Stabilizer Connection Beam Tweaks

    Dec 10, 2017
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    There is a lot of controversy surrounding the new stabilizer connection beams. I've spoken with a few people in a fairly cool-headed environment and we have come up with a few ideas for improving the new beams.

    The Way Things Are Now
    The current connection beams' sizes are determined by the combination of:
    - The number of reactors in the group being stabilized
    - The number of stabilizers in the group being connected to the reactors by a beam
    - The number of groups of stabilizers connected to a reactor group
    - The relative size of the stabilizer group compared to total number of stabilizers

    The current beams are always visible, even in flight mode.

    The current beams disable the connecting stabilizer group when damaged. This, however, will be changed in the near future (see news update on pre build 0.200.269, section Energy Stream, major paragraph 2).

    The current beams can be redirected with Reactor Stabilizer Stream Nodes, and this redirection has no effect on stabilization or other features.

    The Problems
    These beams are generally unpleasing aesthetically and don't work with a variety of builds.

    With larger numbers of reactors and stabilizers the beams take up considerably more space and can get out of hand very quickly.

    The consequences of damaging beams quickly becomes debilitating and serve as a game-breaking mechanic.

    Once a beam generates, the player cannot build or delete blocks in the space it occupies.

    The Solutions We Came Up With
    Make the size of stabilizer beams more manageable by keeping the thickness constant, most likely at 1 block wide. In terms of big builds, a lot of space in ships is often devoted to rooms and decoration, which is almost always closely-spaced. A 1-meter width will allow the player to, using nodes, redirect the beam and navigate it through their builds to avoid occupied spaces and connect to the stabilizers. The ability to redirect also permits the player to redirect the beam through more protected areas of the ship.

    Make the beams visible only in build mode (preferably only while in that ship's core in order to prevent cheating). This partly negates the need for the ability to redirect the beams through unoccupied spaces, but it removes the need to hide the beam within the ship and lets the player focus on moving it through more protected areas or in ways more conducive to the ship's shape. It also partly dulls the game-breaking effects of having the breakable beam. Additionally, it opens the opportunity for a recon ability (likely expensive) that can allow players to see opponents' beams in flight mode for a short period of time.
    Another option for the beams' visual appearance is to make them invisible outside of build mode only by default. Then, a player can, through some method, link light blocks to the beams to not only make them visible, but to also make them the same color as the block using the current texture fitted in different colors to match each light block.

    Allow players to build in the space a beam occupies. This is a bit of an obvious thing to ask for because of the difficulties that come with disallowing it. Therefore, it doesn't require very much explanation. All I need to say is that the beam needs to be manually redirected and then put back in order to build in that space otherwise.

    Make the penalty for damaging a stabilizer beam much less end-all-be-all. We didn't think up an exact penalty yet, but it must be something that doesn't work on a scale or HP system, mainly for the sake of performance and implementation. My suggestion would be to have a temporary set percent decrease in stabilization provided by the connected group as opposed to complete disconnection. Something like 30% or 40% destabilization of the group would be a good amount. Basically, on taking damage, the added stabilization of the group instantly drops x% and slowly recovers over the next y seconds. Every time the beam takes damage it goes back to that x% decrease regardless of what the current percent is. This would also be interesting considering the weapons because it gives the advantage to the weaker, faster-shooting machine gun over the more powerful, single-shot lock-on missiles. Of course, another option would be a penalty to reactor HP should the beam sustain considerable damage for an extended amount of time.

    Final Notes
    These are all potential solutions that we put a good amount of thought and discussion into. I doubt that all of these points will be implemented, or even agreed with, but they each have a reasonable backing and their own advantages and disadvantages. I mostly spoke about the advantages of the solutions, but there are downsides to them that must be taken into account. I recommend that we all put a lot of thought into changes and improvements that can be made on these new additions before deciding to remove them. Please be sure to discuss which fixes you like and which fixes you don't like below in the comments section.

    EDIT: As it turns out, the player's inability to build in spaces that overlap connection beams is a bug and was not intended. As a result, I have crossed out the relevant information to that.

    EDIT: Corrected my description of stabilizer beam size determination.
    EDIT: An interesting addition was suggested by Captain Skwidz and Kikaha that I decided to add to my suggestion as a slight modification to the beam visual mechanic.
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    Jun 14, 2017
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    The beams will still get in the way in build mode if you're trying to detail stuff. I actually like the stabilizer beam mechanic but I don't like that damage to the beam damages the reactor. Instead the beam should damage the stabilizer group closest to the section being damaged (if the section being damaged forks, all stabilizer groups below the fork share the damage. Also I like reactors more.). That way the ship still has power, albeit less, and it's not immediately game over for the pilot.

