
    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    A-Z Major Factions Guide

    What are factions?
    Factions provide players with protection, a chance to keep your belongings safe, while playing in a group and enjoying the spirit of collective gaming. Faction politics are a major aspect of the roleplay in starmade and large factions have always garnered great attention from many starmade players. This guide will attempt to provide you with a brief, put practical guide on the major powers out there so that you can decide where you want to go, who you want to apply for etc.
    Do all the factions on this guide have a starmadedock thread page?
    No. Some factions do not have a forum thread page on the main starmade forum, however many do have their own forums or communications channels via teamspeak, discord, steam, hangouts, google+, facebook and more.

    Do I need to join a faction to survive?
    Some people will tell you: "Without a faction, you're done for". That is not true. There are many lonewolf players out there and, while it is definitely harder and more isolationist to play by yourself, there are certain benefits. E.g. you don't have to trust anyone but yourself.


    • Name of faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
    • AKA:Tea Time
    • Date of Creation:2011-2013
    • Major Servers faction plays on: GenXNova(current) Redshift, RushTeaMC(past)
    • Ideology:We are centered around superior technology
    • Main language (s):English, Dutch
    • Majority location: Europe
    • Leader (s): Maxajax
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: Adeptus Mechanicus is a military faction reformed from the militarised faction known as "TeaTime".The faction has strong military forces and is focused on the continuous development of military technologies. Adeptus Mechanicus is also part of the OnusAutonomousSingularity and, while defenesive of it's allies, is mostly an agressive faction. If you wish to join a militarised, technologically advanced faction or the OAS, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: The Aesthetican Navy
    • AKA: Aesthetica
    • Date of Creation: 5th September, 2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: NFDBS, LvD, Aetherion
    • Ideology: Senatorial benevolent dictatorship
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: The United Kingdom
    • Leader (s): Aesthetics
    • Playstyle Preference: Diplomatic
    • Desc: The Aesthetican Navy was founded to prove itself as the embodiment of peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, diplomacy and communication between factions across the universe.
    • Name of faction: Aethi Imperium
    • AKA: Aethi
    • Date of Creation: Unknown
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Aetherion
    • Ideology: Freedom/Peaceful
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): Ithirahad
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc:
      This function is primarily concerned with building at this current time even though their ships are well developed and commonly known to be dangerous. They are mostly peaceful, however this could change at the will of Ithirahad, who rules the Imperium justly.
      They are also one of the few factions that are not based off a tv show or any kind of pre existing lore and have their own unique build style and color scheme.
      As such members may have a difficult time getting their ships into the faction's main fleet however they are likely willing to accept your design if it adheres to the overall style of the faction. If you are interested in their lore and want to juggle between pvp and independent building, this is for you.
    • Name of faction: ARCTIC FROST
    • AKA: -
    • Date of Creation: -
    • Major Servers faction plays on: -
    • Ideology: -
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: -
    • Leader (s): -
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: -
    • Name of faction: Aurora
    • AKA: Aurora Republic
    • Date of Creation: 7/15
    • Major Servers faction plays on: GenxNova,
    • Ideology: Security and Colonizationn, We are peaceful but will attack enemies
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: (I.E Most of your members are from the U.S.A) Yes
    • Leader (s): XxKiwiJedixX (XxJediMasterxX)
    • Playstyle Preference: Peaceful unless provoked
    • Desc: Aurara is a developing security faction. A good place to join if you are experienced in either fighting or building.
    • Name of faction: The Dovan Empire
    • AKA: Dovan
    • Date of Creation: September 2013
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Genxnova
    • Ideology: Totalitarian
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): TheDerpGamer, Miraak
