A Galaxy Burning: A Starmade Fiction (Chapter #12)

    Nov 5, 2013
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    To everyone who reads this, commenting really helps. I try to reply to most of the comments, but it also keeps this thread active and alive, and helps bring in more readers! I pay attention to every post and reactions to my chapters, and it all helps me sculpt the story and take it in good directions. I really appreciate all you supporting this! :D

    Since I spend a lot of my time writing, and I have a series of dark-fantasy books under my belt, I've become inspired to attempt to write a piece of Starmade Fiction. It's set in a personal universe. It is set in a fictional galaxy within starmade. It follows the basic idea of starmade, but with a lot more people, such as deployable troops, massive "zones", and it utilizes my vision of the new 5-by-5 weapon system. Planets are spherical and ships arent quite as blocky. But feel free to envision them as built in starmade. I will use some existing factions. I will base their leaders off of the IRL leaders, but they will not be insertions of them. I will exxagerate some points, such as the DFN's "we take pretty much anyone" and other points for other factions. Anything I say here isn't actual said by me, but our characters, so this story remains politically free in every circumstance. And it focuses around our hero, Andrew Jefferson, a civilian who lived on the planet Pragni VI, until....

    Prologue - Pragni VI

    Fire rained from the sky. Vaygr ships tore through the atmosphere, sowing great seeds of war all around the land. My mother was rushing to the nearest shelter, with me in tow. I had been visiting her after my graduation from the Pragni University for the Gifted, a prestigious academy designed to train the best of the best. I looked back, and saw a massive explosion as the great twisted figure of a massive Vaygr Shriek Siege Bomber let loose it's devastating payload. It dug straight into the ground at the foot of its target, and soon the very ground began to rumble. My mother fell as we both stared back in awe, and the very earth itself tore apart around my home city of Cadai, as the subterranean bombs of the Shriek Siege Bomber did their work.

    Looks like I wasn't going to any Alumni parties after all.

    I lived in, the Cadai System, which only seemed more brutally ironic now, being named after a city that just ceased to exist. The Cadai System was in a state of constant battle between the Debrisian military and the iron-handed Vaygr. But until now, the combat had always been waged far outside atmospheric levels, and our 8 planets protected by massive shielding arrays. Sadly, it seemed the Vaygr had gotten enough of the Debrisians shit, and decided to show the considerably more massive DFN that size wasn't everything. They sent in one of their feared Terror Fleets, and began to work on purging the system.

    As much as that moment made me despise the Vaygr, I knew they weren't evil. They were just heavy-handed, powerful, and believed that an iron will and an unbreakable spine superceded the concept of democracy and acceptance that the DFN preffered. At times, they could be assholes, especially if anyone decided to talk against them (which the DFN did on a disturbingly common basis), but by damn we're they good at what they did.

    I shuffled to my feet, and grabbed my mom by the shoulders. I could see the look in her shaking eyes, the look of fear and sadness, but now was no time to simply daddle. I pulled her to her feet and forced her to move forward. Her movements were reluctant at first, while her ever so loving mind failed to comprehend the strains of war, but the explosion of a Vaygr missile no more than eighty yards away put some more pep into her step. Soon, we were again at full sprint, the shelter door in sight. We were the last to enter it, as the number counter on the door recorded our entry, reaching the 500 mark as I passed through behind our mother. The doors slammed shut, and the moment those doors shut, I was covered in disturbing silence, with only light *thumps* of massive bombs getting through the thick layers of the bunker.

    Forty minutes later, still no-one had spoken a word. I had been holding my mother, her tiny body shivering in fear. For the last five minutes, there had been no sound of a bomb. And then, suddenly, piercing the silence, a transciever turned on, and speakers opened up. It was the voice of a Vaygr Terror Commander, deep and rusty. "All citizens, we have routed the DFN from your airspace. Cadia was merely a technical center of the DFN, and has been seen to not have enough resources to be considered valuable."

