Inexpensive and Quick Transport

    Inexpensive and Quick Transport 2015-07-06

    We at Crazy Shadar’s Shipyard would like to know: Do you have a problem getting your cargo to your client? Maybe there’s a faction full of jerks between you and your customer, or you’re surrounded by a bunch of asshole pirates. Whatever the case may be, we have the solution for you, our new transport.

    With three engine nacelles, this little gem has plenty of power. She gets up to speed quickly and has power to spare. There’s also an overdrive system to kick her into high gear for an even faster delivery. Finally, we’ve installed a radar jammer, perfect for sneaking past pirates or nosy customs officials.

    No armor or armaments, just a speedy transport that’s an inexpensive build.



    Mass: 85.2
    LWH: 23m/19m/12m
    Power: 70,090 (9,137 e/sec)
    Thrust: 458
    Shields: 3,194 (88 s/sec)

    So, come on down to Crazy Shadar’s Shipyard and take her for a spin. You’ll be glad you did.
    First release
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