Introduction thread!

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Hello im tacotown or the duck guy or that crazy guy chaseing you down withan ax. im in 14 love dogs, computers, guns, music, and reading. Im highly cynical at times so be fore warned. ill turn up in about any fourm post imageamle. i some times become insane, or sane wich on is it... any ways i have been playing at the start of yogstorm am cic of the lazarus R.A.T. Department and will genaranly cause you to go insane due to my 3rd grade spelling and grammer.
    or because of the talking citrius friuts.


    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Hi I'm Jan,
    I'm 28 years old, you'll see me playing on brierie's starmade server, I like making big ships, big stations and make new friends on the go. I'm a professional in Information Technology with Masters I work for the government as a software engineer creating anti-hack software for government banks and legal information systems. I play StarMade to relax after work and family.
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    Apr 9, 2014
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    Hello peoples!

    I go by srentiln, I'm a 26 (only 4 months from 27 :s) year old ChemE(B.S.)/Biotech(M.S.) guy who enjoys a variety of things, including games where my creative side can come out of hibernation. I came upon Star Made when the owner of the Minecraft community I play with posted a thread about it (and then made a server). Despite the few headaches I've had with the build system, I'm absolutely loving the game.

    My current goal is to build what I call a "Death Ship" to take on a super OP ship someone else on the server has built. I'm hoping to be able to blend the function with the aesthetic on it, so I might post some images of it once I have fleshed out the basic shape and systems.
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    Jan 13, 2013
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    I'm Targ, I am a builder in the DFN, and my real name is Matt. Literally all I do is eat and play starmade, and even then all I do is build. Just to warn you, if you ever meet me server side, I am weird, I talk about feeding my computer on black magic and mouldy sandwiches, and then tab out to look a twitter. In real life I am a 14 year old British kid who hates Britain, and walks around with a messy Emo fringe (my profile picture is cartoon me). Actually, who am I kidding, the only time I walk anywhere is to get to the car. Things I hate include rain, pasta and social interaction.
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    Apr 22, 2014
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    Greetings all, I'm Josh and I've been puttering around in Starmade for the last week or so, still trying to get the hang of everything. Currently I'm working on a build of a ship I drew in a fan comic I did years ago:
    The one I'm building in game is quite a bit smaller than this, but the same general idea.
    So far, I've only encountered pirates, that have blasted me to oblivion. Hope to see some other "live" folk in space sometime. :D
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    Jun 27, 2013
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    Steve Raleigh here, now I'm gonna keep this short, as I have plenty of science and whatnot to conduct. Found Starmade a long time ago in its infancy and played the old alpha version with some friends, stopped playing, came back to it, stopped playing it right before the "Visual Update", and now I'm back and wowzas has it changed. Planning on downloading and testing this bad boy for the next couple of weeks.

    Oh and if you see someone who claims to be Steve Riley out there in space that is not me, that's an imposter.
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    GD Intern
    May 8, 2013
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    Hello, I'm Kovu.

    I'm a freelance programmer who enjoys modding and creating tools for games in my spare time. I tested this forum in its infancy with Duke, and have quite enjoyed lurking. Will be working on a new version of SMEdit with UltimateBudgie, as well as a few other useful tools. I'm a current moderator of the MinecraftForum, so feel free to PM me here or there.

    Looking forward toward a fun time.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Kovu Good to see the SMEdit project picked back up. A lot of people are going to be psyched to hear that.
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    Nov 16, 2013
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    hello all I am Leanson. Some know me, and then again some don't. I am the last old CR leader, former second in charge of Euro corp, former Odium pact ambassador and manager, and leader of the active and not dead yet Calderon faction.

    I like to make my ships from the inside out, I don't plan I just do, sometimes I get ideas while I'm making ships or I will look at others for inspiration. I learned from many great builders from them I have absorbed and tried to perfect my skills.

    I am active in the forums and chat. I tend to not keep my mouth shut and because I have to speak what is on my mind. I end up speaking up to much at times.

