Sphere 201

    Sphere 201 v0.198.219

    This Station is current to the version of the latest revision (images are are current as of v0.19549)
    If you use the station beyond a quick look, please give it a vote.

    Designed as a primary base, this facility has it all with an interior almost complete (still plenty of smoothing to do but that only a minor cosmetic).

    Blocks: over 600,000 blocks
    Dimension: just over 400 meters on a side
    Power: 96 million stored (2.4 million e/sec) + 4 power transfer drones
    Shields: 10 million (48K s/sec)
    Hull / Armour: 22m / 26m
    Defenses: 16 turrets with Quad AMC & 8 turrets Quad Missiles (long range and heat seeking), updated to rails.

    ** Enable the logic on the upper 4 power drones to increase weapons recharge rate, those missile turrets suck power at insane levels **

    The station has 4 rail docks located on the outside of the station fitted with UDP docks (two 3x3 and two 5x5). Included are 1 of each type of dock in 'mini' form so you can make a template for your ships. Internally there are 2 primary docks (Courier & Scout included) and the upper and lower bays each have 4 for smaller vessels (lower for cargo, upper for power drone currently).

    ** Factories are enable/disabled by logic in the factory area, turn off what you are not using as they consume a great deal of power **

    Exploring this base will take sometime. You'll find crew quarters, cryogenic bays, containment areas, weapon & docking consoles, customs, habitation and a host of features. Many logic circuits are already active (check out the cryogenic auto-light feature by just walking into the chamber) and the command center has working controls for hanger doors & docking pattern lights.

    There is a shop (center) and fully functional/stocked factory. Feel free to empty the shop and storage if you want a purist starter version.


    Various cargo areas (Note the auxiliary docked power supply drones):

    Cryogenics & Containment areas:

    Moving the Station (center on sector):
    1. To position your station dead center in a sector can be difficult with a /load command. To fix this enter your station in build mode and use the command /teleport_self_to as it will position you precisely (use x.5 y.5 & z.5 to get dead center in a sector).
    I enjoy making complicated ships & stations but a large sphere is quite difficult in Starmade at this time. This was my 1st upload and I've added a few more. I normally map these out and build them with fully symmetry using a template from http://oranj.io/blog/VoxelSphereGenerator

    Hope you enjoy it.

    If you want a ship version (201m diameter hull) you can try my Sphere-201 (Ship). Just a hardened shell with nothing else but at least you COULD move it.
    First release
    Last update
    4.90 star(s) 20 ratings

    More resources from Achriel

    Latest updates

    1. Big changes

      Spit and polish as per usual but it's been so long enough since my last update I've forgotten...
    2. Lifts, Customs, UDP Docking, Hotel & more

      A large number of changes but the most important being some decks are now finished and teleports...
    3. Umiversal Docking Ports, lifts and cosmetics

      Plenty a changes and more polish: UDP Type 1 ports (3x3 docking) - credit to Bench UDP Type 1...

    Latest reviews

    Looks amazing, any chance that there will be a Power 2.0 update for this? Also, was this in any way inspired by the alien depot from the book Saturn Run?
    Perhaps.. be a major gut and reconstruct.
    Love it. havn't even opened it yet, and i already love the design, it is awesome
    asome base
    Glad you like and thanks for the rating. Currently more changes coming with a logic elevator planned. Only remaining problem is the names on Transports not 'sticking'.
    I have seen this station on a server before it was even released and i had shown it to a friend of mine
    Probably LazyGamerz.org as I often do my server side testing there (know the admins) to avoid lag-system issue I wouldn't get on my home computer. Glad you like it.
    Hey m8, the best Station i ever had, but i dont know where I can find the faction Module
    If you look at the Overview, 3rd picture you can see the Faction Module in the vertical column in the center of the command area. You need to remove a glass block to get to it. Thanks for the rating and glad you enjoy the station. One day the 'rails' version will be ready :)
    Great work!
    Excellent work!
    Where are the factories? I only seem to find the ones which are above the build block (and they have 18 enhancers each) tough there are some with 1,8k of enhancers connected...
    Above the control room (take ramps). The bit with all the storage, they are located on and around that storage area. Some are in 4 columns on both sides (basic), there some located in the 'pillars' going up (refiners) and the standard and advanced are in the central block and at one end column. Find the storage and you'll find the factories :)
    Added to a "busy" sector. Looks really great as it stands out compared to other stations. Might try turning it into a battle station.
    The next version is well underway, smoothing and power systems upgraded to support continuous fire. Thanks for the review.
    excellent personal station. could use more display modules with information.
    More coming as I complete the interior, right now the factory system is being 'routed' via the plex storage so it'll need more (displays).