glad that you decided to ask me politely about a clean-up rather than keep the rage and harassment going. Thanks for being part of the solution!
    Nov 5, 2013
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    I know previously the Lazarus has joined you on multiple endeavors, Ridik, but your practices have become far to elitist and selective for the Lazarus to continue.

    The requirements you have listed would pull me too far away from my faction, and it would force me to be much more restrictive on my members, which is something the Lazarus Empire has strictly tried to prevent from happening. We believe greatly in providing our members with a great amount of freedom, and leniancy as long as they stay loyal to me, and the Empire.

    Also, it would greatly stretch the Lazarus away from it\'s Neutrality, which is something I have stressed to no end.

    All in all, I will not be supporting this pact. However, in the tradition of Neutrality, I will not oppose it directly, either, except in some cases of business if the situation calls for it. I will not provide any kind of direct, personal support, however, and that should be noted.


    Lazarus Empire
    Sep 5, 2013
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    its a GAME we dont need to be allied with each other. WE just need to have fun. This pact might just push the unstable peace over the edge and make people want to quit playing. I went through the RA battle with Bradley. I saw it all first hand. How can people be saying that it was pathetic if they didn\'t even witness it? Remember when Obi thought about quiting and actually shutdown the server? It was becuase people kept giving him rude comments that he didn\'t need to receive. If this brings any trouble to me I DON\'T CARE. (I\'m a honey badger)
    Oct 24, 2013
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    I can understand why you may have made this pact, and with good purpose, but I agree with awsome. We didn\'t come here to go around making pacts and forcing people apart. We all came here to have fun and make new friends. Factiions are differnt. What you guys are making is a trust. Groups coming together to force the weak off the internet BY GOING TO WAR WITH THEM! We don\'t want to have any trouble, but if your going around to create it, we\'re going to do what the reble alliance, the new republic, would do. Do what we can to settle it. Obi is our leader and we follow him and will do so untill the end.