    My real name is Chris, I'm 27, I have a wife and a 2 year old daughter who is 2 times as smart as me and I am happy for that. I have been a Marine since 2007, served 5 years of active duty. And now I work for a company installing, maintaining, and removing GPS equipment from cars. Easy stuff. I am a senior in college, which I will be getting my BS in software engineering. I have written programs in Java, C#, and some C plus plus.

    I loves games, movies, writing, art, and spending tome with my family. I love space and the opportunity it bring to all the possibilities that can and do exist for our world.

    one of my favorite quotes is the only thing constant is change.
    Oct 21, 2013
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    Hello i'm kola2 or kola2dono (whatever you want to call me, i prefer kola2 really) i am still just a kid.

    I have played alot of starmade before and just recently bought it.
    I also play alot of planetary annihilation, minecraft, ksp and a couple of other games.
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    Sep 16, 2013
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    Oh, wow, I haven't made one of these?! I guess late is better than never. Okay. Deep breaths.... here we go.

    So, who am I? Am I anyone? Should you care about my existence?
    I'll try to answer all of these questions.

    Who am I?:
    I am a mushroom who lives in the forests of Sweden. I am 942 mushroom years of age, and I know of no conversion.
    But now, for real. I'm just some guy, who lives in Sweden. In 'real' life, I am very introverted, or socially incapable, if you wish. But I can be a lot more open around here. I am self-taught in programming, and I'm seeking professional education.
    I'd say C# is my primary language, it's what I know the best. I'm currently learning C++ (Gotta' hate those pointers) and I know some Java.
    I like StarMade, but that should be self-explanatory. Other games I play includes: Osu!, ... Well, yeah, Osu!.

    Am I anyone?:
    I am one of the newer moderators around here. Other than that, I am no one of any importance.

    Should you care about my existence?:
    As long as you follow the rules, no, you don't have to. I'm not very active on the forums, and that's something I might want to change. In chat, however, I think most people know who I am. (It's where I spend far too much of my free time)

    So, yeah, that's me. Phew. If anyone wants to talk, about anything, you're more than welcome to message me, either here on in chat.
    If there's something you want to know that I've missed here, (I don't know what that could be), feel free to ask.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I feel I should redo mine because it was ... brief :)

    My name is James Rimmer. I live in the UK. I have an unhealthy obsession with cake, and eat silly amounts of it. I love this game, obviously. In real life, I am heavily introverted. I struggle to get a sentence out if talking to someone I don't know/to a small group, where as here, I am a lot more open around here, as I don't care if you are passing judgement on me as much XD I am currently in the process of learning C# at college, and to help with that/cure boredom, I am developing starlaunch because why not. I am own Infinite Havoc, a moderately popular starmade server, I own a whitelisted MC server, and I am an admin on StarDrift.

    Thats me. God I need a social life...
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I don't think I've introduced myself to the community yet, so why not. I am JKF, or JFK if you're illiterate/lazy. I play very little Starmade and don't post much on the forums either. I just lurk, wait for an update, play till I get bored and go back to lurking.

    I am a community college dropout and looking into online classes for game design. I split my time between Vidja Games, Anime, Manga, and watching Let's Plays.

    Words I use to describe myself, in no particular order. Bored, Tired, Empathetic, Cynical, Lazy, Directionless, Alone, Logical, Otaku, Furry, Gamer, Communist, Spiteful, Easygoing.

    Feel free to PM me about anything.
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    Apr 22, 2014
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    I have a degree in Computer Science and, currently, I'm writing my master thesis on Music Information Retrieval and Semantic Web. My computer geek interests are related to machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    Some of my hobbies (lol, nowadays, almost no time for them) are: music mixing and production.

    Yesterday, I bought the game. So, the devs are 6 dollar richer than before. :p
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    May 7, 2014
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    I'm a college grad planning to finish up some more education soon. I forgot where I first heard about StarMade, but for the past week me and my friend have been hooked like dope fiends, all the more impressive because neither of us really liked Minecraft (he took a lot of convincing to try it). Maybe it's our appreciation for Sci-Fi and because of our artistic inclinations, I don't know. All I know is I have neglected my daily obligations because of this game. It was well worth my $6.