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: Glorious Dovan Empire is a small tech empire on the outer rim of the known factions and as such they are small but that doesn't mean they are weak. They are a proud member of the OAS (Onus Autonomous Singularity) pact, and defy their small size with the great effort they put into the game. Primarily a PVP faction they focus on tech to make up for their lack of raw numbers and seem to enjoy mixing humor with battles to create a bizzare, albeit effective method of warfare. Since their founding they seem to have not changed at all and if you like the look of it so far know that according to many this faction will remain loyal to its founding policies. A small respectable faction good for all ages this could be the faction to join if you'd like to stay away from the superpowers that be while still having strength and still doing pvp this is likely the choice for people who want a close nit guild or join the OAS.
    • Name of faction: Event Horizon
    • AKA: EH
    • Date of Creation: -
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Bitminery, LvD
    • Ideology: Expansionism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): Nuclear Doughnut
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: -
    • Name of faction: Formiden Colonial Mandate
    • AKA: FCM, Arstotzka
    • Date of Creation: ~May 2013
    • Major Servers faction plays on: LvD
    • Ideology: Propaganda-fueled stratocracy
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: US, European, Oceania
    • Leader: Comr4de
    • Playstyle Preference: PVP
    • Desc: The Formiden Colonial Mandate, previously the Arstotzkan Federation, is one of the oldest player organizations in StarMade, surviving through various incarnations from April-May 2013 to the present. Virtually all members are long-time veterans of factional warfare, having participated on every major server since 2013 NASS; by nature, the Mandate is primarily PVP focused. Combat skill is appreciated but not necessary. Entrance requirements are strict in regards to attitude and tolerance for bantz. The Mandate is as much of a group of friends as it is a faction - consider this if interested. One of the foremost factions for various battle reports, media and player events. Contact Comr4de or Lecic or Tunk for inquiries.
    • Name of faction: The Furon Empire
    • AKA: The Furon Empire
    • Date of Creation: March 2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Bitminery
    • Ideology: Expansionism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): spocklin
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: Small, but growing faction where one can make a name of him/herself if one makes a good impression on the boss. Faction has large fleets as is heavily reliant upon AI technological dominance. If you want to join a faction where you can experiment with technologies and really make an impact, whoever you may be, this is for you.
    • Name of faction: Galmiran Empire
    • AKA: Galmiran Trading States
    • Date of Creation: January 20th, 2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Shattered Skies
    • Ideology: Profiteering
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location:USA
    • Leader (s): PicklesPickles
    • Playstyle Preference: Trading and Building
    • Desc: Borne of the forge of war, The Galmiran Trading States Have broken free from their home planet in hopes of unimaginable wonders and riches. If you have heavy RP tendencies and are a fan of building and exploring more than anything, The galmiran empire may be for you!
    • Name of faction: Infection Initiative
    • AKA: Infection Initiative
    • Date of Creation: February 13th 2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Genxnova, Brierie
    • Ideology: Expansionism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): Indigo Slimez
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: Infection Initiative is a relatively new faction thrust into the world of starmade inter-server politics. It assures everyone that eventually it will expand. When that time will come however, is to be seen. If you want to join a faction where you can get promoted quickly and make a name for yourself easier than in the huge factions, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: Infinite Legion
    • AKA: IL
    • Date of Creation: January 2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Genxnova, Light vs Dark
    • Ideology: Expansionist
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): LordSidonus
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: A large faction which rules through autocrative government, this organisation has any but peaceful intentions. If you wish to join a warlike faction which plays many games as well as starmade, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: Knights Belligerent
    • AKA: KBF
    • Date of Creation: February 2014
    • Major Servers faction plays on: GenXNova, Light vs Dark
    • Ideology: Social Anarchism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: Australia
    • Leader (s): Az14el
    • Playstyle Preference: PvP
    • Desc: A Shipbuilding/PvP focused faction that values experience & knowledge above all else, pilots and engineers who wish to challenge and improve themselves & their creations are most welcome in the KBF.
    • Name of faction:The Krake`stia Empire
    • AKA: TKE
    • Date of Creation: 29/05/2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Bitminery
    • Ideology: Religious Empire
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: UK
    • Leader (s): Planetace
    • Playstyle Preference: Diplomatic