    That's not right... I thought to myself, We had learned in the University that only Pragni VI lacked resources, and planets I-V and VII-VIII were some of the richest in this part of the galaxy.

    "After the next hour, we will begin fully Purging your planets. After an hour and a half, every planet in the Cadia system will be rendered entirely inhospitable. You have until then to flee. All weapon systems have been disabled. We allowed the DFN to land and abandon a multitude of civilian escort craft across the system. Only the grace of the Vaygr Emperor has given you this. The timer starts now."

    "Why would the Vaygr even keep maniacs like that! They have no respect for human life!" A man shouted.

    "Because they work, that's why." I mumbled to myself, "They have a record for winning.". I pulled my mother away from the door, to the back of the crowd. The array of bolts began to unlock themselves.

    She reached up and held me close, "Andrew, why did you take me away from the door?"

    "It will be chaos when it opens. I didn't want you to be trampled."

    The locks opened, and the door swung open. Sure enough, the other four-hundred and ninety-eight people in the shelter stormed out seeking those craft like rumbling maniacs. But could I blame them? They didn't understand how the system worked. Pradni was a business planet, and outside of the University, was legendary for having rash, but effective, business men, salesmen, and economic mongrels. But without their fancy ships and nice houses, they had no idea what to do.

    I took my mother and brought her outside. Nothing could have prepared me, or her, for the damage that had been done.


    Nov 5, 2013
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    Spread the word if you like it! I love writing fiction, and I wouldn\'t mind keeping stuff like this going. So spread the word!
    Nov 5, 2013
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    Chapter One: In Faith

    Directly after the events in the Prologue, we find Andrew rushing among the rubble.

    \"Mom, stay with me!\" I said as I dragged her through the rouble. The bright yellow of a gleaming Debrisian ship was just up ahead.

    \"Look at everything, Andrew. Why would the Vaygr do this?\" My mom said, struggling to keep her footing. She was stuck in uncomfortable (but highly fashionable) boots, having had no time to change before the attack. She tripped and stumbled while I happened to be in the tight black coat and military boots of the University.

    \"I don\'t know mom. They have a lot of history with the DFN.\"

    The yellow ship grew closer. I saw a bunch of aristocrats huddled around it, arguing incessently. Someone was yanking on the handle. I realized that, unlucky to them, they managed to stumble upon what was actually a Debrisian military-grade shuttle. Luckily for us, however, the DFN put a lot of money into the University, so I knew these kind of ships inside and out.

    \"Hey! Hey all of you! I\'m a University officer!\" I shouted. They all turned to face me, and looked at me with sad eyes. I noticed all of their hands were in shackles. I quickly realized just how much of a mistake I had made. A Vaygr Terror Soldier stepped out from behind the shuttle.

    Terror Soldiers were the Vaygr\'s answer to the DFN\'s Marine Corps troops. While the DFN had strict rules against genetic engineering, and the Marine Corps elites wore heavy power armor, the Vaygr had no such qualms with pumping their elite troops full of dangerous bioweapons and hand-crafted viruses. Standing at nearly ten feet tall, their massive armor gave them an extra foot, and the one near the prisoners made them look like squalid little ants next to his massive frame. Their armor was solid black, save a single Vaygr logo painted ontot their chest and two electronic eye visors that glowed a frightening orange. They carried huge beam weapons that would have been home on a heavy fighter. This specific soldier decided that the Vaygr wouldn\'t put him under any kind of trial for just one more civilian casualty. The laser began charging up.

    I grabbed my mother and lifted her off of the ground. Luckily for me, she was an extremely tiny woman, having been just 5\' 1\". And also luckily for me, I had inhereted my fathers 5\' 11\" frame. I ran a short distance and hurled her behind a thick layer of rubble. I could hear the Terror Laser begin to enter it\'s mid stages of charging, now emitting a loud and violent whine. A little laser pointer dot was right on my chest.

