Destructible/Mineable Sun with a few new blocks


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I figured since we can't touch the sun without getting turned into a crispy fired critter lets give a reason to go into the sun. This idea spawned from the whole is the sun killable thread a while back so who knows where this thread could go. :P

    Here's a few new blocks for this.

    These blocks only have a few things in common one being they are all ghost-like to all other objects and blocks and all of them generate radiation into the area around them that can go up to several sectors away depending on the type of star the core or plasma is from. Also Sun Cores and plasma only grant power and shielding to the ship or station they are on since they have so much HP for themselves.

    Sun Core: Depending on the sun this block can be anywhere from 1^3 in size up to 10^3 in size. This block can only be placed on stations and has to be fully directly connected to the rest of the station by at least a single thread of blocks to stay part of the station. This block generates and stores it's own Shielding, Power, and it also slowly regenerates armor and structure hp as well but only for itself. The Sun Core has 100 X the amount of HP of a planet and while it can be attacked by other weapons it can only be destroyed by warheads once it's HP is low enough also salvager beams can mine it when the HP is low enough. Also the Sun Core generates Plasma Blocks around it randomly but will generate them out to 100 to a 10,000 blocks away depending on how big the core is. This is a radius so it'll form a sphere of blocks or try to at least. Since these blocks don't check for collision and render as a single object it hopefully won't cause much lag. Sun Cores are able to cause direct damage to blocks unless it is part of a station under a faction's control. The faction controlling the station in question won't be harmed by the radiation however everyone else will be. Also stations with sun cores on them can'ts be set to home base and if they are already a home base they lose their home base status.

    Also weapons and items made using the Sun Core or any Plasma block can also cause lethal damage to the sun core. Once it's HP is 0 you have 30 seconds to get out of the solar system before the sun goes super nova. This also happens if the sun core is mined rather than destroyed by weapons fire or warheads. Everything within the solar system will be destroyed outright by a slow moving blast wave from the sun. Now while I say slow moving its actual speed is around 10 x server max speed. It can even destroy home bases. Once the nova is over the solar system in question will be a void system for a few hours with nothing in it, while you can pass through the system you cannot build anything in it or claim it. You also can't enter build mode in it or spawn ships either. The system will fully regenerate after this time with an equally deadly means that kills anything in the system right before it respawns.

    Sun Shielding Plasma: Generates and stores shielding for itself and the entity it is part of. Has no structure or armor but still has a radiation field around it. Unlike the core plasma only causes radiation damage to things far closer to it and has way less light to deal with. Can be placed on ships and stations but not planets.

    Sun Power Plasma: Generates and stores Power for itself and the entity it is part of. Has no structure or armor but still has a radiation field around it. Unlike the core plasma only causes radiation damage to things far closer to it and has way less light to deal with. Like with Power Reactors there is a bonus for making smart groupings for both power generation and storage. Can be placed on ships and stations but not planets.

    Now for something that can be made from these since they are usable in recipes.

    Effect: Solar Blaze: This effect is a bit different from the normal ones in the fact it allows the weapon it is slaved with to cause solar radiation damage in the area around the shots fired and the impact zone for a duration of time. As for its passive the passive boosts energy and shield Regen amounts and speed. As is the case with any effect it come with a computer that can control any number of its modules.
    Computer Recipe: 10 Sun core Blocks, 500 of each type of plasma block.
    Module Recipe: 1 Sun Core Block, 50 of each type of Plasma Block.

    Star Shielding Capacitor: Made with Shield Capacitors, a sun core, plasmas, and the ingots for the resources needed to make shield capacitors this provides slightly more shield storage than normal and when the shields are brought down to 0 releases a radiation burst based on the number of blocks and how they are grouped and how many groups there are.

    Star Shielding Generator: Made with Shield Capacitors, a sun core, plasmas, and the ingots for the resources needed to make shield Rechargers this provides slightly higher shield regen than normal and also it has the added effect of forcing sun related damage to be fully taken by your shields until depleted but while taking sun based damage your shield and power regen are turned off. This damage can come from a star or weapons with Sun type damage it doesn't matter from what.

    Here's the last one for the moment. :P

    Nova Bomb: An upgraded warhead made from an absurd number of sun cores, plasmas, and warheads. Damage and blast radius scales depending on the size, and shape of each grouping while there is a single blast for each grouping a single nova bomb grouping can't dealing enough damage to kill a star outright but several independent bombs from different ships are able to. This block causes no structure or armor damage to ships or stations with fully active shielding that is boosted by Star Shielding type blocks or plasma. In the case of plasma whether it is on a star or a station or ship it is blown away outright. As for star cores it'll take several larger groups to kill one grouping of star cores.

    OK now what'd you all think ..... well aside from planning my disappearance and murder right now? :)
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    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I could just see the reaction in chat when someone sees the notification right before doomsday. XD

    Notification: Player X has started Star_8374973902847017438 in System (1,2,3) to go supernova. All players within this system have 30sec to RUN!!!!!!!