    • Desc: TKE is a group of religious cults worshiping a fake deity called the Kraken, whats more as this Kraken is the same one from the game Deep Space Kraken - Kerbal Space Program Wiki. The Entire faction is ruled by one Emperor, currently being Planetace. And inside the religion of the Kraken, The emperor is the only communication point from the Kraken to the physical realm. Although this faction is very, very new and doesnt have many players in it. It does have high knowledge and are very friendly, although they will not back down from a fight. This faction will have some rich history to accompany why they worship a ascended glitch from another video game...
    • Name of faction: Libretarian Alliance
    • AKA: The Alliance of Liberty
    • Date of Creation: -
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Bitminery, Light Vs Dark
    • Ideology: Freedom and Liberty
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: -
    • Leader (s): RoyalWolfe
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: The Libretarian Alliance consider themselves the 'alliance of the liberty'. They take in the tired poor oppressed and otherwise rejected refugees of the Galaxy. If you need a place to stay they are the ones to shelter you. They provide new players with all the comforts of safety of freedom and liberty. If you don't really know where to go, don't mind what server to play on and are not under any prejudiced view, perhaps want a warm welcome and a friendly community to play in, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: NeoMillenium Empire
    • AKA: NE
    • Date of Creation: 03.12.2015
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Genxnova
    • Ideology: Victory through conflict
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): <SCRIPTKITTY>
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: An Empire focused on gaining and maintaining military, economic and political power through maintaining a large and powerful fleet, developing efficient industrial systems, and usage of effective and organized communication. Good if you are a casual player who has heavy rp tendencies and likes to fight more than anything.
    • Name of faction: Mortarian Legion
    • AKA: Legio Mortarii
    • Date of Creation: 31/05/2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: -
    • Ideology: Theocratic Expansionism
    • Main language (s): English and a hint of Latin
    • Majority location: International
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc: The Legio Mortarii serves as the divine vanguard to the God Emperor himself, enforcing his will throughout the galaxy and purging any heretics who may arise. The Mortarian Legion is a military organisation founded and run by veterans and is a good place to join if you are looking for a growing faction with a reliable leadership, fanatical roleplay and EVE ships.
    • Name of faction: The Order of Bogatyrs
    • AKA: OOB
    • Date of Creation: 2nd of September, 2015
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Light Vs Dark, SystemHack, Genxnova, Grkota, Sol Remembrance, Bitminery, Netcore IT, Rift
    • Ideology: Theocratic corporatocratic expansionism
    • Main language (s): English, Russian, French
    • Majority location: UK
    • Leader (s): Bogdan
    • Playstyle Preference: Diplomatic
    • Desc: This faction is actively lore-based however while roleplay is encouraged, it is not necessary to be a member. They have an established, growing military, but they primarily focus on trading and diplomatic methods to resolve conflict of interest. Members are free it seems to do what they wish so long as it isn't turning their guns on the faction. They have many roles to fill including mining, engineering, base building, leadership roles, diplomacy and fleet ops. Recommended if you wish to join a large, mostly peaceful faction and like roleplay mixed with relaxed gaming.
    • Name of faction: Rogue Shadows
    • AKA: RS
    • Date of Creation: July 3rd, 2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: LvD
    • Ideology: Totalitarian
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader: ObiShawnKenobi
    • Playstyle Preference: War & Conflict
    • Desc: A small group with a desire to cripple big name factions
    • Name of faction: Salvengers
    • AKA: Salvengers
    • Date of Creation: -
    • Major Servers faction plays on: -
    • Ideology: Aggressive expansionism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: English
    • Leader (s): General Sykes
    • Playstyle Preference: Mining
    • Desc: Relatively large faction with high self-confidence and large amounts of resources thanks to established salvaging services.
    • Name of faction: STAR Industries
    • AKA: SI
    • Date of Creation: -
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Light Vs Dark
    • Ideology: Expansionism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: English
    • Leader (s): Grimshaw, ArkWulff
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: Pioneering faction in engineering technologies, this is a very close nit group allowing for both serious and casual gaming. If you want a challenge, while still having a chance to play both casual and serious gaming at a time of your preference, this might be for you.

