Countering Death Cubes Elegantly

    Oct 13, 2013
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    So. There have been a lot of suggestions on this topic, but I don't think I've really agreed with any of them 100%. So I'm going to throw in my two cents, which you are free to agree with or disagree with as you will.

    The Problem:
    There are a few problems at work here that most people are aware of, but are often conflated into the same one.
    1. Game Mechanics Penalize Large Bounding Boxes. A 1000 mass ship with small dimensions is superior in every way to a 1000 mass ship that has wings and antennae and such. This is because of a number of factors, but the main ones that come to mind are docking areas (rectangular turrets and fighters pack more efficiently) and turn speed (large dimensions reduce turning velocity).
    2. Game Mechanics Penalize Open Space. This is related to the point above, but essentially, the issue is that having open space inside your spaceship is wasted space, and it's always more effective to have more shields than more bedrooms and hallways and docking hangars and such.

    This leads to a discrepancy between ships that look good and ships that fight good. Obviously there should be practical considerations in ship design that allow for more effective ships, such as placing weapons at the front instead of at the rear and so on, but currently the rules are quite draconian. Most spaceships from fiction which look practical, and would be relatively practical (given sci-fi logic) in real life (such as the Battlestar Galactica, the Daedalus from Stargate, various ships from Star Wars, that kinda thing) are very impractical in Starmade, as they aren't cubes with little to no interior space.

    My Solution:
    This isn't the only solution, but it is my solution.
    1. Change Turn Radius Rules: Longer ships shouldn't turn slower. If anything, they should turn faster, as RCS thrusters can be mounted further apart from each other, allowing for better leverage. There's no air resistance to fight against in space. My idea is to scrap size-based turning altogether, and make it mass-based instead at the very least, or, implement more complicated, more realistic turning calculations.
    2. Tweak Block/Power Dynamics: Right now, blocks=strength. There's no reason, except for increase in size, not to add more shield capacity, more weapons, more thrusters, more systems to a space ship. Because of this, 99% or more of an effective combat ship should be dedicated to functional blocks, leaving all ease of life and decorative blocks as handicaps. My suggestion is to greatly increase the effectiveness of all blocks, with power requirements increased as well. The limit to how powerful guns can be on a spaceship should primarily be based off of the power generation of the space ship, not the number of weapon blocks the ship can fit. Similarly, shield generation and thrust would primarily be limited by power generation. Power generation would go up with ship size, meaning that larger ships can mount more weapons and more shields while still have plenty of space left for decoration and docking. You would be limited in how many shield blocks you add not because of space limitations but because your generators can't handle the additional strain.

    This would also make combats more interesting. Right now, the most effective solution is generally to have a ship built around a single weapon system. Because you can only fire one weapon at a time, additional weapon blocks that aren't the main one won't be being fired most of the time, and as a result are use-impaired.

    However, if limited number of blocks isn't your main currency, you could have several weapon systems on your ship without reducing the effectiveness of the others. Maybe you have a long-ranged sniper weapon, and a rapid-fire weapon, and a slow firing explosive cannon, and you switch between them based on the situation at hand.

    Anyway, these are my thoughts, and I thought I'd share them. Let me know what you think.
    Jan 26, 2014
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    simple solution:

    Hull and decoration shouldnt effect the turning Rate.
    Only Shipsystems should do so.


    effective Cubes are in the inner of a Ship. The opponent dosnt know whats in there.
    The Ships could be build creative and effective at once.
    Hull makes more sense. Right now its like "one Shot down".
    Modular building make more sense.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    simple solution:

    Hull and decoration shouldnt effect the turning Rate.
    Only Shipsystems should do so.


    effective Cubes are in the inner of a Ship. The opponent dosnt know whats in there.
    The Ships could be build creative and effective at once.
    Hull makes more sense. Right now its like "one Shot down".
    Modular building make more sense.
    Interesting, but could be exploited. What if I created a huge hull stick or cube wth minimal systems? That thing would spin like a top, and it would probably cause server lag. I think the best solution for hull proposed so far is that systems blocks (Besides possibly thrusters; those look cool!) shouldn't be protected by shields as much as hull and possibly deco blocks are.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    If turning speed is mass-based, non-hull blocks will influence the turning speed less once their mass gets reduced. Ships without hull will then in turn become the victim of the upcoming hp system. And air blocks no longer matter.
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Really, I'm not sure we can even discuss block balance much at all until the new HP system is released. We don't know what other stuff is already planned to go with it, like mass tweaks and making decorative blocks weightless or nearly so.

