Tetsudo heavy carrier frigate

    Tetsudo heavy carrier frigate 1.0

    The Tetsudo is a hybrid between a heavy frigate and carrier, intended for multi-role use, particularly dealing with larger pirate fleets or assaulting stations. It features a roleplay friendly, if a little spartan, interior accommodating 22 crew members (more if bed sharing), complete with recreation facilities and multiple work stations.

    -100% Ion system
    -1,403,113 shield capacity (65,676 recharge)
    -100% punch and pierce passive with a thick outer hull
    -Several advanced AMS turrets

    Offensive armaments:
    -Twin rapid fire punch through cannons
    -Quad linked sniper cannon firing explosive rounds
    -2 sets of punch-missiles
    -2 heavy rapid fire cannon turrets
    -2 light auto-cannon turrets
    -5 twin linked missile turrets
    -3 light rail gun (cannon/beam) turrets
    -20 light attack drones.

    Support systems:
    -Scanning functionality
    -2 transport rooms
    -Adequate cargo storage
    -4 small jump drives (Hopefully future crew updates will allow you to station people to charge them)

    Misc details:

    L: 144
    H: 37
    W: 163

    Power: 7,974,803.6(2,044,966.1 per sec)

    Thrust to mass: 0.7
    Max speed: 93.6
    Turning: 0.1,0.1,0.3

    Structure HP: 9,591,850
    Armor HP: 8,203,625
    Damage Penalty: 1.4

    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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