    Name of faction: Thryn
    AKA: Thryn
    Date of Creation/re-birth: June 13th, 2017
    Major Servers faction plays on: Light vs Dark
    Ideology: Social Anarchism
    Main language (s): English
    Majority location: Europe/America/Oceania
    Leader (s): Jaaskinal
    Playstyle Preference: Raiding
    Desc: The Thryn are a lighthearted, but focused faction. Engineers by trade they like tinkering with their ships and fighting with nice looking ships. They seem to be like Germans. They make things last! And indeed they have fallen in combat like all other factions at one point, but that hasn't halted the factions progress. They have high standards for their members and require a combination of respect for the leadership as well as a desire to do the unthinkabale to join. You also must be an experienced player as they do not like having to correct you or tell you what to do and for the most part they allow their members to do what they wish Members are able to use their own ships if they wish. An engineering faction good for joining if you just want a bunch of friends to hang with as they do not require you to do anything other then to help defend the faction.

    • Name of faction: Trident Foundries
    • AKA: TF; Trident
    • Date of Creation:July 6, 2016 (originally formed early 2013)
    • Major Servers faction plays on: LvD, Systemhack
    • Ideology: Capitalism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: UK
    • Leader (s): Jake_Lancia, crazyf22raptor
    • Playstyle Preference: Build
    • Desc: Trident Foundries is a resurrection of the old Trident Industries (2013-2015) and inherits its style and name. Trident is an established faction and is a mainly build-focused faction with many engineers, and is a quite casual faction too. Despite this it is more than able to defend itself with tried and true ships and pilots. Trident has a rich history dating back to 2013. If you want to be part of a build-focused faction with a friendly community and casual PvP, Trident might be for you.
    • Name of faction: Trinova Technologies
    • AKA: TT
    • Date of Creation:July 22nd, 2012
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Genxnova, Bitminery
    • Ideology: Freedom!
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): FlyingDebris,
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: Trinova is a building faction which enjoys peacetime and through forming allies they have kept peace between themselves and others. This however doesn't present them from engaging any known enemies without mercy, and they are particularly effective when it comes to organised military operations. Though they dislike anyone who disturbs that peace they will not attack in large force unless a faction does something quite bad and provokes their ire. Their member's opinions are respected and taken into account in major faction decisions and small ones alike regardless of rank. They are an old faction and they seem to have been here for as long as any other faction. If you like 'dem freedoms!' and wish to have a place in a building faction with a lot of fame to its name then Trinova is for you. They have many roles you may fill it and they have their own faction build server. If you wish to join a building community where you can casually enjoy the game, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: The Vaygr Empire
    • AKA: Vaygr
    • Date of Creation: March 2013
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Brierie, LvD, Freaks R Us
    • Ideology: Totalitarian
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): zorozeenee
    • Playstyle Preference: War
    • Desc:The Vaygr Empire is an established and experienced faction and is one of the founding factions of the Odium Pact. The Vaygr Empire is renowned for its military forces and the determination of its members. Vaygr is a focused PVP faction and is lead by capable leaders with exceptional experience in combat, strategizing and intelligence. Vaygr are a very diverse empire, and are willing to accept anyone into the faction provided one meets the necessary requirements. Comms discipline is expected during operations however Odium's teamspeak server outside of operations give you the ability to socialise and hang out with fellow Vaygr and other Odium Pact factions. If you wish to join a structured, militaristic organisation, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: The Vaygr Raiders
    • AKA: -
    • Date of Creation: March 2013
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Brierie, LvD, Systemhack, Freaks R Us
    • Ideology: Pirating, Pillaging
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): -
    • Playstyle Preference: Piracy
    • Desc:The Vaygr Raiders are a semi-autonomous power which is absolutely loyal to the Vaygr Empire and its emperor Zorozeenee. The Vaygr Raiders take it upon themselves to enforce the emperor's will and are the main offensive force used by the Vaygr Empire to deal with almost any enemy, unless the emperor decides that the empire itself will join the war. The Vaygr Raiders are a structured group of well trained, experienced pilots who have been in many engagements and fight for what they call 'the ultimate cause'. -To dominate the universe through conflict-. If you wish to join a raiding faction and PVP is the main interest for you in starmade, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: Volcom Pirates
    • AKA: -
    • Date of Creation: -
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Bitminery
    • Ideology: -
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: -
    • Leader (s): Nocturna, Tech-priest, Jackiechan64
    • Playstyle Preference: Piracy
    • Desc: The Volcom are your friendly neighborhood pirates with Star Sonata 2-style ships. They are not governed by principles nor are against having payed hits or even your most gentle of nudges to players, for the right cost. The Volcom is a pirate faction which is established, but not focused on destruction. If you feel like a mercenary, but don't want to be associated with death or destruction and want some casual piracy, this might be for you.
    • Name of faction: Xanth Industries
    • AKA: Xanth
    • Date of Creation: Unknown
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Perseus
    • Ideology: Working on perfection
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: Unknown
    • Leader (s): kikaha
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: Xanth Industries are not very large, however compensate for this by very high level builds. They provide services to others while maintaining overal neutrality and keeping to their builds. Very good if you want a casual-serious mix of gaming.

    If you would like your faction to appear on the A-Z Faction Guide, please reply to this conversation with the following data:
    • Name of faction:
    • AKA:
    • Date of Creation:
    • Major Servers faction plays on:
    • Ideology:
    • Main language (s):
    • Majority location: (I.E Most of your members are from the U.S.A)
    • Leader (s):
    • Playstyle Preference:
    • Desc: A description of your faction and it's goals

    Factions rise and fall. Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.