    \"Fuck\" I whispered to myself. I obviously hadn\'t thought this one entirely through. Taking a jump onto the rubble I had hid my mom in, I took a quick run and leaped off back into the bombed-out street we had been walking on. I quickly slid behind the rubble of a destroyed DFN light escort fighter. I sighed in relief, no longer seeing that ominous red dot on my chest.


    The laser cut clean through the fighter\'s hull like butter, no more than a foot and a half to my left. The heat was so great that any closer and I would have probably lost a few eyebrows. Which, considering what could have been the outcome, wasn\'t really that bad.

    We had studied the Terror Troops while in the University. Or, at least, I had, since I had planned to join the DFN as a civilian officer, and knowing Terror Troops was a pretty handy ordeal, considering the DFN had no hard-counter to them except \'point all of your available guns at terror squads and pray to whatever god you believe in\'. Honestly, most of the Terror Troop information was how to avoid them. And, contrary to the joke that we would never use that infromation as a civilian officer, I found it quite handy now.

    Terror lasers, their trademark weapon, was actually mostly a fear based weapon. While it only took a few seconds to charge, and could pierce most light and medium armors known to man, it had a meaty 30 second recharge time and honestly very minor collateral damage. I quickly dove out from behind the fighter. The DFN military shuttle wasn\'t too far from me. I looked to my left: apparently the Terror Troop had completely forgotten about me, and started walking towards my mother. In tactical terms, this was a godsend. In emotional terms, that was the last goddamn thing I could have wanted, and please excuse my language. But this is my mom we\'re talking about.

    I was only a few yards from the shuttle when the Terror Troop turned around to see me. I counted the seconds in my head. 7 down already. I quickyl typed the officer code I had gotten after graduation into the DFN shuttle, and hurdled inside of it. 11 seconds down. I shut the door behind me, much to the audial dismay of the prisoners outside. \"I\'\'ll pick them up\" I thought to myself. I hopped into the cockpit and took a seat. One button push, and the quad VTOL engines roared to life. 15 seconds. I put all my weight onto the throttle, much to the dismay of the people below me (there was probably a major loss of hair due to the heat, but I hoped they noticed the flame of the engines and moved instead of just standing their like morons). I quickly spun the craft around to face the Terror Trooper. I engaged the secondary gatling cannon. 24 seconds. I could see the cooling valves on the terror laser begin to close. The gatling cannon began to spin up. 27 seconds. The terror laser began to charge. I manually targeted the terror trooper, and slammed the trigger down. With extreme prejudice, I expressed my absolute level of rage against the Vaygr Terror Fleet as I rained down a hail of 20mm armor-piercing sabot rounds against the Terror Trooper at an absolutely glorious rate of fire of 3,000 rounds per minute. I held down the trigger far longer than I should have. Honestly, I thought my first case of killing something would have been bad. But I guess you don\'t really feel bad when mowing down something that isn\'t even human any more and seeing nothing but it\'s heat signature and a lot of giblets and armor pieces.

    After that, I landed the shuttle back down. Overall, twenty minutes had passed since we left the bunker. I gathered up the prisoners, took of their shackles (using a convenient Officer\'s Pistol I had located in the main bay of the craft), and told them to take a seat and buckle in. I walked over to my mom, and helped her out from under the rubble.

    \"Are you okay, mom?\"

    \"Well... no, son.\" She sniffled, and I wiped tears from her face. \"But I can tell you something.\"

    \"What\'s that, mom?\"

    \"I\'m glad I payed for your college.\"

    I smiled, and helped her into the co-pilot seat, so I could keep an eye on her. I engaged the engines, set the shuttle to a civilian IFF code, and moments later we were roaring through the atmosphere. From behind, I saw the terror fleet for a moment. A massive array of gigantic titans, with their massive Purge missile arrays emitting giant spits of steam into space, surrounding sections of the ships in eery clouds.

    And then, with a shake and a lunge, the short-range FTL drive kicked in, and we burst deep into space, and away from that horror. My mom was fast asleep.

