GI_Turret_AMS Evolvo Extended

    GI_Turret_AMS Evolvo Extended MK1

    Game version
    New Weapons & Power
    The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you:
    GI Turret AMS Evolvo Extended
    The Evolvo is a new Anti missile turret design by the Gmodism Industries. It features full movement and covers a 180 degrees hemisphere. The size and profile is very small, while still being very decorative. It can be installed 2 blocks into the hull or armour as displayed bellow, this medium system is extended with 2X the damage from the LDM version and suffices for engaging medium missiles, it engages the closes missile as default.
    Socket Diameter: 3 (can be inserted in hull two blocks in)

    Special Remarks:
    - 180+ degree hemisphere coverage
    - Small profile.

    Turret Overview:

    javaw 2018-08-20 18-40-11-990.jpg
    javaw 2018-08-20 18-40-30-224.jpg
    javaw 2018-08-20 18-39-41-519.jpg

    If the Weapon details confuse you, check out the system we use, first post on the GI forum page.
    Gmodism Industries Shipyard.

    Brought to you by Gmodism Industries.
    Gmodism Industries - Quality and Innovation.
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    Reactions: Muffin_man17
    First release
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