    Anyway, I'm totally amped and psyched and pumped for upcoming content in this game, and can't wait to waste more of my precious time building blocky ships.
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    Sep 18, 2013
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    It is I, the almighty Collector of Skulls, Devourer of Worlds and Maker of Love!

    Life is such a boringly broad thing, albeit fascinating in its complexity, that most of the paradoxons in mine are likely unworthy of mention.
    Yet I do it anyway. Yay!

    Ever since I've had access to the internet, I've been stumbling through, terrorising, analysing, bathing in its magnificence. Should be about seven years now.
    As geeky as it might sound, it actually bettered me. Thanks to it, I've become interested in languages, science and technology, and I learned to appreciate the friendly exchange of virtual projectiles in all of their cascading forms. So yes, I'm a gamer - nowadays less than I used to be - of various titles, such as Battlefield and EVE Online, and a huge fan of roleplaying.
    This shows in another hobby of mine, being Warhammer 40k. I suck at painting, but damned be the one to defeat my strategies in a full-scale battle. /boast
    No, wait, that's not the hobby I wanted to get at. Fiction writing, that's the one!
    Been tinkering with words for as long as I can remember, and eventually it grew into huge-ish projects including five novels and dozens of short stories. Most of them are older than four years, as school is taking over much of my free time. Once I get to university, it'll better.
    Philosophy put quite the stamp on me as well. I often link it with cosmology and make physics part of my life. Huge things, tiny things, evolving things, everythings.

    In StarMade, I'm the head of SATURN Shipyards, formerly owned by xXDanClarke96Xx (or however his Xs were placed). I really only play there, because I play rather rarely. But when I do, I like to build differing kinds of ships, but never finish them. Damned be new and more interesting ideas! /selfloathing
    Oftentimes I tend to roleplay if there are participants, of which I have yet to find a willing amount. *hint hint*
    Oh, I have/had a faction known as Interstellar Corsairs Corporation, ICC. It went well for quite a while, outside of StarMade, but people grew inactive more and more.

    Ah well, I conclude with the usual:


    Edit: Heck, I talk too much.
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    Jun 16, 2013
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    I'm Eelviny, a.k.a. Elvin.
    I currently run a medium-sized server network, and I've just been quietly in the background for a while now...
    The thing that really makes me tick is web design and server administration. I'm not too much into playing games, I much prefer administrating them.
    I'm 16 and while my little business doesn't make me a living (I don't have to worry about that at this age :p ) I certainly do enjoy spending every moment of my free time on it. So, if you're feeling bored, go check out what I do ;)
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    Oct 12, 2013
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    I'm whiterhino16, and whiterhino was already taken but I did the... the... thing. Where was I going with that? Well, at least its not whtierhinoandalsosecretlyablackrhinoandIdontgethytheyarecalledblackrhinosbeacausetheyaregreyalsoimsectretlyalizradofsomekindpertendingtobeablackrhinopertendingtobeawhiterhino. I've actually been on starmade for a few months, I just reset it (and forgot how annoying pirates are) because it wouldn't update. I also play Kerbal Space Program a lot. I also witnessed the fall of Roblox, so there's that.
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    Aug 16, 2013
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    I am Boba_Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. I enjoy role playing as a bounty hunter, but it is difficult to track people and catch them ("no disintegrations") in Starmade currently so mostly I float around and pretend I am deadly. I am 20 years old, just graduated a three year college program and am going on to get my Master's in Counselling and Psychology. Not so deadly after all :P I am a physical (paintings) and digital artist and made my own skin for Boba Fett, and could possible be persuaded to make more skins in the future. I do Tae Kwon Do in my spare time. Minecraft is sweet, and so effectively, playing "minecraft-in-space-on-steroids" (Starmade) is obviously amazing! I plan on joining a server and playing online more often so I can become the bounty hunter people call on in tough times.
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