
    SCS-Crusader-AssaultFrigate 1.0

    Game version
    This ship is the first full ship I built with the new power system. It is inspired by the Homeworld 2 Frigate. the two top turrets and inspired by Gmodisims AMS turrets as the base is small but the arms that support the turret are widened. Some features from the Homeworld 2 frigate hasn't been ported over of course. For example the bow of the ship isn't as similar to the ship I got the inspiration from. (image below)

    As you can see I modeled the sides of the ship at a slant with the back being as close as I could to the concept. However I did deviate in the back to give it my own touch.
    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (8).png

    The ships weapons are simple yet powerful. The ship is equipped with a rail gun (Cannon Beam Punch) and a secondary Laser (Beam Beam). It has two utility systems, a tractor beam (Beam Beam Pull) and a stop beam (Beam Beam Stop). The turrets are all cannon turrets that can lay down a solid rate of fire of around 3 shots a second. I experimented with two turrets that can be found on the side of the ships hull. I put the core inside the ship and rotated it 45 degrees. Then added repulsors to it to make it look like it is floating on the hull. The ship also includes two docking pylons underneath the hull to carry support craft into battle.
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    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (4).png

    Extra Pictures:
    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (1).png
    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (2).png
    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (5).png
    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (6).png
    starmade-screenshot-0339-frigate (7).png
    First release
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