    I don't like the color of the beam either, but I think it would add a bit of decoration if it could be textured to look more like an energy stream of some kind going towards the reactor with customizable color. A violent red stream with wavy animation might make a pirate station look a little more interesting or a blue "fusion" stream could make a power plant look high-power. Decoration like that would be useful for rp "boss" ships/stations/whatever but it could be an issue for pvp players unless they're good at burying stuff. Or there could be a beam masker block per five or so stabilizers. The masker would then tie into enemies having to scan for the beam while keeping people who don't like the ugly beams anyways happy.
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    Aug 25, 2013
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    Why not add the ability to change the appearance of a beam segment by linking different blocks to the stabilizer node?
    At least that way you could use it to add something to your build. Different colors and textures would be nice if the beam was kept at a reasonable size.
    Oct 26, 2014
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    Remove this shit who ever asked for such a Cancer should be removed man this Thing goes now right trough all my ships Hangars not acceptable either add the posibility to hide it or remove it make it only visible in buildmode and that Kind of stuff BUT NOT IN FLIGHTMODE or if not in ship
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    Jul 5, 2015
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    Apparently in the latest pre/dev build of the game(build 0.200.269), the beam deactivates when ships are docked into a station (possibly due to the ship reactor being inactive). This allows easier building into the area the beam occupies (without having to lean face first into the beam to see where the blocks are).
    Dec 10, 2017
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    Remove this shit who ever asked for such a Cancer should be removed man this Thing goes now right trough all my ships Hangars not acceptable either add the posibility to hide it or remove it make it only visible in buildmode and that Kind of stuff BUT NOT IN FLIGHTMODE or if not in ship
    That is one of the things mentioned in this post, actually. We discussed the beams and we mostly agreed that making them invisible would benefit builds. Of course, there would still need to be some sort of information source that tells the player, "hey, protecting this is important." Configuring the appearance of the beams may be interesting were the size more manageable, but overall the best fix is probably invisible beams.
    Oct 26, 2014
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    That is one of the things mentioned in this post, actually. We discussed the beams and we mostly agreed that making them invisible would benefit builds. Of course, there would still need to be some sort of information source that tells the player, "hey, protecting this is important." Configuring the appearance of the beams may be interesting were the size more manageable, but overall the best fix is probably invisible beams.
    well because the Thing is why can a beam go trough everything without damaging it I think visible in buildmode would bethe best Option and this u have to protect it is also shit because u direct this normally not straight u direct it over connectors so maybe adding something like a stabilizer conduit would Profit the build and solve the issues we have and u would have to ugly ur build with adding protection for the build
    Dec 10, 2017
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    well because the Thing is why can a beam go trough everything without damaging it I think visible in buildmode would bethe best Option and this u have to protect it is also shit because u direct this normally not straight u direct it over connectors so maybe adding something like a stabilizer conduit would Profit the build and solve the issues we have and u would have to ugly ur build with adding protection for the build
    I feel like people are misunderstanding what I'm saying. You are deliberately restating what I said in my post. I mentioned directly that the best fix would be to make the beam only visible in build mode. As for the conduit idea, the devs and players that have been conversing with them all agreed that 1) having stabilizer conduits would contribute too much lag due to how they would play out, 2) a physical conduit that can be placed anywhere would provide too much freedom and opportunity for exploit in the game, and 3) the implementation would be too difficult for a stabilizer conduit that affects reactor stability. I could have misstated these slightly, but this is the general gist of why stabilizers are not conduits like reactor chambers.
    Oct 26, 2014
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    Well on the other hand how shall I protect a beam which is not inside me ship same problem I would have to sacrifice half of my power which I can't
    Dec 10, 2017
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    well, the need to protect the beam is still present, which means that you still need to pay attention to your placement of stabilizers. the thing that does counteract this issue is the new nodes that can be used to redirect the beams through your ship. in fact, the invisibility frees you up to redirect the beams through empty space in your ship that may be more protected than space filled with systems. the key fix is getting rid of an eyesore that is impossible to hide (hence smaller beam and invisible in flight and astronaut mode).
    Jul 10, 2013
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    At least if the beam is going to stay as is it would be great to be able to customize it like the colors of the thruster's plums. That way it'll look nicer.
    Dec 10, 2017
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    At least if the beam is going to stay as is it would be great to be able to customize it like the colors of the thruster's plums. That way it'll look nicer.
    As a matter of fact, what if you could link lights to the beams somehow to turn them that color? And then, having no lights linked to them makes them invisible outside of build mode.