    Nov 5, 2013
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    for some reason my computer double posted. Ignore this :P I hope you guys are liking the story so far.


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    Daaaaaaang this is awesome..... You do amazing things on these forums, it makes me sad that the same can\'t be said for on the chat.

    (I really should censor the profanity in the story, but it is minimal and I don\'t want to edit such a masterpiece in any way.....)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    This is great. Amazing work Nature. Although, I am quite sad that there is only the DFN and the Vaygr in the story, I would like to see a few more major/powerful factions.
    Nov 5, 2013
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    I\'m working on the chat bit by the way, already worked that out with ImperialDonut. So shush-ye-mush, ya git.

    Also, thanks for not censoring the cursing. When I write, I make sure the language used by characters is absolutely logical within their confines. If there\'s a character that curses a lot, it\'s going to make absolute sense why he curses a lot. In this case, Andrew only uses crude language when the situation really becomes dire, and as you can see, every time he lets out foul language, you cant really blame him. And that\'s the beauty of my characters.

    Anyways, I\'m really glad everyone is liking this so much! I\'ll make sure to keep A Galaxy Burning rolling along. So everyone STAY TUNED!

    And yes, in the future, there\'s going to be more factions. More drama. And by god there\'s going to be a f**king lot more action. When I write, I get serious, so don\'t be surprised if you think everythings fine and then I take your world for a spin with my pen.

    Never assume anything in the works of Nature.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Keep up the awesome work.
    Nov 5, 2013
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    I literally just responded to Fire about that.

    I have plans for a lot more factions to be in there. It\'s just the DFN and the Vagyr have the most IRL beef, and they\'re both big, so it was the easiest just to start with them.

    But don\'t worry. There\'s going to be a lot more factions coming up. But no spoilers.

    So buckle up your seatbelts and let Uncle Nature take you on a ride.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I am failing to see the starmade part in the story so far but linking it anyway :)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Really awesome man! Deffinetly a good read that I want to see more of! So hurry up and write hah
    Nov 5, 2013
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    It\'s \"StarMade\" because I use starmade factions. And, uh. Yeah. Because it\'s starmade.

    Dammit man let me write my story :P

    I\'m glad you like it though, I really enjoy writing. Honestly though, It\'s my vision of starmade. If StarMade was real, this is how I would see it.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    I know this will be like the 30th time someone typed this but... Great story.
    Jul 25, 2013
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    It\'sreally entertaining! Straight into the enticing incident, without ten chapters describing the main characters average day.

    I can already see (It would be kinda hard to miss :P) the plot coming through, which is great. I\'m interested to see how it\'s going to continue.

    One or two things that could be improved on however, (Please don\'t murder me for this, I\'m trying to help :P), is the fact that you used very similar phrases very close together a couple of times. This happens twice that I picked up, onece where it says:

    ...and soon the very ground began to rumble. My mother fell as we both stared back in awe, and the very earth itself tore...

    Note how you say \"the very ground\", and then \"the very earth\" so close together. It would probably sound slightly better if you changed one of the two to simply \"the earth tore\", or \"the ground began to rumble\".

    It happens again here:

    ...much to the audial dismay of the prisoners outside. \"I\'\'ll pick them up\" I thought to myself. I hopped into the cockpit and took a seat. One button push, and the quad VTOL engines roared to life. 15 seconds. I put all my weight onto the throttle, much to the dismay of the people below me...

    Here there is \"...much to the audial dismay..\" and \"...much to the dismay...\". Again, changing it slightly would make it sound better.

    However, it is your story, and my personal opinion, so you are welcom to either ignore or embrace my advice upon that. It is entertaining, and I\'ll most definitely keep reading as you post more.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I thought we used brown and grey ones, or are those just the civillian ones? Also, if you do intend to start adding screenshots, I can build a couple of civilian ships for use. Good story, by the way. And, one question, are the events of the fiction going to follow the events of the forums? Because Vaygr and we have been mutually ignoring each other, and that\'s been working out for both factions so far.