keptick Council App

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    Master Owl
    Jan 3, 1970
    Reaction score
    Username keptick

    Responses in this application will be posted publicly in a voting thread.

    Timezone (GMT): (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

    How much time are you able to commit to being on the council per week? The same amount as I can commit in my current term, meaning a few hours per week or more if necessary. I will have a lot of free time this summer, so this is flexible.

    How long have you been playing StarMade? I've been playing starmade for more than three years now.

    What’s your playstyle in StarMade? Over my three years in starmade I have pretty much experienced everything there is. Ranging from creative building to lone wolf pirating, passing through factions and PvP servers. I have an undeniable taste for PvP combat, especially when the odds are more or less equal.

    I have recently been more focused on building, but I'm definitely willing to plunge back into combat at any time.

    What are some qualities you think you posses that would make you a good council member? Open minded, creative, patient, friendly (99% of the time).

    What are some of your weaknesses? I talk too much at times. Punctuality isn't my forte either (but that doesn't really matter here).

    What motivates you to become a council member? I'm already (or was, at the time of the election) a council member, and have been for two terms already. I would like to continue helping this game grow into the amazing creation it has the potential to be!

    How do you contribute to the community currently? I'm a (ex)council member. I also participate in discussion on the forum, servers and chat.


    Big Brother
    Jul 20, 2014
    Reaction score
    Warning Points
    • Offensive Content (Minor): 4/30/2016 (3 Warning Points)
    • Inappropriate Behavior: 2/5/2015 (1 Warning Points)
    • Inappropriate Behavior: 1/16/2015 (1 Warning Points)
    • Inappropriate Behavior: 9/26/2014 (0 Warning Points)
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