    Jun 14, 2017
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    Some more ideas:
    -Damage to the stream either damages the stabilizer group connected to it or drains a bit of energy
    -The stream texture looks like energy flowing towards the reactor because the stabs are affecting the reactor
    -The stream texture can be colored with light blocks connected to the first beam redirector
    -A special block can be used to hide the energy stream at the cost of stabilizer to special block amount (something like one sblock to 10 stabilizers)
    -The stream can be hidden im build mode
    -The stream can be revealed by a scanner like a reactor when hidden by the special block or covered by normal blocks

    Sorry if I already meantioned some of these ideas. I was considering starting my own thread with them but that would be inefficient.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Stream hidden in build mode would be a must. Its definitely in the way in terms of building and being able to see what you do.
    Dec 27, 2017
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    I like the streams idea in general. I find it make sense to have a link between reactor and stabilizer. I still have to test with a huge reactor but i don't mind the stream to adapt in size as it also make sense (more energy, bigger stream). Just have to adjust your build with more stabilizer groups to control the size of the stream.

    The Stream node definitely needs adjustment though. When having multiple stabilizer groups, It's not possible to fork the nodes as you can link only one node to a node, so the stream is only one beginning and one end. (it only fork at the last node toward all your stabilizer) This is painful if you have your stabilizer group far apart. It's also a pain when you have more than one reactor as both will follow the same nodes.
    Would need to be able to assign a reactor to a starting node and a stabilizer to an end node.

    For the visual, I really took advantage of it in the design. But I admit it would be really nice to be able to customize the look of the stream.
    I'm not sure about making it invisible in flight though. One, i like the concept of having to protect it. two i don't want someone visiting my ship and wondering why i have an empty tube in my ship.
    But we could have the options to make streams invisible in the graphics option like for the block/logic connections.

    pictures of my stream here: starmadepublic
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    Jul 10, 2013
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    I like the streams idea in general. I find it make sense to have a link between reactor and stabilizer. I still have to test with a huge reactor but i don't mind the stream to adapt in size as it also make sense (more energy, bigger stream). Just have to adjust your build with more stabilizer groups to control the size of the stream.

    The Stream node definitely needs adjustment though. When having multiple stabilizer groups, It's not possible to fork the nodes as you can link only one node to a node, so the stream is only one beginning and one end. (it only fork at the last node toward all your stabilizer) This is painful if you have your stabilizer group far apart. It's also a pain when you have more than one reactor as both will follow the same nodes.
    Would need to be able to assign a reactor to a starting node and a stabilizer to an end node.

    For the visual, I really took advantage of it in the design. But I admit it would be really nice to be able to customize the look of the stream.
    I'm not sure about making it invisible in flight though. One, i like the concept of having to protect it. two i don't want someone visiting my ship and wondering why i have an empty tube in my ship.
    But we could have the options to make streams invisible in the graphics option like for the block/logic connections.
    Totally agree with all of that.

    Plus being able to hide the beam during build time would be awesome.
    Aug 31, 2013
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    I'm trying to build a space-dock and the beams are proving to be a major hindrance. I'm trying to route them through the arms that curve around where the ships will go and place stabilizers on the ends of those arms. the problem comes in when I place the second set of stabilizers. I have re-routed the first beam through the top arm, but the connection continues down through the middle of the station to the bottom. Even though I have a second route setup for that arm, it is ignored. My suggestion would be that any energy beam starts at a node placed ON the reactor instead of its center, and any stabilizer connections will use the nearest chain of linked nodes. So placing a node on the reactor and linking it up to the stabilizer which also is in contact with the final node will allow us to place connection beams through any path we like.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    The stabilizer beam exists as a failed attempt to fix a problem that only exists because of stabilizers, a failed attempt to fix a problem that doesn't really exist. So, stabilizers and thus the beams that go with them should just be removed. It's a waste of developer time to try and "fix" the stabilizer beam when it doesn't accomplish and cannot accomplish what it's supposed to do and the entire mechanic it's based on should not exist in the first place.


    Jun 14, 2017
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    Unless you like the ugly stab beam texture and use it for decor.
    Don't look at me... it's ugly