Planet Weather and Energy


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Planet Weather and Energy from it.
    • This makes planets more interesting!

    Before you laugh and rate this post funny, please read the rest too!

    If a planet has a lot of lightening, you create: Pyramids (pyr a midas - Fire/lightening in the middle)

    (1) The lightening strikes the pyramid not fully, but is deflected by the tip and goes into the ground through the middle of all 4 faces (like water, energy searches the path of lowest resistance).

    (2) In the middle, you have a con·densa·tor made of metal (Fe) and a Dielectric Element (I have heard red granite has 80% iodide and was used in Pyramids too)
    Because most of the electricity is deflected(1), the condensator survives.

    (3) You can use Sakrophages filled with organic material from animals as Batteries

    In StarMade
    1. Blue Forcefield blocks (or new ones) catch the lightening and activate during it.
    2. A power-capacitor array subtracts energy from the forcefield blocks.
      • All bottom-most 2D slices will emit a power-supply beam which turns to damage if it hits anything but a power-capacitor which can hold the energy.
      • Lightening is distributed to lower 2D slices depending on block count.
    3. Batteries-Blocks will charge up from it if their own charge-level is lower than the capacitor's and vice-versa. They have a larger capacity but a slow conversation rate and cannot be directly drained but need a power-capacitor.
    A planet can also have hurricanes or stormy winds.

    (1) you need rotating entities in a wind-stream and the cross-section on the wind-axis defines the power the rotator-dock creates.

    (2) but not more than a nearby/linked capacitor array can hold * some multiplier / time.

    Some planets are warmth, sunny, peaceful and have singing plants.

    (1) These plants pay you a tribute in energy if you keep them happy (enough water, etc).

    (2) They are not happy in dry deserts, on windy planets or very hot places.

    Biomes could have different weather and provide you with plenty of energy to produce antimatter-fuel in your Large-Hadron-Collider (or a future version of it).

    What weather does a Biome have?

    With a lot of water in the air you get happy plants, but they also need earth and the right themperature.

    With a lot of rock, you get strong winds and can build windmills.

    Strong winds and different air temperatures cause lightening.
    Winds cross biome borders and each stream has a direction temperature and height.

    The actual implementation might be different, I just provide a general direction/idea.
    • Aesthetics & graphics
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    Jan 28, 2015
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    Planets are evil! They finaly got rid of planets in StarMade only to hotfix them back! :p

    That proved you can have a map without planets so where is the map generation option to turn them off!

    But he if planets ever stop beeing lagging rotating ship eating server killing monstrosities. Then them having weather is a nice idea. Though the whole energy concept is to complex and probably very hard to implement.

    MODS MODS look at Minecraft. This is really something someone could add with a mod. Minecraft kept it's game pretty simple and let the community dress it up. Starmade is putting way to much detail in it's game this early in the games creation. Focus on gameplay "Pirates used to attack from out of the blue" Hostile sighted!


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    You don't have to use it, but it would be nice addition to the soft-cap wheen defending planets :)
    When cookie-planets were in question, I voted for cube-world like planets with just 6 sides which would probably lag a bit less.

    I like mod-ability, BUT as long as StarMade is proprietary software, I wont spend too much effort.
    I will try out and release my trials in cc, but not build big things

    Proprietary software is like a gift inviting you to contribute just to take the time you contributed away, addicted to foreign terms of use.
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