Another weapon suggestion

    Jul 15, 2013
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    I think lasers should not be close range weapons

    The base range should be increased to the sector range (like cannons) or above
    The base reload should be set to 2s
    The base weapon would fire a single shot (a kind of small flash)

    the secondary effect should be reworked this way:

    Beam/cannon combo: Because lasers would be fitted for great range, constant fire (like cannon-cannon 100%) will not be possible.
    (personally I don't like how lasers looks with constant fire. Active all the time you're firing and moving after your mouse in a silly way. I think that's fine for slavage/docking beams but the laser beam weapon should be scarier.)
    My idea: replace it by small burst effect.

    The beam would fire multiple shots (maybe 3-4 or 5-6) instead of one (but not by staying active longer like it is now. It should be multiple "flash" and "projectile track" on the screen). The reload would be lightly increased.
    So with this combo you will not be as effective at big ranges than with the base weapon, but you could choose this to have a useful burst LMG beam. The drawback is you can't have them firing constant.
    piou piou piou piou ... ... piou piou piou piou ... ...

    Beam/missile combo: I think I never tried to build a ship in the game using this weapon combo and I don't think lot of people love the way it behave now. I think it should be refitted.
    The reload time should be very low at 100% effect. I think it could maybe have NO reload time but fire only once a click.
    It means that the more you SPAM this weapon, the more DPS output? IT'S UNBALANCED
    No. It should be done so you have the possibility to spam it in some situations. I think the accruacy should be quite good at first (it should still fire in a shotgun style but the shots should all stay in the GUI circle at maximum accruacy) but it would drop quickly if the weapon fires a second time within a few second (maybe 1sec) and even WORST if you fire a thirst shot just after the second one, ETC.
    So it could be usable as a shotgun weapon accruate at mid-low range easily by not shooting too much at a time (JUST like the saron laser in planetside 2) but it would be possible to use it as "panic weapon", spreading lasers all in front of you, and eating lots of power, if needed.

    Beam/beam combo: This combo is actually used for the range (but with my idea the beam's range will be 1 sector anyway) and the increased fire rate but I think the base weapon (no combo) fit this role nicely. I think this combo should increase the damages per shot and lower the fire rate (higher reload). So it will be used to design the most powerfull (one shot) long range snipers.

    Beam/pulse combo: This combo would work like the "burst" combo and the "sniper" combo. At 100% effect the reload will be greatly higher (like a 20-30s reload) and the damages too. But it would fire a burst of maybe 10 shots in 5 seconds.
    And this would be the effect for "artillery" beam!

    Here is some of my ideas for the weapon system. I don't really enjoy the actual beams. I hope you like my idea or have some even greatest ideas!
    There is still a lot of weapons combos very "crappy", that could be thinked better. Maybe my idea for the beam shotgun could apply for the cannon shotgun too

    So what do you think?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Damn. Well, if the ratings are anything to go by (the sole 'downvote' equivalents) then that's what they think...
    Jul 15, 2013
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    I'll try to be less "old" and "bad spelling" the next time I do a suggestion ôO
    Can someone explain me?


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I think what they mean is that they disagree - a rating that was taken away by the moderators. (A change I still find to be idiotic, but let's not get into that.)