    • Name of faction: Alco 1 Trading Company
    • AKA: Alco 1
    • Date of Creation: 5/30/2016
    • Major Servers faction plays on: NASSzone
    • Ideology: End NPC Trade Reliance
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): darkpillar
    • Playstyle Preference: casual
    • Desc: We wish to give players another option than the Trading Guild. Alco 1 Trading Company is a good faction to join if you want to lead a casual trading career in starmade, making money as you go.
    • Name of faction: Thryn Monarchy
    • AKA: Thryn
    • Date of Creation: November 23rd, 2014
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Genxnova
    • Ideology: Social anarchism
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): Jaaskinal, Azereiah
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc:The Thryn are a lighthearted, but focused faction. Engineers by trade they like tinkering with their ships and fighting with nice looking ships. They seem to be like germans. They make things last! And indeed they have fallen in combat like all other factions at one point, but that hasn't halted the factions progress. They have high standards for their members and require a combination of respect for the leadership as well as a desire to do the unthinkabale to join. You also must be an experienced player as they do not like having to correct you or tell you what to do and for the most part they allow their members to do what they wish Members are able to use their own ships if they wish. An engineering faction good for joining if you just want a bunch of friends to hang with as they do not require you to do anything other then to help defend the faction.
    This faction is currently not existent however members of the community remain. Contact Jaaskinal or Azereiah for details.

    • Name of faction: Outer Ring Consortium
    • AKA: ORC
    • Date of Creation: Mar 24, 2016 (Merger between November Alpha Sierra and Red Redemption)
    • Major Servers faction plays on: LvD
    • Ideology: Technological Dominance
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): NaStral, Thaccus, HardRockNerd, Silmegillion
    • Playstyle Preference: Building
    • Desc: ORC is a small, but highly developed and industrious faction situated in a sparsely populated area of LvD's main galaxy. Our primary focus is the design, testing and marketing of new vessels and facilities. We also have a deep interest in the well being of the server and work closely with the admins and like minded factions on projects for the betterment of the LvD community. While not an overly militaristic faction we are quite capable of defending ourselves and supporting our allies. Outside of LvD we are primarily adventurers and explorers, with no particular territorial ambitions.

    This area will be checked for facts or claims and if it can not be proven by links or good evidence, it will be removed.
    Any disputed information after posting will cause the desc to be edited if the dispute is not settled

    We will not post about the following in order to keep it neutral:
    • State of relations with other factions.
    • Propaganda for faction.
    • Events or victories.
    • Details of your faction like 'we are the most powerful faction EVAR!
    All of this is in place to prevent dishonorable conduct.
    If you disagree with anything in this post please send Bogdan a pm with the details to avoid causing disagreement on the thread and leading it away from its purpose.​
    Last edited:
    Dec 2, 2015
    Reaction score
    Here is a description for Vaygr Empire, seeing as your forgot to add one :p

    The Vaygr Empire is an established and experienced faction and is one of the founding factions of the Odium Pact. Having been around for about 4 years and during that time have maintained an undefeated war record, this reputation is something no other faction can claim to have and Vaygr have been in more than enough wars to have considerable knowledge of tactics and formation. Vaygr is a focused PVP faction and is lead by capable leaders with exceptional experience in combat, strategizing and intelligence. Vaygr are a very diverse empire, and are willing to accept anyone into the faction provided you meet the nessicary requirements Vaygr while primarily US based have members from around the world, Australia and Europe just to name a few. A long history of conflict and war with a superb leadership is what Vaygr prides itself on, comms discipline is expected during operations however Odium's teamspeak server outside of operations give you the ability to socialise and hang out with fellow Vaygr and other Odium Pact factions, while most factions will stick to one server, Vaygr choses to have presence on multiple servers, allowing us to find more targets for war.
    Last edited:


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Some people will tell you: "Without a faction, you're done for. That is not true. There are many lonewolf players out there and, while it is definitely harder and more isolationist to play by yourself, there are certain benefits. E.g. you don't have to trust anyone but yourself.
    I think you're missing a closing quotation somewhere in there.

    Nice to see this back online. I think it should have the faction's forum thread included, if they have one.


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Added quotation, added vaygr description.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    We will not post about the following in order to keep it neutral:
    State of relations with other factions
    Events or victories
    Details of your faction like 'we are the most powerful faction EVAR!
    seems pretty set in stone and reasonable, descriptive should mean what you guys are about and what you do. Not your history.

