Sleek armed perma-cloaker


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Scoundrel; stealth pirate-farming tool

    990 000 e/sec, 660 000 power, 1.5 thrust-to-mass armed perma-cloaker/ jammer. Hauls and cloaks two AMS turrets, a little fold-wing shuttle with about 30 seconds of cloak and one of two weapon modules.
    The cannon or missile module is docked in the hollow front fuselage. It is fired wirelessly and as such does not break cloak or jam when firing (so OP against pirates). You can blast away, carving the undesirable blocks from the unaware pirate of your choice and then salvage the overheating valuable bits without ever dropping out of cloak.
    It produces just enough e/sec to continuously fire it's 30-output cannon array or one missile per second while still cloaked and jammed. The power shell is fairly efficient for it's shape using 3155 rechargers in 29 groups.
    The missile module sequentially dumbfires 32, 18k damage missile-50%beam missiles choked down to the 3x3 square around the main entities camera, with enough beam secondary to bring refire rate to 30 seconds so it can sustain continuous fire. It also has four 135k damage missile-pulse-explosive dumbfires to try and shoot through armor holes.
    The cannon module has 30, square-stacked 112 damage cannon-84%cannon machine guns fired by a fast rotator that fires most of them most of time it's supposed to (works flawlessly in single-player of course).
    Both Weapon modules have a light-duty logic-controlled salvage-cannon arrays as well. The salvagers output to storage containers that slide into the, uh, controls room when their weapon module docks (the different shading on the right storage array indicates it is a docked component).
    Yup, there's a decent control room, surrounded on all sides by standard armor or plex doors including sealing off the docked entity's storage array. Four one-unit jump drives are easily charged while cloaked. Tons of storage and a fully-enclosed hanger to boot, also a scanner and some medical supplies.

    With a long station battle in mind I tend to leave the shuttle at home to ease the cloaking power requirements.
    If used for stealing AI controlled ships, remember to disable the AMS turret AI's before disembarking.

    That'll buff out.
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    Reactions: Rumcajz
    Jun 24, 2013
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    How did you manage to make a clock that has less delay than 0.5s for rapidly firing the canons wirelessly??


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    How did you manage to make a clock that has less delay than 0.5s for rapidly firing the canons wirelessly??
    The cannon module has a fast rotator clock on it which is turned on and off wirelessly; 45 degree step, max-speed rotator, two activation blocks touching and linked to the rotator are linked to each other through NOT gates. That'll keep it spinning. For output, each activation block is connected to both a flip-flop and a second activation block and the second activation block on each output is also connected to the flip-flop (tick1; triggered activation block turns on, tick2; second activation block and flip-flop turn on at the same time, tick3; flip-flop turns off from second activation block's signal). Without shortening the 'on' pulses the other side's 'on' pulse will 'overlap' the first leading to permanent 'on' - or something. Then the flip-flops both connect to the final output activation module to re-combine the two pulse signals. Should re-fire at 250ms reload time, certainly not perfect however, needs specific re-tuning to optimally handle even minimal multi-player lag (like everything fancy in this game).
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The cannon module has a fast rotator clock on it which is turned on and off wirelessly; 45 degree step, max-speed rotator, two activation blocks touching and linked to the rotator are linked to each other through NOT gates. That'll keep it spinning. For output, each activation block is connected to both a flip-flop and a second activation block and the second activation block on each output is also connected to the flip-flop (tick1; triggered activation block turns on, tick2; second activation block and flip-flop turn on at the same time, tick3; flip-flop turns off from second activation block's signal). Without shortening the 'on' pulses the other side's 'on' pulse will 'overlap' the first leading to permanent 'on' - or something. Then the flip-flops both connect to the final output activation module to re-combine the two pulse signals. Should re-fire at 250ms reload time, certainly not perfect however, needs specific re-tuning to optimally handle even minimal multi-player lag (like everything fancy in this game).
    Ive tried this on single player, I only seem to be getting about 0.5s reload, the final output works but doesn't visually flash. I've tried another setup with a 3x3 rail loop with activation module next to each rail and slaved to final output seemed to get me 0.4s reload, with most of the slowdown being at the turns


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    The final output won't flash,or the two flip-flops either.
    Regarding the slower then expected reload; make sure both of the flip-flops are off (orange). If they are on they will send a one-tick 'off' pulse so we want them off to get short 'on' pulses.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Wow this has to be one of the best cloakers I've seen.
    Any chance for a link so we could play around with it :?