A Few Ideas

    Jul 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    After playing the game for the past few weeks, I have found a few things that could be improved or added.

    The first would have to be Docking Port To Docking Port docking. If we could allow ships to dock without caring about the size, we could built stations that allowed us to have air-locks that lineup. I have 8 different ship standards and I find it rather hard to align the Core perfectly to allow the air-locks I have built to line up. It doesn't help that all the ships end up facing the same way.

    How it would need to work, You add a Port Rotated so the arrow points outward on both a ship and station. When you activate the Docking Beam, the two ports connect so long as there is no collision.

    Since so many people are annoyed at the changes with shields, I suggest we consider the current models as basic parts. We then add increasing tiers of Shields, thrusters, and Power. For the Tier after basic, make each block equal a 2^3 version of the basic version. So, you basically get 8 blocks within 1. Then the next Tier would be a 3^3 Version of the Basic Version, so 27 blocks in 1.

    The ability to give orders to your AI ships would be nice. Simple things like Follow Me, Attack My Target, Defend My Target, and Hold Here. The ability to add ships to groups so you can give blanket orders to certain ships.

    The ability to limit the firing arc of a turret. It is rather annoying having your turrets destroy what they are attempting to protect.

    Savable waypoints. I can't count the number of times I have lost the location of my base or other things of value.

    Some way of knowing if you are actually heading where you think you are. I find it rather odd that I can be boosting directly for a planet, IE visually rather than using Nav Points, and All of a sudden, I am not only pointed in some odd direction, I am further away than before.


    Allowing Certain Factions the ability to dock at your bases would be nice. I now have a large war because the ships that came for peace talks were damaged by another faction.