    *Edit to say It's not my intention to start a fight in this thread, the lol was because i found Bogdans stand in text hilarious and the rest was just my interpretation of it.
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    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    In that case I would appreciate an investigation, take note I stated "War Record" (meaning no WARS have been lost by Vaygr) Not necessarily every single minor skirmish that has happened in 4 years, everything I have said can be backed up by the history of factions document.
    As you wish. Do not expect an answer immediately as these things take time. Note: if no disputing evidence is found, will be changed to your original word choice. Have a nice day :)


    seems pretty set in stone and reasonable, descriptive should mean what you guys are about and what you do. Not your history.
    (tries to keep civil to prevent a flame war)

    I fail to see what point you are trying to put forward, if we have proof to back it up I don't see why it should be hidden from view
    I hope you don't mind, but if any such discussion expands I will delete these sort of posts up to imagination's claim, which will stay as it is the one following the rules. This is a guide, not a place to argue.
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    Reactions: Lecic and Az14el
    Dec 15, 2014
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    Could you include a playstyle field? For example: build only, piracy, mining. I think that would be helpful.


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Any future flaming will be deleted, as can be seen from the fact that I have deleted about 4-5 posts on this thread.
    Especially looking at you Imagination01, you FlyingDebris, you Nauvran.

    Good idea HellishEnt, will definitely work on including that when I do next update to the faction guide.
    Note: all helpful suggestions are welcome, proper civilised discussion backed with evidence is ok, flaming is not tolerated.
    Have a good day guys.
    Last edited:
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Any future flaming will be deleted, as can be seen from the fact that I have deleted about 4-5 posts on this thread.
    Especially looking at you Imagination01, you FlyingDebris, you Nauvran.

    Now returning to the matter at hand,
    Counter-Claim 1
    Counter claim by FlyingDebris gives quote from what he claims to be one of Odium's admirals:

    Please respond to this claim Imagination01

    Good idea HellishEnt, will definitely work on including that when I do next update to the faction guide.
    Note: all helpful suggestions are welcome, proper civilised discussion backed with evidence is ok, flaming is not tolerated.
    Have a good day guys.
    Apr 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    This thread will be better served by descriptions not propaganda based on unsupported "facts".

    Tell the people what goals the faction pursues and the type of game-play they favor.
    Give a person a feel for the type of people they will be interacting with on a day to day bases in the faction and leave it at that.

    A description full of self servicing is just sad and wont be taken very seriously by anyone looking to join.


    Imperial Hivemind
    May 30, 2015
    Reaction score
    Greetings. Despite an extended (and still ongoing) absence from the official StarMade community, it has come to my attention and the attention of my comrades that this post exists. Therefore, it was requested of me by a dear friend to state something concerning this.

    "This is why the original never had a number count for players, its hard to update, it has little to do with the actual point of a faction list and promotes fighting. The post disgraces me and I would like any credit towards my work to be removed, as I do not feel that this is an unbiased "successor" to my original post. I am deeply sorry to have to say this, but I cannot allow my work to be credited in a thread, that, in my opinion, does not maintain the unbiased nature I so tirelessly worked for. Say what you like about me, I always tried where I could to be unbiased I'm only human. - Zackey_TNT"

    On that note, I bid you all adieu for now.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Purchased!
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    This thread will be better served by descriptions not propaganda based on unsupported "facts".

    Tell the people what goals the faction pursues and the type of game-play they favor.
    Give a person a feel for the type of people they will be interacting with on a day to day bases in the faction and leave it at that.

    A description full of self servicing is just sad and wont be taken very seriously by anyone looking to join.
    Thank you Aynslei, what I was getting at in my first post, because this was absolutely bound to happen.
    Keep it short, keep it simple & descriptive, there's already several years worth of history on the faction doc and as much space for it on ones own thread as needed. And I don't see this thread being very productive without some rules being clarified, and more enforced.
    We will not post about the following in order to keep it neutral:
    State of relations with other factions
    Events or victories
    Details of your faction like 'we are the most powerful faction EVAR!
    Seems like there's been some major differences in interpretation. Resulting in yesterdays "flaming".

    As for why it should be "hidden from view" as was the complaint earlier, it's not hidden from view at all, because this history is and has for a long time been readily available both within factions own threads & on the faction history document. hooolyfdjdsgfsghiwrqn.