    *Clock showing time left appears*

    *Chat goes ablaze with curses as the players in that system grab whatever isn't nailed down and jump out*

    *Some don't make it out* Players B, S, R, and D have died to Supernova. Spawn Points reset to (?,?,?)
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Maybe we should just make sun deadlier instead. We don't even have gas giant/nebulae mining yet and you're going with stars?! Come on...


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Well mining stars and causing them to go supernova can wait until the devs get around to a total update on performance it is a fun idea none the less. Although yes they'd have to be made slightly more dangerous but only after making it so we can see the sectors around them where we'd die in. XD


    Apr 1, 2015
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    Sun Core: Depending on the sun this block can be anywhere from 1^3 in size up to 10^3 in size.
    concerning the size I'd rather have multiple sun cores forming a globe-ish structure fitting in a cube of size from 1^3 to 10^3. This would also allow to create very powerfull artificial stars.
    This block can only be placed on stations and has to be fully directly connected to the rest of the station by at least a single thread of blocks to stay part of the station
    What happens if there is no block on the station but the sun core?
    a radiation burst based on the number of blocks and how they are grouped and how many groups there are.
    So the burst damage is calculated the same way power reg is calculated right now?
    Apr 25, 2015
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    I could just see the reaction in chat when someone sees the notification right before doomsday. XD

    Notification: Player X has started Star_8374973902847017438 in System (1,2,3) to go supernova. All players within this system have 30sec to RUN!!!!!!!

    *Clock showing time left appears*

    *Chat goes ablaze with curses as the players in that system grab whatever isn't nailed down and jump out*

    *Some don't make it out* Players B, S, R, and D have died to Supernova. Spawn Points reset to (?,?,?)
    8-( Just what we need .... something else for the twitch kiddies to grief someone with


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Considering killing a star would be a hazardous job it would take some time seeing as the HP would regenerate if left alone. :) Also being burnt to a crisp slowly and painfully tends to make things interesting in killing the star in question.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    I was thinking about star killing after someone mentioned a Dyson sphere. I'd prefer a simpler mechanic and not so destructive results. I think once you destroy the star it obliterates all asteroids and damages stations but destroys all planet cores sending the planet chucks across the frontier.
    Nov 9, 2015
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    Maybe a bit of a "melting" system would be put into place unless you used a type of hull block that can only be found on X stations, or Y derelict sun ships. that way, people can't just hop onto a server, blow up a star, and hop off. you would need to do some serious searching to find the stuff.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    God, no. Stars should not be destructible. This is just another way for heavily built up factions to screw over newbies. "Oh, your faction just started up? It'd be a shame if someone NUKED YOUR STAR."

    I do think there should be a way for admins to spawn/remove stars and wormholes. But players? No.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Keep in mind this would be configurable on if it could be done or not. So if a server didn't want the stars being blown up it could make it so they couldn't be, same thing with the mineable side to them. Also It'd be rather unhealthy to try and fire weapons at the ranges needed to kill it. Same thing with warhead bombs 90% of the time the things will burn up long before they reach anything of importance.

    As for how to deal with "Put the Lights Out" Trolls or larger factions totally obliterating a system full of new players well Upping the damage stars to to blocks as you get closer might help. Say the blocks on the side closest the sun take damage more rapidly than blocks further away. Blocks lit up by its light would be taking damage so it'd burn through the outer hull and other blocks first. :) Now fly into the sun without some for of protection and you'll melt before you can do anything.

    Could make it so something plasma blocks fly off as solar flares from time to time allowing someone to gain access to the needed parts to mine the sun more. :)


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    Keep in mind this would be configurable
    This for sure! I ase keep this in mind Lecic. I'm thinking about the mechanics I want for mission and possible universes to build a dnd like modes for other people to play through. Star destruction would be a great mechanic.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Keep in mind this would be configurable on if it could be done or not. So if a server didn't want the stars being blown up it could make it so they couldn't be, same thing with the mineable side to them. Also It'd be rather unhealthy to try and fire weapons at the ranges needed to kill it. Same thing with warhead bombs 90% of the time the things will burn up long before they reach anything of importance.

    As for how to deal with "Put the Lights Out" Trolls or larger factions totally obliterating a system full of new players well Upping the damage stars to to blocks as you get closer might help. Say the blocks on the side closest the sun take damage more rapidly than blocks further away. Blocks lit up by its light would be taking damage so it'd burn through the outer hull and other blocks first. :) Now fly into the sun without some for of protection and you'll melt before you can do anything.

    Could make it so something plasma blocks fly off as solar flares from time to time allowing someone to gain access to the needed parts to mine the sun more. :)
    You seem to have completely ignored my point of "people being able to completely destroy everyone a person owns." Anyone who's been on the server for more than a few days can easily just throw together a giant ball of hull with some weapons and power in the very center that blows up stars and ruins people's days.
    If you're going to up the damage so much that people can't even destroy stars without dying before they can finish the job, WHAT IS THE POINT?
    Could it be an optional config choice? Maybe. Should it be the default? Fuck No.