A New "Wave" [Pirate Ship Community Contest]


    Jun 20, 2013
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    With the turret/rail update upcoming, are we supposed to use the old turret docking system or the in-dev one?
    Jan 29, 2015
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    With the turret/rail update upcoming, are we supposed to use the old turret docking system or the in-dev one?
    Good question.. That is part of the reason i have held off on releasing my ships for testing yet to see what this update will hold.
    Feb 15, 2015
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    Ya know.... I was thinking (always dangerous, I know) that you really need MORE than 5 ships for your pirates. 'Cuz yer gunna get bored of the same group of 5 pretty quickly. I would think you'd need more like 8-10 Corvettes and 15-20 fighters, then get someone to make a mod to correctly randomize the "wave of 5" to not pick more the 3 Corvettes (unless you'd like the complete randomness factor.)

    Or is this just supplemental material for you and you have "other" pirate ships planned ? (Please don't say yer gunna use Isanths on yer shiny new server.)



    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Ya know.... I was thinking (always dangerous, I know) that you really need MORE than 5 ships for your pirates. 'Cuz yer gunna get bored of the same group of 5 pretty quickly. I would think you'd need more like 8-10 Corvettes and 15-20 fighters, then get someone to make a mod to correctly randomize the "wave of 5" to not pick more the 3 Corvettes (unless you'd like the complete randomness factor.)

    Or is this just supplemental material for you and you have "other" pirate ships planned ? (Please don't say yer gunna use Isanths on yer shiny new server.)

    I doubt many sci-fi pirates or military organisations would have more than 3-4 different fighters and a corvette or two.
    The main reason for that they would have different fighter sized vessels would be because of their roles.
    Corvettes on the other hand are usually much bigger and tougher than a fighter and will there fore have more weapons.
    Take a look at my entry, we got 4 different fighters with 4 weapon layouts, the corvette got all 4 of those weapons and a lot more shielding.

    you wouldn't have 8-10 different corvettes and 15-20 different fighters, you would end up fighting 8-10 corvettes and 15-20 in the mix of about 4 fighters.

    what might be needed later is pirate ships larger than a corvette.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    I've been playing with some ships I downloaded from the community board as pirates, and I've noticed you really only see the 3-4 cheapest of them spawn most of the time. I suspect that there's little point in having more than 5 pirate ships in the first place just because only the cheapest handful of those will spawn.

    That said, I've built my submissions with advanced armor outer hulls (you said you wanted them tough!) so if there were any others in the mix, the ones I've built would never spawn at all! :p

    Here's a screenshot of my submission:

    This should be the link to the download (once it's approved):

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    Reactions: OmegaGame
    Jan 29, 2015
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    Just wanted to show off another little ship that i'm thinking about using for one of the smaller 400 mass ships instead of the silly 4 point one i have now.. Here she is..

    Jan 30, 2015
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    im REALLY impressed by these ships guys. Like amazed!
    I doubt many sci-fi pirates or military organisations would have more than 3-4 different fighters and a corvette or two.
    The main reason for that they would have different fighter sized vessels would be because of their roles.
    Corvettes on the other hand are usually much bigger and tougher than a fighter and will there fore have more weapons.
    Take a look at my entry, we got 4 different fighters with 4 weapon layouts, the corvette got all 4 of those weapons and a lot more shielding.

    you wouldn't have 8-10 different corvettes and 15-20 different fighters, you would end up fighting 8-10 corvettes and 15-20 in the mix of about 4 fighters.

    what might be needed later is pirate ships larger than a corvette.
    I totally agree with everything. And the reason that i kept it at corvette, is that the bigger the ship is, it becomes less likely to pop out, so i didnt want 2-3 of a teams fighters being what always pops for the most part, instead looking for that amazing single 5 ship wave that just totally takes people by surprise and kicks butt!


    Jun 20, 2013
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    im REALLY impressed by these ships guys. Like amazed!

    I totally agree with everything. And the reason that i kept it at corvette, is that the bigger the ship is, it becomes less likely to pop out, so i didnt want 2-3 of a teams fighters being what always pops for the most part, instead looking for that amazing single 5 ship wave that just totally takes people by surprise and kicks butt!
    Could you please clarify us on turrrets? Do we build them based on the old system or the new one?


    Raging Troll
    Dec 29, 2014
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    So i've been working on a kamikazi ship for this, but it has a few kinks:

    It generates a lot of lag right before impact, obviously not something you want on a server, i think this is unavoidable for a ramming ship, should i just disregard the idea?

    Imo it's stupidly overpowered; it will completely wreck your shields if you don't shoot it down before it hits you, and i rigged it to launch a torpedo after impact; instantly killed a 5600 mass ship with 900k shields. You DID say you wanted something dangerous, but i'm worried this is overkill as its basically a one-hit kill even against capitals, as long as it gets close enough ofc.

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    Jan 29, 2015
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    So i've been working on a kamikazi ship for this, but it has a few kinks:

    It generates a lot of lag right before impact, obviously not something you want on a server, i think this is unavoidable for a ramming ship, should i just disregard the idea?

    Imo it's stupidly overpowered; it will completely wreck your shields if you don't shoot it down before it hits you, and i rigged it to launch a torpedo after impact; instantly killed a 5600 mass ship with 900k shields. You DID say you wanted something dangerous, but i'm worried this is overkill as its basically a one-hit kill even against capitals, as long as it gets close enough ofc.

    Now that is freaking hilarious... Just make a squadron of these ships and you will have the (most deadliest) in the bag.
    Mar 10, 2015
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    Hmm, can see I'm going to have to redesign and step up my game, there are a lot of really nice designs here guys! :)


    Raging Troll
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Now that is freaking hilarious... Just make a squadron of these ships and you will have the (most deadliest) in the bag.
    They did say each ship has to be unique though, so that's not an option...