    Let me reiterate, this was bound to happen and those involved are obviously functional enough as human beings to know that perfectly well. There is too much damn bait in this thread.
    Last edited:
    Oct 12, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Purchased!
    Some additional info to fill out the Outer Ring Consortium entry (Thank you for including that by the way, I was quite surprised to find an entry already there)

    • Name of faction: Outer Ring Consortium
    • AKA: ORC
    • Date of Creation: Mar 24, 2016 (Merger between November Alpha Sierra and Red Redemption)
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Light Vs Dark
    • Ideology: Technological Dominance
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): NaStral, Thaccus, HardRockNerd, Silmegillion
    • Desc: ORC is a small, but highly developed and industrious faction situated in a sparsely populated area of LvD's main galaxy. Our primary focus is the design, testing and marketing of new vessels and facilities. We also have a deep interest in the well being of the server and work closely with the admins and like minded factions on projects for the betterment of the LvD community. While not an overly militaristic faction we are quite capable of defending ourselves and supporting our allies. Outside of LvD we are primarily adventurers and explorers, with no particular territorial ambitions.
    Last edited:


    French fry. Caution: very salty!
    May 7, 2015
    Reaction score
    I may be stepping on a mine here, but if all this arguing stems from this:
    "this faction is famed for high quality propaganda"

    err... wut?
    That's supposed to say
    "this faction is famed for its undefeated war record"

    Even Lecic's history of factions document does not list Vaygr loosing a war
    Why not just changing the wording to something like "renowned for its military forces and the determination of its members" (and maybe "nobody escaped unscathed from a war with the Vaygr empire" if you really need to) or something in the same spirit and call it a day?

    I am in no way aware of what "really happened" between Vaygr and DFN, or what Vaygr did in general. I'm but a mere player who came here one year ago and spends all his time building in a singleplayer or reading the chat. Still, from what I've read and seen, Vaygr members won't admit they lost a war and will certainly call biased anyone who disagree, whereas other people will deny a faction win/loss for various reasons.
    Not to mention there's no clear definition of who's the winner and who's the loser in a game like Starmade.

    For instance:

    A is a big faction with dozens of members and an impressive fleet
    B is a little faction which just arrived
    A ends up declaring war on B
    B seriously cripples A with a tenth of A's mobilized forces (smaller but more specialized and carefully chosen fleets for each operation; less but more organized players; clever tactics...) while avoiding A's attacks
    B grows tired and finally quits the game

    Is it a victory for A because B eventually quitted before A was "completely destroyed" or for B because of their incredible achievements (humiliating A which declared war on them)?
    Maybe it's a victory for both? Or a loss for both?

    Anyway, this sounds like a sterile argument which deviates from the original intended purpose of the topic: the inventory and description of the current factions for the new player. Can't we just agree on a wording that both sides accept and move on?


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    It's good to see some people haven't changed. Consistency is usually a good quality. So is being topical. If you folks want a good place to toss tantrums about I assure you there are far better places than here.
    Let's keep this thread rolling on track. Bogdan let me know if you need the thread cleaned or have the stuff to do it yourself.


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Aaaah, what's better than taking out the garbage in the morning.
    All shit cleaned, I hope to get this thread back on track. My apologies for allowing this to happen (to the moderators), I had simply overestimated the maturity of a few members ^^.

    This thread will be better served by descriptions not propaganda based on unsupported "facts".

    Tell the people what goals the faction pursues and the type of game-play they favor.
    Give a person a feel for the type of people they will be interacting with on a day to day bases in the faction and leave it at that.

    A description full of self servicing is just sad and wont be taken very seriously by anyone looking to join.
    I will work on re-working the descriptions to avoid political propaganda.

    Greetings. Despite an extended (and still ongoing) absence from the official StarMade community, it has come to my attention and the attention of my comrades that this post exists. Therefore, it was requested of me by a dear friend to state something concerning this.

    "This is why the original never had a number count for players, its hard to update, it has little to do with the actual point of a faction list and promotes fighting. The post disgraces me and I would like any credit towards my work to be removed, as I do not feel that this is an unbiased "successor" to my original post. I am deeply sorry to have to say this, but I cannot allow my work to be credited in a thread, that, in my opinion, does not maintain the unbiased nature I so tirelessly worked for. Say what you like about me, I always tried where I could to be unbiased I'm only human. - Zackey_TNT"

    On that note, I bid you all adieu for now.
    It is a shame if a guide aimed towards helping new players disgraces you, however out of respect for your efforts I will remove all reference to yourself.

    It's good to see some people haven't changed. Consistency is usually a good quality. So is being topical. If you folks want a good place to toss tantrums about I assure you there are far better places than here.
    Let's keep this thread rolling on track. Bogdan let me know if you need the thread cleaned or have the stuff to do it yourself.
    Thank you very much for the offer MrFURB. However I know that the moderators have to deal with such tantrums often, and I've saved you the effort by deleting 2 and half pages worth of 'unhelpful discussions'.

