Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor

    Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor V1.4

    I flew around this thing for 10 minutes and gave up because I could not find the entrance. Lame.
    underside of the ship, big orange button, there is also a picture of it in the ship description. if you pressed it and it doesnt work it might be a problem with the wireless blocks though i doubt that is the case.
    Hello is me again great ship 10 out of 10 also i tried to update tht star destroyer however it was hard cause it was not even
    PM me with some images of how it is coming along!
    Very nice detail to this ship
    nice ship
    Awesome replica, by far one of my most favourite ships in SWTOR even though I wasn't a big fan of the "glowy sticks" the Dar Jetti wielded.
    Can't wait to cruise around the galaxy on this bad boy (Oh the RP possibilities)
    Excellent-looking ship! Definitely fulfilled my requirement for one of those interceptors in starmade. Also, to whoever was talking about not being able to leave planets due to weak engines, couldn't you whip the ship with the planets gravity (orbit REALLY fast) and eventually escape?
    there is still room for stop modules and a computer, i might add some later in an update so that the planet issue is buried for good, glad you like the ship
    this tough little ship has gotten me across the galaxies its survived many pirates and me nice work
    thanks man good to hear
    See you're continuing updates on this beautiful ship :) As for planet landing, I tested out a stop effect computer on it and placed modules where there was space around the landing gear and other places. I was able to land pretty well without dropping like a rock. I was able to take off by hovering and flying off the plate in a straight line into open space. So it is possible with minimal modification.
    Great looking ship with great systems. Though it's a shame that she can't land on planets (the engines are too weak currently) :P
    i havent tested that, there was an issue with leaving the core so i had to remove a lot of thrusters, will post an updated version in a bit. thanks for the feedback
    I have to say, you've really outdone yourself here. I'm a major fan of SWTOR and a Sith Warrior. Got every square meter of the ship memorized and this is by far the most accurate replica I've seen. The landing gear just awesome. I sat there turning it on and off for about 30 seconds, lol. The S-Foils work which is a major plus. They look a bit "jagged" from behind, but when seen at any other angle, they look fine. You nailed the interior man! Walking up the ramp into the main area brought back a flood of good memories. You utilized everyblock available to try and recreate shapes and objects. You even have two working escape pods! I know Stike7g5 has rebuilt a Fury from scratch about 5 or 6 times now. He's working on one as well. He's gonna have to put every ounce of creativity and skill into it! Now I need to get back into SM and sith around some more. Some pirates need a taste of the dark side of the force.
    Thanks man, glad you liked it i tried to stay as true as possible to the original ship. The escape pods were a pain to get working :P