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    Star Trek: Saladin TOS 20150917A

    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

    More resources from GaeasSon

    Latest updates

    1. Minor Update

      Jump drive and clock control fixes
    2. Updated for .194

    Latest reviews

    I love this ship for ages now i've been using your old one the NCC-500 saladin and i love this one too you make the greatest star trek ships you have been making and refitting 23rd century ships lately is there any other that we can expect like a ptolemy class or another really cool ships whatever you make next i'm sure it will be awesome this is a great little ship
    Next up, Ptolemy, Federation and a couple variants.
    It just about perfect but there's still a little more that needs to be done. The button that turns on the bussard collector doesn't work.

    Another weird glitch is that the jumpdrive appears in a different line in the hotbar, so don't be surprise if others come in saying that they can't find it.
    Excellent building quality, glad to see you're migrating all your ships.
    Looks like what a TOS ship should look like, good work.