    Some additional info to fill out the Outer Ring Consortium entry (Thank you for including that by the way, I was quite surprised to find an entry already there)

    • Name of faction: Outer Ring Consortium
    • AKA: ORC
    • Date of Creation: Mar 24, 2016 (Merger between November Alpha Sierra and Red Redemption)
    • Major Servers faction plays on: Light Vs Dark
    • Ideology: Technological Dominance
    • Main language (s): English
    • Majority location: USA
    • Leader (s): NaStral, Thaccus, HardRockNerd, Silmegillion
    • Desc: ORC is a small, but highly developed and industrious faction situated in a sparsely populated area of LvD's main galaxy. Our primary focus is the design, testing and marketing of new vessels and facilities. We also have a deep interest in the well being of the server and work closely with the admins and like minded factions on projects for the betterment of the LvD community. While not an overly militaristic faction we are quite capable of defending ourselves and supporting our allies. Outside of LvD we are primarily adventurers and explorers, with no particular territorial ambitions.
    Perfect description. Thank you very much NaStral. Will add this immediately to the thread with your provided information.

    I may be stepping on a mine here, but if all this arguing stems from this:

    Why not just changing the wording to something like "renowned for its military forces and the determination of its members" (and maybe "nobody escaped unscathed from a war with the Vaygr empire" if you really need to) or something in the same spirit and call it a day?

    I am in no way aware of what "really happened" between Vaygr and DFN, or what Vaygr did in general. I'm but a mere player who came here one year ago and spends all his time building in a singleplayer or reading the chat. Still, from what I've read and seen, Vaygr members won't admit they lost a war and will certainly call biased anyone who disagree, whereas other people will deny a faction win/loss for various reasons.
    Not to mention there's no clear definition of who's the winner and who's the loser in a game like Starmade.

    For instance:

    A is a big faction with dozens of members and an impressive fleet
    B is a little faction which just arrived
    A ends up declaring war on B
    B seriously cripples A with a tenth of A's mobilized forces (smaller but more specialized and carefully chosen fleets for each operation; less but more organized players; clever tactics...) while avoiding A's attacks
    B grows tired and finally quits the game

    Is it a victory for A because B eventually quitted before A was "completely destroyed" or for B because of their incredible achievements (humiliating A which declared war on them)?
    Maybe it's a victory for both? Or a loss for both?

    Anyway, this sounds like a sterile argument which deviates from the original intended purpose of the topic: the inventory and description of the current factions for the new player. Can't we just agree on a wording that both sides accept and move on?
    Thank you for convincing me that this thread is still worth the effort of continuing. I will avoid all references to wars or member counts to avoid problems such as the ones that had developed here earlier.

    Boggy please remove my entry, no hard feelings to yourself I thought the thread was a good idea and worth reviving. This also has nothing to do with Zackey's opinion on it.
    Removed the Knights Belligerent from the list.
    \\Added Playstyle Preference field. This is 1 word which is main action undertaken by faction in-game//​
    Jul 27, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    • Name of faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
    • AKA:Tea Time
    • Date of Creation:2011-2013
    • Major Servers faction plays on:GenXNova(current) Redshift, RushTeaMC(past)
    • Ideology:We are centered around superior technology
    • Main language (s):English, Dutch
    • Majority location: Europe
    • Leader (s)
    • Playstyle Preference: Never shying away from PvP but mind our own buisness. Dont stand for shit
    • Desc: Founded as "TeaTime" on the RushTeaMC Server, the current leader maxajax has lead the faction for years. Gaining momentum on redshift, TeaTime became a dominant faction and with the help of 'Fort Earl Grey' became renound for its deadliness. Maxajax used superior technology to gain the edge on his enemies, extensivly developing torpedos and docked reactors. After the close of redshift, Maxajax reformed under the name Adeptus Mechanicus and with the help of Blobfscrazy managed to recreate the fabled 'Fort Earl Grey' once again bringing death to anyone who ventured near the sector. Adeptus Mechanicus is part of the OnusAutonomousSingularity and will try its upmost to protect who needs protecting and destroy the rest
    Dec 2, 2015
    Reaction score
    Vaygr Empire does not have any "rigorous entry trials" you simply need to be 14 or over and have teamspeak to be eligible to join

    Just thought I would mention


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
    Reaction score
    Guide updated with info on a couple of more factions.