    ...but strapping them on a crude scaffold with a crude cockpit, missile launcher and engines, then calling it a corvette should be perfectly fine :D

    Also managed to fix the lag issue, there's still a bit on colission but nothing gamebreaking anymore:)
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    Mar 10, 2015
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    Raisin, do you build Minecraft castles out of TNT? :)

    Built 3 replacement fighters and a corvette. These are untested in battle and probably will die, but I'll jump into an Isanth at some point and see how I survive a wave....

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    Raging Troll
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Since everyone's posting WIP's here's mine:

    Got 2 fighters and 1 corvette so far, although the fighters probably need more cosmetic work as i went over the 400mass limit and had to cut stuff off, the stocky one is the 3rd attempt before i got the size right, and the long one probably needs to be shortened a few blocks.

    The Nuke Corvette has some odd behavior that seems more bug related than anything so i might redo the layout for it if i have time, but it works most of the time, launching the drones then using a push pulse to keep them from bumping into each other resulting in hilarious self-harm scenarios.

    The fighters are designed for short range and long range combat respectively; the stocky fighter has a pair of lasers with 10k dps but very little defense; they die fairly quickly, but since you have nukes to worry about it might not be a good idea to try killing this first. Tested these vs Beam/cannon isanths and it managed to kill 2 waves of 10, after which it was heavily bruised but still standing.

    The long fighter is designed around long range missile combat, both offensively and defensively. The two turrets are highly effective point defense, good enough for the ship to survive a full missile wave from The Black, although the entire front half was waporized, it was still able to move and fight to some extent. Not quite good enough to eliminate an entire wave of swarmers, but they can reduce the amount from 20 to 4-10.

    Currently working on a "Tank" corvette, but haven't figured out what the last ship is going to be yet.
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    Mar 10, 2015
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    I'm loving those designs. :)

    Don't understand most of the stats you are talking about, but 10k dps, seems like it will rip up my ships in milliseconds... Might have to go back and upgrade their systems. :/

    Got my ships just about done though. The first corvette is only 600 mass. The second is closer to 1000, but I decided to give it 'cargo pods' ... Fro an RP perspective (and also likely something nobody else has done) this ship comes in and collects all the booty from cargo convoys they attack. Moe of a utility corvette, and thus quite lightly armed, with just small missile and cannon systems. Also has a power drain and salvage computer (Only he scout has a salvage beam otherwise) and since this ship has the booty, this is the one equipped with a jump drive, to make a quick getaway.
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    Jan 30, 2015
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    I'm loving those designs. :)

    Don't understand most of the stats you are talking about, but 10k dps, seems like it will rip up my ships in milliseconds... Might have to go back and upgrade their systems. :/

    Got my ships just about done though. The first corvette is only 600 mass. The second is closer to 1000, but I decided to give it 'cargo pods' ... Fro an RP perspective (and also likely something nobody else has done) this ship comes in and collects all the booty from cargo convoys they attack. Moe of a utility corvette, and thus quite lightly armed, with just small missile and cannon systems. Also has a power drain and salvage computer (Only he scout has a salvage beam otherwise) and since this ship has the booty, this is the one equipped with a jump drive, to make a quick getaway.
    I LOVE the looks of the ships, but i might offer that as amazing and RP detailed as you got, the quote "and thus quite lightly armed" jumps out at me as opposite of what you want to be aiming for. Just a suggestion. I did also notice you say you might have to go back and upgrade, so this may be needless to say. Any looks great! Everything looks great!


    Raging Troll
    Dec 29, 2014
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    I feel like an idiot for not asking this earlier, but what are the server settings with regards to sector size and max speed?
    Edit: 5km and 250m/s in case anyone else was wondering

    Also, what size of ship should we expect to be up against? I could only find one design for your server and that was an unarmed transport, would like to know what kind of ships are in use by players.
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    Mar 10, 2015
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    Actually, raisin, you make a good point. Are we expecting to be a 'challenge' for noobs with day 1 salvage ships, or are we expecting to murder them. :)

    I've tried some combat now against the efault Isanth variants that come at you, and my ships will hold their own on a 1:1 scale. The bombers will one-shot-kill every Isanth variant (from what I can see), providing the missiles get through, so they need to be covered by interceptors and corvettes, which was always my intention.

    Here's some otherwise ship-stats, for comparison against whatever goes in the server..

    Ship | Mass | Power | Charge | Thrust | Shield| Recharge
    Scout | 272 | 52070 | 19786 | 394 | 11094 | 154
    Interceptor | 400 | 69016 | 31958 | 248 | 21753 | 561
    Bomber | 399 | 224157 | 43355 | 190 | 20693 | 561
    Corvette A | 600 | 238608 | 38965 | 388 | 37918 | 594
    Corvette B | 921 | 553158 | 49955 | 582 | 44945 | 1199


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Actually, raisin, you make a good point. Are we expecting to be a 'challenge' for noobs with day 1 salvage ships, or are we expecting to murder them. ...
    • Create five ships that would consist the most ideal and powerful "Wave" of a Pirate response.
    • Diversify the systems of each ship as much as possible to create the greatest and most lethal ensemble.
    • Keep the Cosmetics in unity with each other to provide the obvious feel they are a fleet.
    • Make them mean. Both in looks and systems the goal is to create pirate replacements/additions for servers/players who are looking to really push and enhance the bar on difficulty and experience.

    I believe the OP's intention is to murder noobs. (Providing a fun distraction for more advanced players.)