    I would like to see turning get redone soon, though, as that has little to do with block balance. If we can't have true moment of inertia calculations, we need to just use a mass-based system. If the boxdim is going to factor in, then it should ignore thin projections. The boxdim is MUCH too big of a factor as it is now.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    Maybe limit power blocks to 1% of ship mass, make power primary currency and turning based on mass would be sufficient.

    I previously suggested that mass produces structural integrity while vitals drain it.
    (If structural integrity <0, vitals work at equally reduced efficiency)

    But if only power would, it would be sufficient also.​

    The problem is: what happens to docked reactors?
    Should they drain on the mother-ship's limits?​

    I however fully agree on turning speed being based on mass of the ship.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    The problem is: what happens to docked reactors?
    Should they drain on the mother-ship's limits?​
    I would recommend they do not drain the mother-ship. That way, it'll encourage more docked system pods, which will probably result in more interesting and more modular ship designs.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    A 1000 mass ship with small dimensions is superior in every way to a 1000 mass ship that has wings and antennae and such.
    Not true in every case. A ship with longer dimensions in the front-rear direction has a lot more blocks between it and the core, especially compared with a cube or sphere (which minimize this number).
    This is because of a number of factors, but the main ones that come to mind are docking areas (rectangular turrets and fighters pack more efficiently)
    What? it's easier to dock rectangular turrets on a longer ship... Turrets also don't even need to turn at all to fire forward on a long ship, compared to a cube.
    This leads to a discrepancy between ships that look good and ships that fight good.
    This is true, however most people who know how to make ships "look good" know how to better optimize a ship to "fight good" than your average troll player doom cube creator.
    There's no reason, except for increase in size, not to add more shield capacity, more weapons, more thrusters, more systems to a space ship.
    You are completely forgetting about mass, which becomes a huge burden on larger ships.
    The limit to how powerful guns can be on a spaceship should primarily be based off of the power generation of the space ship, not the number of weapon blocks the ship can fit. Similarly, shield generation and thrust would primarily be limited by power generation.
    It ALREADY IS. You can have a ship with 1 million weapon blocks, but they're not worth a damned thing unless you have the power to use them. Power generally requires 3-5 times the amount of blocks as the weapons they power. Have you ever tried to power more than 200k thrusters without using docked reactors? It's pretty much impossible.
    Right now, the most effective solution is generally to have a ship built around a single weapon system.
    WHAT? No offense, but have you ever been in ship to ship combat with another player? I'd like to think that most people have more systems than will fit on the toolbar (I know I do)

    The main problem with all these suggestions on "how to nerf doom cubes" is that it will invariably kill creativity in every other area. I've been playing this game for 17 months now and I can tell you that ship combat right now is more balanced than its ever been. There's so many different ways to build ships and set up weapons that whomever wins in a battle is NEVER determined by which game mechanic someone "exploits." Generally, whoever spends the most time planning and optimizing their ship will win every time.

    It it is quite honestly baffling to me that some people want to set up all these overly complicated hoop-jumping suggestions that will do nothing but destroy all creativity for the sake of nerfing a few troll ships (that can be deleted by an admin anyways). Don't fix what isn't broken.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    To counter the only exploit with doom cubes, the dimension based turning speed:
    The mass for non-hull blocks (so therefore decorative blocks too) are going to be reduced. Now if only they'd make turning
    A. Not depend on boxdims;
    B. Like real turning with turning acceleration;
    C. Make the max turning speed depend on mass;
    D. Possible to have a faster acceleration by assigning thrust or using effects;
    E. Make it possible so a even a titan can turn like a fighter, but only when half or more of the ship is made of thrusters and effects to increase turning.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    To counter the only exploit with doom cubes, the dimension based turning speed:
    And 99% systems 1% hull?

    Weapons have currently max 2km range.
    If you have a ship 3km long, you basically need all weapons 3 times to distribute damage where needed without suffering range (or 4-5 times 1km range weapons).

    You need power only once, but weapons 3-5 times.
    One modular power reactor can produce 50 power per block for the mother-ship, but weapons drain 50 per second.

    Thus big ships are nerfed by the fact that you always have to carry 75..87% idle weapon blocks, while you only carry about 25% idle weapon blocks on small ships.


    I just wish you could set for any block a max amount that counts (and that docked stuff counts to the mother-ship, but only after the requirements from mothership are 100% statisfied)

    If you could, I would use it.
    RP would use it, as admins don't have the time to view all ships / makes it easier to not hurt the rules.