Trading Guild Outpost

    Trading Guild Outpost Bug Fix Two

    My first entry into the station contest! A small Trading Guild outpost; features a biodome, habitation ring, logical gravity elevator, hangar bay, shielding, shop, respawn point, and much more!

    Hope you guys enjoy!

    Station Feature by Mushroom Fleet:

    Station Review By Saber:

    Loading Instructions (Admin Commands Required):

    1. Import .sment file in the ship manager.
    2. /load TG_Outpost_RC3 "Mystationname"
    3. Enjoy!

    Any trouble and I will try my best to help!

    Special Thanks to Phant0m for helping me rebuild what I lost during the cache error!
    First release
    Last update
    4.91 star(s) 22 ratings

    More resources from Dalmont

    Latest updates

    1. Bug Fix Two

      Bug Fix Two
    2. Bug Fixes

      Bug Fixes.
    3. Update for new saving mechanics and blocks.

      General Cleanup Removed Build Block Added "Built By".

    Latest reviews

    I expected this build to be amazing and from the photos it really looks it. But when a loaded it into my universe it spawned only some of it in??? Can anyone tell me why this is happening?!?
    love the design
    Awesome station.
    Couldn't find the faction module though, where is it?
    This is an awesome station, Dalmont... I love the detailing.


    This does not look like a Trading Guild station. To me, it looks more like an alien military training facility, especially considering the nature of the interior and the lighting, as well as the unusual gravity elevator/slingshot.
    this is pretty awesome. Love the overall design of it, it fits well with the station that already exists in the game, but it is so much more then that.
    damn i love it <3. Hope this one will win :) good luck.
    No one can even compete with this. Dalmont, you are too good at life.

    See you in the default station generation!
    you're very creative man, i love it!!! :D
    Yet another work of art Dalmont.