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    1. Saber

      Saber's Thread

      Well I suppose it's about time I got around to making a thread. So for anyone who may not know me I'm Saber, the 3D Art Director for StarMade. Up until recently the only work of mine that's been visible in-game has been some of our new gear models (shown below). Now though with the...
    2. Saber

      Community Screenshots for Steam Store Page

      Hey there Citizens, We've been keeping an eye on all the great content you've been creating over the past year, and we've decided that we want to show it off to the world! In order to do that we're going to be updating our Steam Store Page with screenshots that you the players have taken! This...
    3. Saber

      Sitting/Entering Core Tip

      Hey everybody, So I imagine some of you are already aware of this, but for those who aren't I wanted to make it known. Let's say you have a fighter, in the cockpit you have a wedge for a seat, and above and behind that is your core. If you sit on the wedge (using O) and look back at the core...
    4. Saber

      Twitch TV in-game

      So I have no idea if/how this could be done, but I remember a long time ago seeing a mod for Minecraft which allowed people to project twitch streams onto screens in-game. My main idea is that this could be used in minecraft on a scale of either one display module, for a personal TV in a ship...
    5. Saber

      Automated Ship Fabrication

      So I just had an idea which expands on a few other ideas I’ve seen around. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this exact idea as I currently don’t have time to dig through the forums, but as far as I’m aware it’s an original concept. So a lot of people have mentioned before that they would...
    6. Saber

      So many ideas, not enough time.

      So I've been having a ton of ideas for projects in StarMade lately, usually during the week days when I'm bored out of my skull and a number of the ideas lately though have been StarMade skins. Now I handle myself quite well when it comes to graphic arts and I'd love to make these skins I keep...
    7. Saber

      StarMade - That's Sandbox.

      So I wanted to share something with you all that I've known for some time, but was really driven home last night. I was playing around with a few people on MushroomFleet when a friend of mine, the venerable @Kycomputer flew up in a giant pokeball which he had built (no Smedit). So I hopped in my...
    8. Saber

      New (Windows) Launcher Fails to Launch

      So after Crusade excitedly told me the new update was out, I went to update my StarMade. Seeing I needed the new launcher, I deleted my old launcher, then downloaded the Windows version from StarMade. Upon trying to start the program it immediately gave me this error: The launcher was in the...
    9. Saber

      StarMade Video Series

      Hey everybody, I just wanted to make a quick post to see what everyone's favorite StarMade videos were. Is it a series of videos? Is it a single video you'd like to be a series? Or maybe there's something you haven't seen out there that you would love to watch. Discuss. =)
    10. Saber

      The best StarMade has to offer

      What's up everybody, Saber here, and I wanted to reach out to all of you, the entire StarMade community because I have something big planned but I need your help. I know about a lot of the really cool things that have come out of StarMade, skidracing (pretty cool if I do say so myself ;) ), the...
    11. Saber

      Uplink issues, can't submit bug report

      I'm currently unable to log in to my main account (Saber) on the MushroomFleet Server because of authentication issues. I can log on with my alternate (Darth_Saber) but not my main itself. The other day I crashed out due to connection issues and now any time I try to relog with my main I get an...